September 15th 1897

September 15th 1897



Suddenly, at Faribault, Minn., Sept 5th, of heart disease, Adelia Rand, beloved wife of Charles E. Kinsman, aged 32 years.

At Black River, Kings Co., Sept. 3rd, after a long and painful illness, Eunice, wife of Gordon Benjamin, aged 60 years.


Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George Hyland, a son arrived last week to brighten their home.

The members of Mr. Abraham Ogilvie's family are recovering from their recent illness, with the exception of the youngest, who is till quite ill.

The children of Mrs. Eudica Rawding are suffering from diphtheria.

Ernest Ogilvie and his three companions returned on Monday, to Halifax school for the blind, where Ernest has already showed his ability, having won a prize for spelling.


Mrs. Norman Bowles, of Waterville, has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J.E. Kinsman.

Mrs. Harry Newcomb and daughter Winnie are visiting in St John.

Miss Ida Henderson, of Boston, is spending a few days in the village.

Mrs. R.S. Thorp and daughter are visiting friends in Boston.

Mrs. Perry Wheaton is an invalid on account of a very sore knee.

Our school is progressing finely under the management of Mr. Perry Foot, of Billtown.

Mrs. Chas McLennan is visiting her sister, Mrs. Owen Porter. She returns to her home in West Newton, Mass., on Saturday next.

Mrs. David Lowden is visiting at Mr. Joseph Lowden's, her brother-in-law's.


Last Tuesday evening a number of our young people went for a sail on Minas Basin. The evening was delightful and the trip on the "Beaver" was very pleasant.

The "Red Coats" arrived home on Saturday. They seemed glad to get back.

Mr. and Mrs. John Fellows were visiting in Canning last week.

Mr. Almer Parker, from Minnesota, was the guest of Mr. Ernest Rand, recently.

Miss Bertha Northrop has gone to St John, to attend the exhibition.

Mr. Wm Rand, who lately returned from England, has gone to New York and Chicago.

Miss Ben-Oliel gave a very interesting lecture last Thursday evening, in the Methodist Church, on the Jewish people and their customs. A number of our young people were dressed in eastern costumes, to represent different characters from that distant land.

Canady Creek:

Our summer visitors have about all left for fairer climes, and we are thus reminded that the beautiful summer is at a close.

Mrs. Jones and family, of Waterville, who have been spending a few weeks at Canady Creek, have left you their home.

Capt Melbourne Cook and wife arrived home from Boston last week. He will sail the schr. "Sunshine" during the autumn.

Miss Blanche Fraser returned to Boston, last Tuesday.

Mrs. J Gould has returned to Berwick for the winter.

Mr. Booth left for Boston last week.

The Rev Mr. Allan, of Waterville, favored us with a pleasant call last week. He seems delighted with our beautiful mountain scenery.

Our boys have returned from Aldershot, looking somewhat sunburned.

The schr. Minnie arrived last week from Parsboro. She will leave this week with a party of excursionists for Blomidon.

Mrs. Henry White, of Boston, has been visiting friends at Canady Creek.

Mr. Hugh Thompson was unfortunate enough to lose his horse last week.

Mrs. J. Harding, of Boston, is visiting her mother.

Mr. Firman White left for New York, last week, on the Brig Evangeline.

Mr. Hodges, of Morristown, spent last Sunday at Canady Creek.

Mrs. Balcom and her sister have spending a few days at Black Rock.


A surprise party was tendered Mr. Thomas Seaborn on his return from Aldershot last Saturday evening. Until eleven o'clock a host of young folk made merry and departed with ringing cheers for their host.

Dr Harvey, F.E. Harriott, Thomas Lawson and P.F. Lawson left here last Wednesday night on a fishing excursion. A number of fine speckled beauties captured and the rifle did deadly execution, but the municipal council having removed certain bounties the tailor will profit more than the sportsmen.

The canning factory will open this week, Mr. Rood is now making preparations.

Our hearts were gladdened this week by a call from Norman J. Messinger. Father Time has left marks on the head of the genial "Norm" but otherwise he is as we knew him long years ago.

Mr. and Mrs. William McCullough, postmaster at Truro, who are on their way to the St John exhibition, spent Sunday at Mr. J. Woodroffe's.

Rev Mr. Layton of Elmsdale occupied the Presbyterian pulpit last Sunday. Rev Mr. McLean will preach next Sunday afternoon.

Mr. Leonard Bowles is seriously ill. He is under the care of Dr Harvey.

Miss Lena Woodroffe, teacher at Canaan, and Miss Jessie Young, teacher at Highbury, spent Sunday in town.

Rupert Brown has purchased from L.R. Beardsley the Stevens property on Main St.

Another Waterville boy was in town this week, Holmes Lyons, who has been in the U.S. for a number of years.

Mr. John Anthony preached in Bowles' Hall last Sunday afternoon. His sermon was much appreciated and many a highly favorable comment have we heard on Mr. Anthony's ability.

W.S. Reid and bride are spending their honeymoon in Waterville.

Miss Janie Crowe has returned to her home in Annapolis after visiting friends at Waterville.

Mrs. Arthur Balcom and Master Willard of Cambridgeport, Mass., who are visiting at Mr. J Forsythe, in company with Miss Etta Forsythe, spent the last week at Canady Creek.

We are glad to hear that Mrs. C.O. Nichols who has been very ill is now convalescent.

Mrs. Adams and little daughter of Bear River are visiting Mrs. Rupert Pineo.

There is a number of visitors in out village, among them are Miss Laura Wright, the guest of Mrs. Frank Wright; Miss Foster, who is staying with her aunt, Mrs. Dawson Durling this week; Miss Nellie Margeson, visiting Miss Whitman; Miss Grace and brother, Frank Grimes, of Mass., visiting their aunt, Mrs. Thomas Durling, and Rufus Sweet, the guest of Mrs. Sarah Eaton.

Kingston Village:

We are glad to hear the improvement of Master Ernest Coldwell, who from a serious fall a short time ago, received a cut beneath the arm, which required several stitches to be taken by the surgeon. His mother, Mrs. Coldwell, of Wolfville, was sent for to tend her little son, and is at the parsonage.

Rev H.H. Saunders was last week summoned by telegraph to visit his father, who is very ill, in Cambridge, Mass.

Miss Alice Saunders is clerking at Mrs. H.D. Woodbury's.

Mrs. Alma Sproul has gone for a short visit to Sheffield Mill's, with her cousin, Miss Lottie Bentley.

A.H. Baker, lic, returned to Horton Academy on the 13th to resume his studies.

 Miss Winchester and Miss Austin, of Digby, are visiting the home of T.T. Bowlby.

Mrs. L. Baker left on the 13th, for St. John, to visit her daughter, Mrs. H.C. Martin, and while there attend the exhibition.

Mr. O. Price, of Parsboro, who has been visiting his niece, Mrs. F. Munroe, has returned home.

Mrs. Harris, of Albany, who was the guest of Mrs. E. Ford, has also returned home.

A Kings Co. Boy Abroad:

A late issue of the Seattle, Wash., Daily Times contains a report of an interview with one of T.A. Edison's representatives, who was then in that city securing pictures to be reproduced on the Projectoscope.

The representative in question is "Mr. James H. White, of Orange, New Jersey." Mr. White is a native of this county, being a son of Henry white, Esq., formerly of Grafton, at which place James H. was born.

Mr. White has been in Edison's employ for some years, and is now on a tour of the world, his mission being to secure "animated pictures" of scenes and scenery in important and representative places, for the purpose of illustrating life around the globe.

These pictures will be reproduced by the Kinetiscope, Projectoscope and other instruments of Mr. Edison's invention. They can be reproduced in any place and thus a vivid idea of any part of the world can be obtained by persons who are not able to travel and see for themselves.

That a Kings Co. boy is employed in this work is evidence that it will be very gratifying to the friends of his early youth.

A New Idea - The much-talked of Knapp Roller boat was launched at Toronto, Sept. 8th. The vessel, which is cylindrical, is 110 feet long and 25 feet in diameter. At each end are to be two sixty-horse power engines. Mr. Knapp, the designer, expects by the principle of rolling over the water instead of plowing through it, to shorten the time of a voyage across the Atlantic to two days. As yet, the vessel is without her engines and minus the internal chamber where the passengers are supposed to remain, while the outside of the ship is revolving. The outer part of the roller boat is to be kept in motion by the attempt of a sort of locomotive to climb up the shell, much as a squirrel sometimes keeps in motion the revolving treadmill in which he is confined. The boat will cost $10,000. She was built by George Goodwin, a wealthy contractor, and Postmaster General Mulock.


Frank Borden arrived home on Friday.

Capt C.O. Allen arrived by Thursday's train.

Willie Oakley Bligh brings us strawberry blossoms.

Mr. M.B. Anthony is on a business trip to St. John.

Miss Vangie Shaw is teaching school at Chipman Brook.

Capt Norwood left on Monday enroute to the Klondike.

Mrs. J.F. Rice, and daughter, Miss Lida, left on Friday on a visit to Truro.

Misses Hattie and Carrie Franklin, Somerset, left on Wednesday last on a trip to Boston.

Mt Clinton Reed is home for a fortnight's visit before the opening of Acadia College.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Norman Messenger arrived from Boston on Friday and are visiting friends in Berwick.

Miss Ernst, Optician, arrived in Berwick Monday and leaves to-morrow for Charlottetown, P.E. Island.

Mr. and Mrs. Sprague, of Cambridge, Mass., are visiting Mrs. Sprague's sister, Mrs. R.M. Lydiard.

Mr. and Mrs. G.H. Oxley left on Tuesday morning to attend the Epworth League Convention at Halifax.

Miss Gertie Pineo visited friends in Yarmouth last week, and on Tuesday left to attend the St. John exhibition.

H. Ward Clark and wife, of Sommerville, Mass., are visiting Mr. Clark's parents and other friends in Kings Co.

Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Jefferson have returned from a very pleasant drive to Annapolis, visiting friends along the line.

Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Williams, of Yarmouth, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Geo I. Nichols, Mrs. William's aunt.

W.G. Parsons, Esq., Barrister, of Middleton, was married at Mahone on Thursday of last week. The bride is Miss Carrie Westhaver, of Mahone Bay.

Miss Laura M. Messinger, of Kingston, who has been taken a short course at the Agricultural School at Truro, has taken charge of the school at Advocate.

Mrs. J.W. Hutchinson, of Morristown, accompanied by her little son Claude, left for St John on Monday morning, to attend the exhibition. She will be the guest of her sister, Mrs. Martin.

Miss Ida McLeod, B.A., daughter of Rev. Dr. McLeod, Fredericton, N.B., has been appointed teacher of French and German at the Acadia Ladies' College, Wolfville. She assumed her position at the opening of the college.

A Happy Event:

A happy party gathered at the home of Mr. Alfred Wilson on Monday afternoon, in honor of Dea. Charles Skinner, of Middleton, to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of his birthday, Mrs. Wilson being his oldest daughter. Five daughters, four son-in-laws, and several grandchildren were present, as well as a number of other friends, among whom were a former pastor, (Rev. Isa Wallace) and wife, Rev E.L. Steeves and wife, Evangelist Dimock and his mother. Many regrets were expressed that his present pastor, Rev E.E. Locke, and wife, could not be present, on account of illness. Mrs. Wilson had provided a bountiful birthday tea to which ample justice was done. The reunion of friends and social intercourse enjoyed was indeed pleasing.

During the evening interesting addresses were made by Mr. Steeves and Mr. Wallace, the latter, in his usual kindly manner, mentioning his acquaintance with Mr. Skinner and family for a quarter of a century and the pleasant hours he had spent at different times in his old home, tenderly referring to the dear companion of precious memory, who was ever by her husband's side till called to precede him to the better land.

Mr. Skinner responded briefly from a full heart, expressing his thankfulness for all the blessings that have attended him all through his life of four-score years. The music, consisting mostly of old-time pieces, was enjoyed by all. Mr. Dimock sang a very appropriate solo. In his remarks he mentioned his near relationship, his grandmother being a sister of Mr. Skinner and his grandfather a brother of Mrs. S.

Rev Mr. Wallace offered prayer, remembering the absent members of the family, the youngest daughter now engaged with her husband in Chapel Car work on the Pacific coast, the eldest son, pastor of a Baptist church in Vermont, and two others in the State of Colorado.

The company dispersed to their various homes, feeling that they would not soon forget the pleasant occasion.
