April 19, 1900


Quite a number from this place have gone to the United States to look for employment, among whom are Alexander and Sherman Steele, Orman Huntly and Wyman Shaw.

Our teacher Miss Eloise Palmeter spent the Easter Holidays at her home in Medford.

Mr. Evander Jess is assisting his brother Abram to erect a barn in Kentville.

Mrs. Havelock Steele and family, of Hantsport, spent last week in this place.

A much respected and useful citizen has passed away, in the person of Jonathan E. Steele, Esq., who died on April 8th, after a lingering illness. The funeral, which was largely attended took place on Thursday the 12th. A widow, daughter and six sons are left to mourn the loss of a devoted husband and father, He will be greatly missed by a large circle of friends. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family.

Mr. Jontie Steele, who was called home to attend the funeral of his father, returned to his home in Marblehead, Mass. on Monday, the 16th.

We are glad to hear the cheerful sound of the mill whistle again. On account of so little snow there are not as many logs in as was expected but there will be about two months’ work.

After the last snow storm, Mr. Dixon McDonald discovered the tracks of another wild cat. The next day a party set out in search of the animal. It was tracked for several miles, but is not captured yet. We hope it may be; if not the lambs will suffer this year.
