September 1st 1897

September 1st 1897



At Berwick, on Saturday, Aug. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. John N. Barteaux, a daughter.

At Scott’s Bay, Aug. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Owen Steele, a daughter.

At Lower Canard, Aug. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter H Eaton, a daughter.


At Lower Canard, Aug 20th, Minnie, beloved wife of Walter H. Eaton, aged 26 years.

At St. John, Aug 19th, Maud Lorenne, infant daughter of Rev and Mrs. E.E. Daley.


Mrs. M.P. Freeman attended the WBMU meetings at Sackville last week.

Rev C.R. Minard, of Palmer, Mass., preached in the Baptist church here on Sunday morning, 22nd.

Mrs. T.H. Rockwell was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry Fitch, of New Minas, last week.

Rev and Mrs. Arthur Vincent, of Isaac’s Harbor, and Mr. Vincent’s brother, of New York, are visiting his father, T.H. Forsythe.

Miss Cassie Bill is visiting friends in Canard.

Mr. and Mrs. G. Patriquin and Miss Rube Card, of Wolfville, spent Sunday at J.M. Card’s.

Quite a few of our young men are at Aldershot this week.

School opened on Monday last, under the management of Miss Brown, of Lakeville.

Mr. Bowlby filled the pulpit on Sunday, 29th, in the absence of Mr. Freeman, who is taking his vacation.

Quite a number purpose attending the S.S. Convention held in Lower Canard, this week.


Rev Mr. Hutchins returned to Canning last Thursday.

Mr. Gee Paysant of Dorchester, N.B., is spending his vacation in Canning.

Mrs. Sheffield returned from California last Thursday.

Mr. Will Rand, who has been on an extended trip to Europe, returned to Canning last Thursday.

On Wednesday last the S.S. Beaver made an excursion trip to Parrsboro. About 60 took advantage of the cheap fare that was offered and spent a very pleasant day.

On Thursday the Salvation Army held their annual picnic on the Lookoff. A large crowd gathered there to help the army and all enjoyed themselves.

Apple picking season is near at hand. The fruit crop in this section will be small and the apples are of inferior quality.

The new dyke which was nearly finished has met with a serious drawback. The sluice which was placed on a poor foundation has nearly turned up on edge. The only remedy will be to place a new sluice as soon as possible.

School opened in Canning last week. Mr. Ernest Robinson is the principal, in place of Mr. Lockhart; Miss Starratt has charge of the Intermediate department and Miss Callen of the primary department. The school in Canning is equipped with an excellent staff of teachers.

The Baptist S.S. picnic was held on Tuesday at Starr’s Point.

The Methodists intend holding their annual picnic on Thursday.

Last Monday a number of tourists, members of the associated press of New England, came to Canning by special train. After taking dinner at the Waverly House teams were waiting to drive them to the Lookoff and other points of interest and then to Wolfville where they will remain for a few days seeing the sights and to enjoy the fresh air of the Land of Evangeline.

Two companies left canning yesterday for Aldershot under the command of Capts. Northup and Newcombe.


The Brooklyn Eagle tourist party, numbering fifty-eight, arrived on Tuesday morning, when they spent a short time in driving about the town and surroundings, resuming their journey on the Bluenose, at eleven a.m.

The King's Canadian Hussars assembled at the Court-yard, on Tuesday morning, in full uniform and marched out to camp at Aldershot. Various companies of the 68th battalion proceeded by train to camp.

The marriage takes place to-day of Miss Minnie Pyke and our well-known grocer, Mr. George Martin.

The marriage of Miss Nellie Yould and Mr. Willson of Moncton, takes place at St. James' Church, on Wednesday next.

Miss Mabelle Biggart, of New York, who has been journeying through the province collecting data for her new book, "Ourselves and Our Neighbors," gave some selections from "Ben Hur" to a private company on Sunday evening, (after services in the church) at parlors of Hotel Aberdeen, where she has been staying the past fortnight.

Lovitt's block is nearly completed. When finished, Messrs. Seeley & Dodge will open up a dry goods store in part of the building.

L.F. Eaton, of Eatonville, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Eaton.

Miss Georgie Begg returned to St. John, on Monday, after spending a few days with her friend, Miss Roberta Blanchard.

Mrs. F.C. Rand has returned to her home, from Lockhartville.

Rev H.A. Porter has resigned his pastorate of the Baptist Church, to resume study. His departure will be regretted by his many friends here.

At the regular meeting of the YWCTU, last Thursday evening, ice cream and cake were served. The members of the YMCA were invited and a very enjoyable time was spent by those present.

Mrs. George K. Warner and two children left on Monday for Auburn, to visit friends.

Mrs. J.I. Lloyd and little daughter, are visiting Mrs. Lloyd's parents in Hebron.

Miss Clara Barnaby returned to Brighton, Digby Co., with her friend Miss Clara Van Blarcom, who has been spending a few weeks in Kentville.

The Band Concert given at the Exhibition Building, on Friday evening, was a decided success.

Militia Promotions:

The following appointments have been gazetted.

Kings Canadian Hussars - to be surgeon-major, surgeon lieutenant and honorary-surgeon, Major Henry Bentley Webster, from the 68th Kings County battalion of infantry, to complete establishment.

68th Kings County battalion - to be surgeon-lieutenant; Gilbert L fayette Foster, Esquire, M.D., vice Webster, transferred.

No. 4 company - to be 2nd lieutenant, provisionally; Sergeant Minard Leslie Nichols, vice Naylor, promoted.

No. 1 company - to be lieutenant; Harry Edward Sawyer, vice Ross, promoted.

No. 10 company - to be 2nd lieutenant, provisionally; Sergeant Charles Morton Charlton, vice Sawyer, promoted.

Lake George:

Everyone seems to be about done haying. The grain is not ripening very fast on account of so much wet weather.

Masters Bennie and Eddie Brennan went trouting a few days ago and caught twenty-five trout, the total weight of which was ten and one-half pounds.

Gordon Marchant and Grant Spicer were visiting at Mr. William Brennan's last week.

Miss Jessie Brennan will teach at Garland for the ensuing year. Miss Naomi Nichols, of Nicholsville, will teach at Lake George.

Scott's Bay:

Freeman Legge, son of John Legge, who has been insane since the 1st of July, was removed to the asylum on Monday, the 28th inst. He is 26 years of age.

Messrs. James Rogers and Horace Steele returned ion Wednesday last, from a visit to Parsboro and Windsor.

Mr. Owen Steele, who has been on a business trip through the western part of the country, returned on the 26th.

Prof. Butler and family, of Windsor, are spending a few weeks in our village.

Miss Estella Jess, of Wakefield, Mass., is visiting friends here.

Mrs. Rebecca Tupper has returned from her visit to Coldbrook.

Miss Christina West, of Medford, and Miss Annie West, of Delhaven, spent last week at Scott's bay.

Mrs. Forman Steele and daughter Lillian, are spending a few days at Spencer's Island, the guests of Mrs. B. Tupper.

The shad fishing season is about closed. This has been a successful year for the fisherman, the largest single catch being forty-five thousand.

Baxter Harbor:

We are pleased to learn that Mr. William Irvin, who has been quite seriously ill from the effects of having a cancer removed from his lip, is able to be around again.

Rev. Mr. Sinclair and family, of Canard are occupying Mr. J. Baxter's house for a few weeks. Mr. Sinclair is to hold service in the schoolhouse here on Sunday evening next, at 7 o'clock.

Our school which has been closed for the past three years, reopened again on Monday, 23rd inst. under the management of Mrs. E. Lovley. Mrs. Lovley's success in the past is a safe guarantee for the future.

We understand that Capt. W. Brewster and crew are making preparations for a season's fishing at Grand Manan. They are to sail next week.

Mr. Alexis Irvin, who has been absent (at sea) for the past few months, arrived home last week, looking hale and hearty.

We learn that Mr. Chas Cogswell, of Canning, formerly of this place, is about to purchase farm here, owned by Mrs. E. Cogswell.

Mr. George Irvin, who has been in poor health for the last few years, is improving.

A tiny baby girl has arrived at Mr. C. Brewster's.


An interesting event transpired in the Baptist Church on the evening of Wednesday, the 18th ult., when Miss Lulu Webster became the bride of Mr. Everett Kinsman, of Centreville. The Church was prettily trimmed for the occasion, and was well filled with relatives and friends of the bride and groom. Messrs. F. Webster and Acel West acted as ushers, and everything went smoothly. The bride was dressed in cream satin and cashmere, with the usual veil and orange blossoms, and carried in her hand a bouquet of roses. An arch composed of ferns, leaves and blossoms rose above the platform, and potted plants and flowers covered the organ and desk. The bride was supported by her sister, Miss Alberta Webster, and the groom by his cousin, Mr. Newcombe. Mrs. Burgess McMahon presided at the organ, and Rev. E. O. Read performed the ceremony. After luncheon with the bride's mother, Mrs. A. A. Webster, the happy party drove to their home in Centreville. Cambridge has lost one of its brightest young ladies, and the county a successful teacher.

Mrs. A. W. Bishop and her two boys, with Mrs. Bishop's mother, Mrs. Neily, left on the 25th for their home in Somerville, Mass. Miss Jennie Gray went with them to spend a few weeks with friends in Boston. Mr. Acel West fills Miss Gray's place in the Harborville School, pro tem.

Mr. O. B. Woodman has his threshing machine running at his mill and is doing a good business.


H. E. Gillis, Esq., of Annapolis, was in Berwick on Friday.

Mrs. J. L. Read, of New Germany, was in Berwick last week.

Miss Henderson, of St. John, is visiting at Mrs. Wm. Sommerville's, Cottage St.

Miss Sarah A. Daniels, of Lawrencetown, is visiting Mrs. George Nichols, Windermere.

Mrs. Olive, who has been visiting Mrs. John G. Clark, has returned to her home in St. John.

Miss Jessie MacDougald, of Bridgewater, spent Sunday in Berwick, the guest of Miss Annie Benjamin.

The Misses Blackadar of Halifax, who have been visiting relatives in Berwick, returned to their home yesterday.

Eddie Reed left on Monday for Hantsport where he has been engaged as clerk in the store of his brother-in-law, Mr. H. W. Davison.

B. H. Dodge, Esq., M. P. P., and Mrs. Annie Lydiard, daughter of Wm. Harrington, Esq., were married at Kentville on Wednesday evening last.

The Base Ball Game:

The match game of Base Ball between teams from Kingston and Berwick, played at Aylesford on Friday, was well contested and intensely interesting. Kingston was first at the bat and took a long lead in the second inning, which there seemed little hope of overcoming. When the Berwick boys went in for their last inning Kingston led by seven runs, but mainly through magnificent batting, the eighth run was scored with but two men out and the umpire declared the game closed and Berwick the winner. There was the best of feeling throughout the game, and the ability and impartiality of the umpire, Mr. Morse, of Melvern Square, called forth much commendation.


Owing to the dull weather, the farmers are slow in getting their hay. The hay crop is very heavy but the grain and fruit crops light.

Mr. Henry Shaw reports a large crop of cranberries this year.

Mr. and Mrs. I.B. Dodge are visiting at Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Banks.

Our schools opened on Monday of last week with a good attendance.

Mr. Tuttle, our school teacher, has moved his family into the vacant house of Mr. R.D. Pineo.

Norman Osborne, who left some time ago for British Columbia, we are glad to hear, has secured a license to teach in that province.

Rev and Mrs. E.O. Read, who have been attending the Baptist Convention at St John, returned home Friday last.

Miss Jennie Young is teaching at Highbury this year.

Miss Winnie Broome left of Friday last for the United States.

Mrs. Balcom is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jason Forsythe.

Many of our citizens attended the Farmers Picnic at Aylesford on Friday last.

Mr. Avard L. Dodge, of Acadia College, spent a few days at his uncle's, Mr. E.C. Banks, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. LeCain ( Hattie Skinner) are visiting at her father's, Mr. W.M. Skinner's.

Mr. Claude L. West left on Tuesday to return to his school at Patterson, New Jersey.

Mr. and Mrs. Harris Best spent Sabbath in Waterville.

Mrs. Annie Bishop and little daughter Muriel are spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Moses Shaw.

Miss Hattie Forsythe, of Whitman, Mass., who has been spending her vacation at her home, has returned.

Mr. Alexander Osborne is spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Osborne.

Major S. Campbell has been appointed telegraph operator at this station.

The BYPU will meet hereafter at 7.30 sharp. They are glad to welcome all strangers and all who may attend their meetings on Tuesday evenings.

Mr. Henry Bond met with a very painful accident on Sabbath last. While feeding his horse after returning from church, he fell through a scaffold to the barn floor some 20 feet below. Medical aid being summoned it was found though badly shaken up Mr. Bond was not seriously injured.

Rev J.M. Allan preached his farewell service on Sabbath morning last to a large congregation. Mr. Allan had been here with us for three years and a half and has been an active worker in the church. His desire for progress both in spiritual and temperal matters will long be remembered.

Miss Edna Crouse of Bridgewater is visiting at Mrs. Sidney Osborne's.

Mr. Emerson Margeson is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.A. Margeson.

Mr. Owen Margeson, who has been spending his vacation at home, has returned to Massachusetts.
