Ten Year Anniversary, 1901



- at -

Berwick, N.S.


Editor and Publisher.

Subscription Price $1.00 a year in advance.

Thursday June 13th, 1901. (page 2)

An Anniversary.

Ten years ago today, on June 13th, 1891, appeared the first issue of THE REGISTER.

During those ten years, notwithstanding serious vicissitudes, the paper has appeared regularly every week and has steadily advanced in public favor, and, we believe, in usefulness. Its circulation has been constantly extending and the influence for good which it has endeavored to exercise has been more and more appreciated by those whose appreciation is of value.

For the time to come THE REGISTER will endeavor to maintain the reputation which it has acquired during the ten years of its existence. In the future as in the past its advertising columns will be clean, its news items trustworthy, its literary matter elevating and its editorial opinions honest. While it will ever avoid the sensational, its readers may rest assured that no event of importance will take place, either at home or abroad, of which they will not be informed.

For the co-operation and assistance of contributors, the patronage of advertisers, the sympathy and substantial support of readers and subscribers, by which we have been enabled to make the experiment of ten years ago the success that it has been, we tender our heartfelt thanks and, in the language of commerce, would ask a continuance of the same.

Berwick Register June 13th, 1901

Ten Years Ago

(From the Register for June 13th 1891.)

The first issue of the REGISTER appeared on Saturday, June 13th, 1891.

Rev. E.E. Daley was ordained pastor of the Berwick Baptist Church on Monday, June 8th.

Mr. Saml Creighton has moved into his residence on Foster St., recently purchase from Mr. McNeil.

Miss Stirling’s Steam Saw Mill and factory at Hillfoot, Aylesford, destroyed by fire on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Eaton, of Black Rock, both seriously ill. Dr. Marsters is in attendance.

Mr. W.H. Dunham, of Grafton and Mr. Austin Balsor, of Canady Creek, have exchanged farms.

Work is progressing rapidly on the foundation of a building near residence of Dr. F. Middlemas.

John A. Newcombe, of Grafton, lost a valuable horse on Saturday.

Mr. Shannon Morse has purchased a farm at Falmouth and removed to that place.

Farmers are discouraged over the continued dry weather.

Rev. L.D. Morse was ordained in Nictaux Baptist Church on Tuesday evening, 9th, as a missionary to India.

Mr. H.S. Shaw, now stationed at Musquasb, N.B., made a flying visit to Berwick last week.

Rev. Arthur C. Borden, of Lockeport, was in Berwick last week.

Hon. Saml Creelman, of Colchester, died last week.

Sir John A. Macdonald died at Ottawa on Saturday, June 6th. He was buried on Thursday, 11th.

Superior Nickel has been discovered in Ontario.

New South Wales government resolutions in favor of Confederation carried by vote of the speaker.

An eight hour bill rejected in Massachusetts legislature.

Newfoundland agrees to a Modus Vivendi with France for two years.

Sir Evelyn Baring, British agent in Egypt, reports that circumstances with not permit Britain’s abandonment of that country for some time.


At Windsor, May 20th, by Rev. S.W. Jones, Mr. Justus Warner of Melvern Square and Miss Annie Cochran.

At Kingston Village by Rev. E.H. Howe, May 28th, Norval H. Parsons, of Kingston and Miss Mary C. Keith, of Moncton, N.B.

At Canard, June 10th, by Rev. S.B. Kempton, and Rev. W.C. Vincent, Rev. E.E. Daley, and Miss E. Blanche Thomas.

Verdict was given for the defendant in the suit brought by Mrs. Woodbury against Mrs. Eddy, founder of Christian Science.

The United States Cabinet has decided that President McKinley has full power to govern the Philippines, and that no extra session of Congress is needed to deal with the situation arising out of the recent Supreme Court decisions.

In a desperate attempt to escape from custody in Toronto three men – Fred Lee Rice, Frank Rutledge and Frank Jones – who have come to be known as the Chicago bank burglars, shot and killed County Constable Boyd. They were recaptured.
