September 28th 1898

September 28th 1898



At Kentville, Sept. 21st, Robert S. Boyd, of Truro, and Minnie G. Langille, of New Glasgow.

At Jamaica Plain, Mass., Sept. 6th, by Rev Ralph M. Hunt, Rev Frederick M. Young, of Bridgetown, and Susan Ada Walker, of Jamaica Plain, formerly of Antigonish.

At Lawrencetown, Sept. 7, by Rev L.F. Wallace, Henry F. Grant, and Annie L. Bezanson, both of South Williamston.

At Wallbrook, Sept. 21st, by the Rev M.P. Freeman, Fred A. Simson and Mildred, daughter of Mr. Marshall Coldwell, of Wallbrook.

At Kentville, 15th. inst., by the Rev Geo McMillan, Clinton Shaw and Jennie Rafuse, both of Kentville.

At Holy Trinity Church, Yarmouth, on Thursday morning, Sept. 22nd, by Rev R.D. Bambrick, Mr. Chas. B. McIntyre, of Aylesford, and Miss Maria J. Daughter of Mr. John Delamere, of Yarmouth.

At St. Andrew's church, Hantsport, Sept. 21st, by the Rev Canon Maynard, D.D., assisted by the Rev John Reeks, Rev George Howcroft, Rector of Port Mulgrave, and Alma, eldest daughter of Capt. Wm. McCulloch, of Hantsport.


At Church St., Cornwallis, 12th inst., after a short illness, Samuel w., son of Wm and Drusilla Comstock, aged 30 years.

At Grand Pre, 20th inst., George, son of George and Mary Harvey, aged 4 years.

At East Hall's Harbor, 15th inst., Wm. Corkum, aged 82 years.

At South Berwick on Sabbath, Sept. 25th, Mrs. Margaret Cleveland, aged 78 years.

A NOVA SCOTIAN KILLED - Captain Wm. E. Cook, son of Mr. T.V. Cook, ex general storekeeper of the I.C.R. has been killed in battle in East Africa. He was about thirty years of age. Captain Cook had joined the British expedition which left Zanzibar, for the interior of Africa recently and was shot dead by a native. No particulars are given. He was a native of Pictou.

MRS. CLEVELAND, an aged resident of South Berwick, died at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. H.S. Lyons, on Sabbath afternoon. She was buried on Tuesday. Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Howard Douglas and Mrs. Jas. Northup are daughters of the deceased.

A Yarmouth Wedding:

Holy Trinity church, Yarmouth, was the scene of another very pretty wedding at 7 30 o'clock on Thursday morning when Mr. Charles B. McIntyre of Aylesford, was united in marriage to Miss Maria J., daughter of Mr. John Delamere. The ceremony was performed by the rector, Rev. R. D. Bambrick. A beautiful arch, trimmed with golden rod and other flowers, spanned the chancel, and two floral columns of dahlias and asters were placed at each side of the alter railing. The bride wore a handsome travelling dress of light fawn, with hat to match. She was attended by her sisters, Misses Annie and Susan, the former dressed in old blue and the latter in green biarritz cloth. They each carried handsome bouquets of flowers. Mr. John McIntyre, the groom's brother, officiated as best man. Messrs. George H. Cain and R. S. McKay acted as ushers. Mr. Allison, the organist of the church, played the wedding march, and the choir rendered the hymn, "The Voice that Breathed o'er Eden." After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre entertained their guests at the residence of Mr. Delamere, Argyle Street, which was also prettily decorated for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre took the Bluenose train for Aylesford, where Mr. McIntyre is engaged in business. - Telegram.

Married In Boston:

A very pretty wedding took place at the Fourth Presbyterian Church, So. Boston. On Wednesday evening Sept. 21st, the contracting parties being Mr. John J. McIntosh, eldest son of F. McIntosh, of Waterville, and Miss Elvie M. Adams, eldest daughter of Robt J. Adams, 776 E. Fifty St, So. Boston, formerly of Elmsdale, Hants Co. Miss Alma, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and John W. McIntosh, cousin of the groom, as best man.

At sharp seven o'clock, the hour appointed, amidst the strains of the Wedding March, the bridal party proceeded up the outer aisles of the church and met at the altar, where the bride was given away by her father.

The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Chas. J. Cameron, M. A. pastor of the church. The church was tastefully decorated with palms and house plants.

Immediately after the ceremony, the bridal party was driven to the home of the bride where they received the congratulations of their relatives and friends.

After all had partaken of the bounties of a well spread table and enjoyed a very pleasant evening the party dispersed, wishing the young couple much future happiness.

The bride was attired in a white brocaded silk trimmed with white liberty silk, and carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums and roses.

The bridesmaid was dressed in figured organdie, over pink silk, with lace and insertion.

The bride was the recipient of many handsome and useful presents.


Rev. Mr. Merry, of Union Square, Somerville, Mass, occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church on Sunday morning last.

Rev. J. W. Prestwood, of Bermuda, who has been visiting his father, Rev. P. Prestwood, left for New York on Monday.

Miss Smith, returned missionary from Chilliwack, B. C., was in Berwick a few days, the guest of Miss Prestwood.

Rev. E. E. England preached in the Methodist Church on Sabbath evening last.

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jefferson returned on Friday from their trip to Ontario.

Mr. H. H. McNeil, who is stationed at Sheet harbor, Halifax Co., is visiting at his home in Berwick.

Trumpeter C. H. Small, of the 6th Regiment, U. S. Volunteers, who was wounded in the leg at Santiago, is off on a month's furlough, during which he will visit his home at Kingston.

Fred Edwards, ex baggage master of the suburban train, and eldest son of "Joe' Edwards, has resigned his position and gone in the barque Trinidad to South America where he has been promised a position on a railway running from Montevideo.

Mr. Fred Folker, who has been at home for a few days, left on Monday to join the steamer Cheronea, now loading at St. John for Manchester.

Mr. Wm. Lee left yesterday on a trip to Boston.

Mr. L. D. Robinson will be absent next week on a visit to his brother in Massachusetts.

Ahead - Nova Scotia captured the majority of the prizes for beef, dairy and grade cattle at the St. John Exhibition, securing 42 first, 32 second and 21 third prizes.

A Swindle: - A large man of prepossessing appearance and courtly address has been touring this province introducing a new brand of paint in cans. He offered extraordinary inducements to the dealers with whom he did business and succeeded in placing his wares in almost every village. He delivered the paint when ordered and an offer of 20 per cent off for cash would generally secure pay down. One firm which had taken a large quantity became suspicious, made inquiry, found that the firm alleged to manufacture the paint had no tangible existence, and that the article itself was copal varnish. The dealer was arrested on a charge of fraud, which he compounded by re-couping the firm the amount he had taken from them with a further sum for expenses and was allowed to go in peace.

Fire: - The house, barn and work shop of Mr. Ernest O. Wood, of Woodville, were destroyed by fire on Wednesday of last week. The fire started in the barn it is supposed by a spark from the chimney of the house, and owing to the high wind prevailing all attempts to save the other buildings were in vain. There was a small insurance for the protection of a mortgage.

SHIP YOUR APPLES to Nothard & Lowe. T.H. Morse, Berwick, is agent.

ACCIDENT: - A little son of Mr. Schnair, of Black Rock, was kicked on the head by a horse on Monday last and very seriously injured.



For the Rest of the Season,



If you desire the
very best results at
the least expense
you will use…





of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, etc.

at the Store of A.F. Chipman, Berwick.


To be sold at a GREAT REDUCTION.

Everything must go, some at cost, others, less than cost.
Come Early and secure a Bargain.

Good, Fresh Eggs Wanted.


We have all been enjoying the beautiful autumn weather, but the recent cold, high winds warn us that winter is fast approaching.

Our day school, under the supervision of Mrs. E. Lovley, is well attended and doing good work.

Mr. Douglas Brown, from the United States, has been visiting his sister, Mrs. H.H. Metzler.

Mrs. Andrew Arnold, of Black Rock, has been visiting her friends and relatives here.

A little daughter has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Bennett.

Miss Florence Hazel still continues on the sick list.

We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Frances Lyons is recovering from her recent illness.

Miss Jennie Hazel and Miss Lizzie Metzler visited friends at Hall's Harbor, recently.

Mr. Rueben Blenkhorn has brought home a bride to share his home.

Mr. and Mrs. James Milbury, who have been visiting Mrs. Milbury's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Blenkhorn, have returned home.

Lake Paul:

Cholera is quite prevalent in this neighborhood.

Our minister, Mr. J. Anthony, preached here on Sunday, 18th.

Mr. Charles Beals and sister Bessie, of Factorydale, spent Sunday, 18th, with their sister.

Miss Mary Beals and Misses Cora and May Young were the guests of Mrs. Harris Young at Hard Wood Lake on the 11th inst.

Forest Glen Lodge is progressing and had initiation on Wednesday evening.

Howard West spent Sunday at his home.

Mr. William Brennen was in town recently, with a load of bricks for the new mill.

Mr. Osborne, of Waterville, was the guest of Mr. C. P. Young on Monday of last week.

Miss Cora B. Young left her home for Wolfville on the twentieth inst.

Scott's Bay:

Messrs Warren and Clarence Lovelace, of Boston, Mass., spent a few days with friends at Scott's Bay, recently.

On Monday evening, 19th, quite a number of the young people were very pleasantly entertained at Mr. Alex. Steele's by a programme of violin music, rendered by Mr. Clarence Lovelace.

Miss Bertha Steele and Miss Oressa Thorp returned to Boston, Mass., on Saturday last, after having spent a very pleasant vacation at their homes.

A number of the people of this place spent a very enjoyable day on the 22nd, at Clam Cove - They passed the day very pleasantly, digging clams and amusing themselves in various ways. When the hour for leaving arrived, behold, the horses had left them, and they had to walk to their homes, a distance of two miles.

A child of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Steele is seriously ill.

Miss Ethel Palmeter, of Medford, spent Thursday and Friday with friends at this place.


The subject of temperance and the plebiscite has been clearly placed before the public here, during the last few days. On Saturday evening, 17th inst., Mr. Wolfe met with the Division, an in his clear, logical style, placed the subject before us. On Sunday morning Rev. F. O. Read preached a very able sermon on the subject, taking for his text "He that is not with me is against me." On Thursday evening a public meeting was held in the church and very foreible address were delivered by Rev. Messrs Glendenning, Read, and MacFall, and by Mr. Wolfe.

Business at the Station has been pretty lively lately. Besides the ordinary traffic there has been shipped some thirty tons of cucumbers, and already about thirty-five hundred barrels of apples have gone, besides plums galore. At present the rush is in potatoes although the price is rather small.

Mrs. Dill, who, with her children, has been spending some months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Craig, returned last week to her home in Brighton, Mass. Among others who have left for Boston during the last few days we might mention Miss Laura Mahany, the Misses McColl, Miss Violet Davison and Miss Phelps.

Mrs. T. S. McDonald, of Boston, is visiting her grandfather Capt. George Bullerwell.

Mrs. Benjamin, widow of the late Stephen Benjamin, of Gaspereau, died on Thursday the 22nd, at the home of her nephew, Mr. O. B. Woodman.

Mrs. Sprott, formerly Miss Minnie West, is visiting her parents and friends here.

Misses Unie and Myrtle Caldwell, who are attending the Ladies Seminary, Wolfville, were home on Saturday and Sunday.

Old Mrs. Craig has been quite unwell for some days, but is at present improving.


Morden seems to have quite dropped out of the columns of the REGISTER, as there have not been any items from here for some time.

Morden has had a fair share of health seekers and pleasure seekers throughout the summer. Probably the latter outnumbered the former, and they all seemed to get what they were after.

Avery Minnis was quite badly hurt last week, being struck by a stick of cord wood thrown from the wharf into the hold of the schr. Washington.

The schr. W. K. Smith loaded piling here and sailed for New York last week.

Quite a number of people from Morden attended the review at Aldershot. It looked as though only those who could not attend were absent from the interesting spectacle.

Mrs. Henry Kirkpatrick, of East Boston, is visiting at her husband's father's, Mr. George Kirkpatrick's. She intends returning home shortly.

Fred Kirkpatrick has gone to Boston to remain the fall.

Either through lack of military spirit or from other causes there was not one volunteer from Morden this year at Aldershot.

Mrs. Galley, of Morden Road, was in the village visiting last week.

Mrs. Joshua Ogilvie, and her son, of Victoria, were in Morden and attended church last Sunday morning.

Lindsay Minnis, of Aylesford, accompanied by his aunt, Mrs. (Capt.) Kirkpatrick, visited his mother, Mrs. A. Minnis, on Sunday last.

The school this year is under the management of Mr. Arthur Moody, a young man from Margaretville.

There is some work being done on the wharf at Morden, under the management of Patterson and Brennan.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hussey, of Boston, are visiting Mrs. H's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Redgate.

Will Redgate, who is away threshing, was at home on Sunday.

Lou McCormac and W. McNally are also operating a threshing machine in parts of Aylesford.

Mr. Killam and family were visiting his daughter, Mrs. H. Ritchie, on Sunday.

The Misses VanBuskirk, of Aylesford, spent Sunday in Morden, the guests of Mrs. T. B. Huestis.

Quite a number of valley people were in the village on Sunday besides those mentioned.
