September 27, 1899

Wednesday, September 27, 1899

The Wedding.

The marriage ceremony was performed on Saturday last at 8.30 o’clock between Harvey Reginald Fuller, son of L. Fuller, Esq., of Welsford, and Miss Lalia Beckwith Reid, daughter of Mr. W. D. Reid, of the same place.

The ceremony took place at the residence of the bride’s parents, in the presence of a few relatives and friends of the family. The parlor had been neatly decorated for the occasion, the bridal party taking its place under a floral arch.

The bride, who was tastefully attired in a travelling suit of blue cadet cloth, entered the room while the wedding march was played by her sister, Miss May Reid. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. D. H. Simpson, assisted by the Rev. J. W. Prestwood. At its close, the newly married couple, after receiving congratulations and best wishes of friends, partook of a wedding breakfast with the family and guests, a number of whom drove with them to Berwick station, where Mr. and Mrs. Fuller took the morning express for Yarmouth, en route to their future home in Charlestown, Mass.
