September 21st 1898

September 21st 1898

BMD'S: there are no birth's, deaths or marriages in this issue.

A September Wedding:

A very pretty wedding took place on Wednesday morning, Sept. 14th, at the house of Burton Daniels, Lawrencetown. The principals in the event were Addy G. Nichols, the popular conductor of the D.A.R. and Miss Gertrude Daniels. The bride was attired in a handsome popline gown, wore orange blossoms and carried a bouquet of beautiful white flowers. She was attended by Miss Blanche Charlton. Mr. Roop acted as groomsman. The wedding party marched in to the strains of Mendelssohn's Wedding March and took their places beneath an arch of flowers and autumn leaves. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. F. Wallace, B. A. After-congratulations had been received, a wedding breakfast was served, the happy couple took conveyances for the railway station, where they boarded the express for St. John. They will, on their return, reside in Kentville. The bride was the recipient of many presents, among them being a gold watch and chain, the gift of the groom.

Married at Yarmouth:

This morning, at seven o'clock, the marriage took place, in Holy Trinity Church, Yarmouth, of Jennie Maud, daughter of Conductor N.E. Margeson and Mr. Frank Whiston of Melrose, Mass. They are to reside at Melrose.

Rev. Dr. Ambrose, of Sackville, Halifax Co., on of the ablest and most respected clergymen in the Church of England, took seriously ill at his home, Sept. 13th, from the effects of a sunstroke received while at work in his garden, and passed away the same night. Dr Ambrose was ordained in 1851, and labored in many parts of the diocese. He was a powerful preacher and a graceful writer and was beloved by everyone who knew him. He edited and published for many years, "Church Work," an excellent religious monthly which had a large circulation through-out the province.

Mrs. John Borden, of Windsor, met with a severe accident Tuesday afternoon, which might have resulted fatally. She was driving along Water street, when something caused her horse to shy, and the carriage collided with another carriage. Mrs. Borden was thrown out and struck on her head and rendered unconscious. She was at once carried into Mr. Morse's office and medical aid summoned. After awhile she was sufficiently recovered to be driven to the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Freeman I Davison, where she is recovering from the result of the accident. - (Windsor Tribune).


Mr. E. A. Roscoe returned to Boston on Saturday.

Mr. Peter Middlemas, Miss Maud and Master Earl, left on Monday for Port Medway and other points in Queens Co. They will be absent several weeks.

Miss Essie Chute spent Sunday in Bridgetown.

Miss Jean Nichols left for Boston on Saturday.

D. A. Lawson, of Grafton, has been awarded a Professor's scholarship at Dalhousie College.

Burton O Sanford picked a wild strawberry, fully ripe, on Saturday.

H. E. Mosher returned on Friday, to resume his duties in the Commercial Bank.

Hugh L. Dickey, of Upper Canard, who received the degree of M. D., C. M., at Dalhousie college, leaves shortly for England, where he will spend the winter at the London hospitals.

Miss Mabel Ellis left for Boston on the 10th, to take a course of lessons at the N. E. Conservatory of Music.

Miss Gertrude Pineo returns to Boston to-morrow.

Mr. F. D. Soloan returned yesterday to his home in Windsor.

Geo. C. Pineo arrived yesterday from Boston on a visit to family and friends in this county.

Louis H. Jordan, son of Mr. S. C. Jordan, formerly of Grafton, has been visiting friends and relatives in the county for some weeks. He leaves to-morrow to return home.

Mr. Moses Kelton is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Bryden.

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cornwall and little son Harry are visiting friends in Digby Co.

Mrs. Droese left yesterday to return to her home in Chelsea, Mass.

Rev. A. D. Richard is on a visit to his home in Lunenburg Co.

Mr. W. H. Snyder has returned from Boston.

Willie Lonergan returned on Wednesday last to the Institution for the Deaf and Dumb.

Mr. F. A. Parker is seriously ill.

Misses Mary and Emma Sommerville are visiting in St. John.

WHO WAS THE THIEF? - The Windsor Tribune says that on Friday morning last Mr. Edward Armstrong, station agent at Falmouth, found a horse on his dyke and turned it into the street. A short time afterwards he found a carriage in the same field with the lap robe spread carefully over the carriage and a set of harness under the fence. In the carriage were two loaves of bread, a jar of preserves and some rope. The horse was taken care of by Mr. Judson McDonald. On Wednesday Mr. Armstrong saw a notice of a missing horse and carriage, and at once wrote to the owner. The same day he received a letter of enquiry from the owner, the letters having crossed. The owner proved to be Mr. D. A. Weaver, of Lakeville, Kings County, who stated the horse had been stolen from his barn Sept. 7th, by whom he did not know. The two loaves of bread proved to be the property of Councillor Walter Aylward, of Falmouth, from whom it was stolen the night before the horse was found. Who the thief was or where he went to, no one knows.

Steam Mill Village:

Mr. John A Newcomb and son, Edgar, of Hudson, who have been visiting at Mr. Jas. MacInias's, have returned home.

Mrs. John Horne and daughter, who have been spending the summer with her parents, returned to their home in Revere, Mass., last Monday.

Mrs. Jas. MacInias left for Massachusetts last week. She intends to make quite a long visit among her friends in that state.

Mr. T.L. Dodge is loading a car of gravenstein apples this week.

Mr. Hugh Patterson passed away last week. He will be very much missed by his friends in the community in which he lived.

Canady Creek:

Canady Creek presents quite a lively appearance at present as quite a number of our men are at work at the long talked of job of repairing our wharf, and the work is being pushed forward quite rapidly under the supervision of Mr. J. Bowlby. About $1,000 is to be expended.

There are rumors of the discovery of copper in this vicinity.

Miss May Barkhouse and Miss Nellie Dickie were visiting at New Ross last week.

Mrs. Thomas Parker spent Wednesday at Coldbrook, the guest of Mrs. H. Porter.

Miss Nellie Robinson and Miss Nellie Dickie are spending a few days at Cambridge.

Capt Lewis Morris, of the schr. Florence, is conveying the apples and fish from here to Moncton at a rapid rate. He has made two trips in less than two weeks.

Miss Nellie Brymer is home form Boston on a short visit.

Miss Nettie Balser and her sister, Mrs. Albert Pineo, Jr., arrived from Boston last week.

Our Christian Endeavor Society, though in its infancy, is progressing finely, and much credit is due or young ladies here for their courage in starting their society with such a small number. There are a few male members but all are active earnest workers.

Mr. Moses Ratchford, of Cambridge, was visiting at the lighthouse on Friday.

Mr. David Thomas is visiting friends in Somerset.

The Presbyterians of Windsor are soon to erect a new church building, for which architects have been asked to submit plans. The building is to have a seating capacity of at least five hundred, and will have a Sunday School house attached, which will seat 250 more. The cost will be in the neighborhood of $16,000.

Avon Saxon, the celebrated baritone, visited his mother, Mrs. W.A. Benjamin, in Berwick last week. Mr. Saxon is having a very successful tour of the province. When his present engagements are fulfilled, it is understood that the people of Berwick will have an opportunity to hear him in their town.


On Wednesday evening last, we had the pleasure of hearing Avon Saxon sing in College Hall. Mrs. Kearney's piano playing was brilliant and her voice blended very nicely with Mr. Saxon's. Mr. Kearney's flute accompaniments gave completeness to the whole. We will look forward to next year as Mr. Saxon has promised to sing again and give us the great pleasure, as he says, of hearing his wife.

About one o'clock on Wednesday night we were rudely awakened by the fire bell Stewart's fruit store, "The Nut Shell, " had been set on fire in the cellar by some unknown character, and but for the efforts of the fire company, would have burned to the ground. As it was much damage was done. The dwelling house above was ruined, as the roof was burned through in places. Mr. Stewart's goods were moved to a neighboring building. They were damaged by fire and water.

The Baptist church was in festive attire on Thursday morning in honor of the marriage of Miss Bliss Franklin and Mr. Ernest Johnston. The bride and her "attendant maidens" made a pretty picture - the bride in virgin white and the maidens in pink and blue. All through the solemn service the organ played softly and at the end triumphant strains pealed forth, a rejoicing for the new happiness.

On account of the illness of Mr. Hatch, Rev. Mr. Crowell and Dr. Cobb preached a week ago Sunday, and on last Sunday the Rev. E. E. Daley preached. In the morning he spoke very strongly on the temperance question.


Mr. C. O. Nichols is building a mill on his late purchase, which will be a great help to our community.

We are sorry to learn that our popular machinist, Will Thompson, is still quite ill.

Our schools are progressing rapidly under the skillful teachers. Miss Best as primary teacher, Mr. Reid in advanced room.

Rumor whispers of a wedding to take place in Waterville early next month.

Mrs. Lovelace met with quite a serious accident last week. While picking some of her apples she fell and broke her wrist.

W. W. Pineo has purchased the property owned by C. O. Nichols and intends making extensive repairs on the mill.

Miss Hattie Forsythe is visiting her mother for a few days.

Miss Maud Best has gone to the States.

Mr. Rood has commenced operations in canning apples for this season.

Miss Jessie Young and Miss Lena Woodroffe spent Saturday and Sunday at home.

Our soldiers returned on Saturday from Aldershot.

Mr. Ross M. Shaw left on Monday for Boston, where he intends spending his vacations with his brothers and other relatives.

Miss Lucy Charleton is visiting her sister Mrs. Christie, at Truro, who has been quite ill.

The heavy frost on the 11th did quite a lot of damage here. Mr. Henry Shaw estimates the damage done to his cranberries at over $100.

Robert Browne spent Sunday at his home.

Quite a number from here intend to take advantage of the cheap rates to Boston this fall.


Miss Hattie Rockwell was visiting her sister, Mrs. Ells, of Woodside, last week.

Mr. Ringer, of Kentville, spent last Sunday at Rev. M. P. Freeman's.

Mrs. Arthur Porter is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ross, in Weston.

Our school is giving good satisfaction under the management of Miss Alice Wood, of Lakeville.

Mr. and Mrs. Shannon, of Halifax, and Miss Ethel Bill, of Wolfville, were the quests of Mrs. Wm. C. Bill over Sunday.

Mrs. J. M. Card has returned from Wolfville and reports her daughter Ruby much better.

Rev. J. L. M. Young occupied the Baptist pulpit here on Sunday morning, 11th. He also spoke in the evening, on Temperance.

Rev. M. P. Freeman baptised twelve converts on the mountain on Sunday, where he and Rev. I. Hardy have been holding special services.
