September 29th 1897

September 29th 1897



At Parsboro, on the 14th inst (could be the 11th...PV), to Mr. and Mrs. H.W. McKenna, a daughter.

Mr. Wm Sutton, an aged resident of Church St., passed away at his home at that place on the 13th inst., leaving a family of two sons and four daughters. Mr. Sutton was an Englishman by birth, and had served in the British Army, but for thirty years had resided at Church St., where he was extensively engaged in fruit culture.

Mr. Edwin J. Miller, of the well known firm Miller Bros., Halifax, died in that city on Tuesday evening of last week. He was a native of Middleton and was 53 years of age. He was a man of keen business ability and had amassed property estimated to be worth $75,000.

Scott's Bay:

The Kings and Annapolis District Lodge held their quarterly meeting Sept. 7th, with White Rose Lodge, both Lodges being well represented. The entertainment at the public meeting in the evening consisted of Music, Speeches, Recitations and Readings, which were greatly enjoyed by a full house.

The school in South Scott's Bay is giving great satisfaction under the management of Miss Katie Lloyd.

Mr. Aaron Slocomb, of Massachusetts, is the guest of Mr. H.H. Tupper.

The young people of Scott's bay spent a very pleasant evening on Tuesday, 21st, at the home of Miss Mary Bennett.

Mrs. J.R. Shaw and Mrs. Alexander Steele are visiting friends at Port Lorne, Annapolis County.

Mrs. Wright returned to her home in Portland, Maine, on Monday, 20th.

Miss Lucetta Huntley is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. A.J. McKenna, Wolfville.

The Sunday School picnic was held at the Ells Grove on Wednesday the 22nd and was largely attended.

A valuable horse belonging to Mr. David Jess was badly injured by coming in contact with a wire fence.

Miss Cassie Comstock returned to Boston on Wednesday, 22nd.

Sheffield Mills:

Our barrel factories appear to find a ready sale for their barrels, although it is reported there will not be much fruit.

Miss Allie Beckwith was the guest of Mrs. Stewart Alcorn, of Berwick, recently.

Mrs. Stephen Burgess and Mrs. John Burgess are visiting in Toronto.

Mr. Fred Vaughn has been making external repairs on his barn.

Several of our young men have gone to Halifax to resume their studies at Dalhousie College.


Mrs. Joseph Lowden is very ill with nervous prostration.

Roy Lowden is clerking for T.L. Dodge & Co., in Kentville.

Mrs. Harry Newcombe and daughter have returned from their visit to St John.

Mr. Fred Woodworth is visiting at J.W. Woodworth's.

Mr. W.E. Beckwith took to the Halifax exhibition one of the finest yearling colts there is in the province. Mr. J.E. Kinsman also took several head of cattle and sheep.


Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gertridge, of Boston Mass., who were visiting his mother, Mrs. Peter Gertridge, have returned home.

Mr. Higgins, returned missionary from India, gave a lecture on Sunday evening, 12th, on the habits of life in that country, with magic lantern illustrations. A large number were present and each one felt that the evening had been well spent. A collection was taken in aid of the missions.

Miss Cole, of Boston, Mass., is visiting her friend, Mrs. Nathan Coldwell.

The farmers here report very small crops of apples and potatoes. As these products seem so scarce everywhere we think they should bring a better price then they did last year.

Mr. and Mrs. John Selfridge spent a few days last week visiting friends in Aylesford.

Quite a number from here expect to attend the exhibition at Halifax.


Mrs. Andrews went to Halifax on Tuesday.

Howard Alcorn returned to Sackville on Monday.

Miss Gullivan, of Middleton, is visiting Mrs. H. E. Jefferson.

Miss Lottie Parker returned yesterday from a trip to Boston.

Mr. H. H. Kinsman, of Welsford, arrived home from Boston on Monday.

Tom Anthony left on Wednesday for Sackville where he will enter college.

Mrs. George Nichols has our thanks for a handsome bouquet of autumn flowers.

H. H. McNeill and John P. Anthony have resumed their studies at Mt. Allison.

Rev. W. C. Vincent, of Sackville, N. B., has accepted a call to the Logan street Baptist Church, Winnipeg.

Miss Susie Reed left on Monday for Halifax, where she expects to remain for some time. Her brother Clinton also left on Monday for Wolfville, to enter Acadia College.

Mr. N. V. Beckwith, of South Acton, Mass., a former resident of Woodlawn, who has been in the hospital for some weeks past, is improving rapidly, and will soon be able to attend to his work.

Dr. H. S. Jacques and wife were in Berwick on Sunday, the guests of Dr. F. Middlemas. The Dr. has been on duty at Aldershot during the past four weeks, and is now on his return to his home in Halifax.

Lakeville and Vicinity:

If my memory rightly serves me, you have not heard from your Lakeville correspondent since March 30th last. For almost two years previous to that date; scarcely a week passed by that your correspondent did not endeavor to give your readers an account of the most important news of this community. Since that date, many an event worthy of publication has passed unrecorded, and many changes have taken place.

The Harvest Social held at the home of Mr. Simeon Browne on Tuesday evening, 14th inst, was a grand success, more than realizing the most sanguine expectations of its promoters. A tent was spread in the garden in which was a table laden with a delightful array of useful and fancy articles and all manner of dainty refreshments to tickle the palates of the most fastidious. Owing to a shower of rain the tables were afterwards removed to the house, where a hungry crowd did ample justice to the good things provided. After supper a musical programme was carried out, to the delight of all who were so fortunate as to be present. It was with a great deal of pleasure that we listened for the first time to the singing of Miss Lizzie Burgess. Her vocal and instrumental music were rendered in fine style. Her brilliant piano solos deserve special mention. The absence of the popular speaker, Perry E. Sweet, was deeply regretted, as his stump speech would no doubt have been one of the most attractive features of the evening. We trust that we shall be favored with more such social and instructive entertainment in the near future.

The entertainment given in Dunham's Hall, Friday evening, Sept. 24th, by Miss Ethel Marchant and her pupils was in spite of the disagreeable weather a decided success. Miss Marchant clearly demonstrated her ability as a teacher. At the appointed hour, 7:30, the commodious hall was fairly well filled with a very appreciative audience. The entertainment consisted of many new and attractive features. We heartily congratulate Miss Marchant and her pupils on the success they have won and trust we shall hear them again at no distant date.

The members of the Grafton Baptist Sabbath School held their annual picnic on the beautiful grounds of Mr. Owen Parker on Saturday, the 18th. No better place than this could be chosen for an affair of this kind, and no better programme could have been selected, as it was not only interesting but instructive and extremely suitable. The occasion will not soon be forgotten by those who were present. The enjoyment of the day is due in no small measure to the kind efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Parker.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burgess gave a large ball in honor of their guest, Miss Langille, of Boston, Mass., who has been visiting them for a time. The evening was beautifully clear and their large house was comfortably filled with a merry gathering from many parts of the county, about 90 invitations had been issued, between 60 and 70 guests being able to be present. The hostess is an admirable entertainer and at once made all feel perfectly at home. Dancing, which was the order of the evening, was indulged in until the wee sma' hours, the music being furnished by the violin and piano, rendered by the Misses Harrington of Coldbrook. A turkey supper was served at midnight. Mrs. Burgess' parlors were admirably arranged for dancing and all enjoyed themselves to the utmost.

Miss Winnie Card, of Billtown, one of the most popular young ladies of that village entertained the young folks of the village recently in the most approved manner.

The young people of Billtown intend to give a concert in the near future. Special efforts are being put forth by the committee in charge of the affair to have a varied programme that cannot fail to please all those who attend.

We are pleased to announce to the readers of the REGISTER that Mr. Jeremiah Foote, Senr., and family of Chipman Brook are recovering from a severe attack of diphtheria.

We understand that Mrs. Hiram Marshall has sold her valuable property to Mr. Fred Power, of Canard. Mrs. Marshall is a very estimable lady and if she removes from our vicinity will be greatly missed.

This neighborhood has not been without its usual large number of tourists during the past summer. A few still remain with us. Mr. Frank Elliott, of Boston, is with us for a short time. Mr. Elliott is the eldest son of Joseph B. Elliott, formerly of this village but now of Massachusetts.

Lorne S. Whitney, son of G. W. Whitney, of Northville, recently departed for Uncle Sam's domain where he has a good position.

Our genial and well known M., D., H. M. Jacques, who has been practicing his profession during the past three years, has proved himself to be a very skilful physician a young man possessing more than ordinary ability. He enjoys an enviable reputation and is building up an extensive practice.

Mr. Wells Rockwell, of Northville, has erected a very fine barn, which reflects credit on our skilful carpenter, Mr. Fred Morton.

Mr. John Robinson, of Brooklyn St., has also erected a commodious barn this season.

Mr. Perry Sweet recently passed the writer on the street with his celebrated mare, Lady Almore, at a rate of speed that competent judge considered to be equal to 2 30. She is a fine looking filly, combining the size and substance of her dam and the beauty of her sire. All who have seen her will be greatly disappointed if she does not take a race mare of great value.

Canady Creek:

Sam Robinson is enjoying a short visit at his home after quite a long absence in Boston.

Mrs. Harding will return to her home in Boston on Tuesday. Her mother will accompany her.

Miss Alice Harris and Miss Lulu Fraser went to Boston last week.

The Free Baptist Sunday School enjoyed their annual picnic on the grounds of Mr. Ebenezer Bryden, Sept 22nd. All seemed bent on enjoyment and as the day was beautiful there was nothing to mar their pleasure.

Mrs. Henry Dickie is visiting friends in Boston.

Mrs. Clarence Paul spent Saturday and Sunday at Hall's Harbor.

Mrs. George Kinsman and her brother were visiting friends in Black Rock last week.

Mr. Burton Algee and family have returned for a permanent stay among us. We hope there may be more to follow.




A Branch of this Bank has been

Opened at


Notes and Bills Discounted.

Deposits received and Interest allowed.

Collections promptly attended to

Sterling and American Exchange bought and sold.

Savings Bank Department. Deposits received from $1.00 upward.

Interest allowed at the rate of 3 ½ % per annum.


Rev A.P. Shatford of Bridgewater, was quite seriously injured one evening last week, while wheeling to Chester, his bicycle colliding with an aged pedestrian, Mr. David Isnor. Both men were hurt, Mr. Shatford's injuries being of so serious a nature that he will be confined to the house for some time to come.

Bridgetown Elections:

The first elections took place on Monday, and resulted as follows; H. Ruggles, for mayor; for councilors, Mark Curry, W.A. Craig, E.M. Eaton, B.D. Neily, L.D. Shafner, and W.A. Lockett.
