Welcome to the
Nevada County Genealogical Society




  NCGS Membership Form       

  Free Genealogy Tools  



Meetings:  2nd Tuesday of the month


The Nevada County Genealogical Society General Meeting is 1:00 to 2:30 PM the second Tuesday of every month, in the Community Room of the Nevada County Madelyn Helling Library in Nevada City, California (off Maidu Avenue and Highway 49). Visit Calendar of Events for meeting details.

Membership includes a monthly newsletter called "Kith & Kin."  Dues are based on a one-year period beginning January 1 and ending December 31.  Annual renewals are due by the end of January. Annual dues are just $20.00. Send your payment in now by clicking here.

The Nevada County Genealogical Society (NCGS) was formally organized in December 1989 by a small group of people in Nevada County, California, who shared an interest in genealogy and a desire to teach, encourage, and help each other. More can be found in the NCGS Bylaws.

The purpose of the Nevada County Genealogical Society is to:

  • pursue the research of one's personal family lineage and to assist others in their pursuit of same,
  • help benefit the community with projects related to preserving our past,
  • preserve records and documents related to genealogy for future generations, and
  • educate the public in the science of genealogy.
Come check us out by visiting one of our monthly meetings or educational classes.  

Mailing Address


Nevada County Genealogical Society
PO Box 176
Cedar Ridge, CA 95924


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