October 26th 1898

October 26th 1898



At Berwick, on Saturday, Oct. 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart Alcorn, a daughter.

At Windsor, Oct. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Francis Shepherd, of Berwick, a son.

At Port Williams, Oct 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. George H. Illsley, a daughter.


At Windsor, Oct 21st, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A.F. Shepherd.

At South Berwick, on Saturday, Oct 22nd, of typhoid, David Pryor Woodworth, aged 57 years.

MATRIMONIAL. - At St. John's Episcopal Church, Boston, Mass., on Wednesday, Oct. 19th, the marriage ceremony was performed between Mr. C. Gordon Jones, son of the late John Matthew Jones, Esq., formerly of Waterville, N.S., and Miss Mabel E., daughter of F. A. Clarke, Esq., of Berwick. The Rev. Mr. Sprague officiated. After a pleasant evening with friends, the happy couple took train for New York and Chicago. On returning from their tour they will reside on Monument Ave., Charlestown, where they have furnished a home.

Death of D. P. Woodworth:

Mr. David P. Woodworth a well known and highly respected resident of South Berwick and a successful farmer died on Saturday evening last. He had been unwell for about two weeks but had not been confined to his bed and no serious results were anticipated until shortly before his death. He leaves a wife and two children who have the sincere sympathy of the community in their loss.

The Courage of the Sea:

The conduct of the officers and crew of the steamship Mohegan, wrecked Friday last on the English coast, was of the truly heroic kind. Every man went to his post as soon as the boat struck, and remained there. They made no rush for the boats, as in the case of the ill-fated Burgogne. The conduct of the life-saving crews on the portion of the coast where the wreck occurred was also marked by the highest courage. Both the crew on the ship and the life-boat men ashore exhibited the time honored bravery of the British seaman.

Looking for Andree:

The German steam yacht 'Heligo land,' having on board the members of Herr Theodor Lernern's North Pole expedition, which recently returned from Spitzbergen, after a search for the missing aeronaut, Prof. Andree, has reached Geestemuda, where bailiffs seized the whole outfit, including the scientific collections made during the voyage, on account of an unpaid debt of the firm which fitted out the vessel.

Apples in Norway.

Mr. Sontum, the Canadian agent at Christiana, says the apple crop in Norway is ruined and there is a splendid opening for Canadian fruit, especially Baldwins; also evaporated apples.


The subscribers have fitted up a mill for the grinding of provender, at Victoria Harbor and are prepared to do work promptly.

Congdon Bros.

HEMLOCK BARK - For sale 35 cords best hemlock bark at Berwick Sta.

T.H. Grace.

A WINNER - Ralph E. Smith, of Windsor, N.S., and who is now at McGill college, won the half and three mile bicycle race, and second in the mile at the college sport on Friday last. Smith had some of the best amateur Canadian riders as competitors, such as Cousseral and others.

HANTSPORT HARBOR - An order-in-council has been passed providing that the limits of the harbor of Hantsport, in the county of Hants, shall be extended outwards to a line drawn from the outer tangent of Cape Blomidon to the mouth of Cambridge Creek thus giving the harbor master control of all the flats at the mouth of the Avon river and not interfering with other harbor limits.


Rev. Mr. Giles of Granville preached the annual missionary sermon in the Methodist churches on the Berwick circuit on Sabbath last.

Rev. Mr. Glendenning was in Granville on the same day. While in Berwick, Mr. Giles was the guest of Councillor M. B. Anthony.

Rev. T. A. MacKelvie addressed a meeting in the Methodist church on Sabbath last in the interests of the British and Foreign Bible Society.

Capt. H. H. Norwood arrived from the Klondyke on Friday evening last.

R. C. Graves, formerly station agent on the D. A. R., has a position as telegraph operator at Gardiner, Mass.

Rev. S. McCully Black D. D. was in Berwick for several days last week.

Rev. Dr. Trotter President of Acadia College preached in Berwick on Sabbath last speaking in the interests of the Acadia forward movement.

Mr. Fred A. Parker has so far recovered from his recent illness as to be able to drive out alone.

Rev. T. McFall left on Saturday last for St. John where he preached on Sabbath. He goes on this week to New York state and thence to Brodie Ont. being absent about three weeks.

Mr. Thomas E. Coleman of Grafton is very seriously ill.

Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lyons arrived from Boston on Saturday last and are at Mr. Lyons' former home in South Berwick. Mrs. Lyons formerly, Miss Nellie Mosher, was a compositor in this office before her marriage.

T. C. Allen, the Halifax publisher, is seriously ill.

H. E. Morton left yesterday for New Glasgow where he is selling apples.

A FAKE - The Acadian intimates that it has no knowledge of the whereabouts of the Tungsten deposits alleged to have been recently discovered near Wolfville.

THE evening service at the Baptist church, on Sunday last, was rendered specially interesting by the presence of a number of visiting clergymen. Besides the pastor, Rev. D. H. Simpson, there were present, Revds. Dr. Trotter, Dr. Black, W. E. Hall, Alfred Chipman and Mr. Rose, all of whom assisted in the service.


To be sold at public auction at the residence of the subscriber, Windermere (Mansfield Nichols' place) on

Thursday, Oct. 27th, at 2 o'clock

Household furniture, garden tools, etc., including one organ suitable for school or church. A number of very fine pictures, two stoves, washing machine and mangler, etc. - Terms, Cash.

Charles Till.


We have waited thine appearing,
Since the sowing of the Spring,
Felt of late that thou wert nearing,
With rich treasures on thy wing;
Welcome, though an air of coolness,
With thy presence seems to come.
Welcome, with rich Summer's fulness
To our hearts and barns and home.

Of the Seasons largest giver,
Products from the wondrous sod,
Whispering to each receiver,
Truly take these gifts of God;
Gratitude for living manna,
Concentrates and multiplies,
Mortals join in loud hosanna,
Heaven the wants of earth supplies.

Though thy gifts the sorrow lessens,
Helps to cheer the lonely hours,
Tears will come because thy presence
Withered all the lovely flowers;
Whiter forms we know are coming,
But the fragrance cometh not,
Winter's reign, not distant looming,
Is with pensive feelings fraught-

Earth's adieus soon follow greeting,
Time remains, but seasons pass;
Many things on earth are fleeting
To oblivion go like grass;
But from hope we comfort borrow.
Seeds and essences remain,
Faith beholds a bright to-morrow,
All shall come to earth again.


Lunenburg, Oct. '98.

Burlington and Vicinity:

We are having plenty of wet weather at present which greatly hinders our farmers in their ploughing and other necessary fall work.

Mrs. William Howell has returned home after a pleasant visit to Massachusetts among friends. Her little daughter Kate is greatly improved in health; she has been very ill with typhoid fever for some time.

Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Armstrong visited Kentville recently to see their daughter, Mrs. M. Harvey, who has been ill.

Our farmers are being supplied with apple barrels by our local coopers, Messrs. S. Neaves and C. Lewis of Ogilvie wharf.

Mr. Charles B. McAuley is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Mary Sweeney at Garland.

Mrs. S. Palmer and daughter Essie visited her cousin, Mrs. Robert Ogilvie recently.

Miss Lottie McAuley is at present visiting her aunt, Mrs. R. S. Armstrong.

John P. Meekins, Esq., spent Sabbath with Mr. Wm. McAuley, Fairview.

Rev. J. M. C. Wade, vicar of St. Mary's church, Auburn, visited a few of his parishioners here recently.

Mrs. J. Lutz has returned home after a pleasant visit to friends and children in Mass.

Mrs. C. Ogilvie is spending the winter with her children in Boston and vicinity.

Severe colds are very prevalent here, a few of the victims are confined to the house.


Miss Alice E. Brown, of East Halls Harbor, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Andrew Arnold.

Mr. C.E. Morris is improving his premises by a new fence around his house.

Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Arnold and Miss Alice Brown attended the fifteenth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. W.N. Arnold, of Woodville, on Wednesday of last week.

Mr. Bloomfield Morris has improved his shop by a new coat of paint.

Times are rather quiet, farmers are busy threshing, and storing apples and potatoes.

Lake George:

Roy, son of Mr. A.P. Hudgins, who has been very sick of inflammation is recovering.

Mr. J. Robar is still on the sick list.

At Dalhousie, last week, a man was out hunting, and came upon a bear and two cubs he captured the cubs and wounded the old one, he followed her quite a distance but did not succeed in getting her.

We are sorry to hear that a little son of Mr. Fox got his leg badly hurt in a bear trap.

The New Ross barrels are still wending their way to the valley; over a thousand have gone through during the last four days.

Victoria Harbor:

There is to be a pie social and concert in Victoria hall on Thursday evening. All are cordially invited to attend as a good time is anticipated.

Mr. Henry Finlay met with a serious loss recently, by the death of one of his working oxen.

Mr. Wellington West crossed over to Uncle Sam's domain last week.

Congratulations are offered to Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Warner on the arrival of a son at their home.

Mr. Robt. Freeman is seriously ill.

Mrs. Brown, widow of the late Ambrose Brown has moved to Burlington where she intends to remain with her son, Mr. C. Brown of that place.

Mr. Leander Rand, one of our most enterprising residents, is making preparations for erecting a dwelling house on his farm here. He has recently placed water connections with his mill and is now more than ever capable of supplying the needs of his customers. Anyone wishing a team waggon made or repaired or anything in Mr. Rand's line of work could do no better than patronize him.

Lake Paul:

A number of Davidson's men have been repairing the dams, shingling their camp at Hard Wood Lake and making other repairs for the coming winter.

Mr. Harlan Tupper had the fortune of capturing a beautiful red fox this week.

Our teacher, Miss Mary Beals spent Saturday with her friend, Miss Naomi Nichols at Lake George.

Rev. J. E. Blakeney and son, of Pleasantville, were the guests of Mrs. O. P. Young, on Monday last.

Miss Naomi Nichols, teacher, at Lake George, spent Sunday in this place.

Miss Laura Lutz returned home on the 12th inst.

Mr. Amsden left for Brookfield, Mass., on Saturday last, being summoned on account of the serious illness of his wife.

Mrs. William Tupper and son David, who have been visiting friends at Coldbrook returned home on Wednesday.

Our minister, Mr. J. Anthony, fulfilled his appointment in this place on Sunday last. His discourse was much enjoyed.

Mrs. William Lutz has been spending a few days with her father, Mr. Calvin Crocker, who is very ill.

Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Wilson, of Millville, Mr. Caleb Webber, of New Germany, Mr. Manning Spinney and Mr. Banks, of Greenwood, were in this place on the 19th inst., the guests of Mrs. O. P. Young.


Miss Edna Skinner returned to Lynn Last week, where she will continue her medical studies. She was accompanied by her sister, who will spend the winter in Mass.

The Presbyterian Manse is to be enlarged, Mr. P. Foote, of Grafton, has the contract.

Mrs. W. W. Pineo and son Henry, are visiting friends in St. John.

Last Sabbath the congregation of the Presbyterian church listened to a discourse from Rev. Mr. McKelvie, in the interest of the British and Foreign Bible Society.

Miss Carrie Best spent Sunday at her home in Waterville.

Miss Lida Woodruff is visiting her brother in Fayville, Mass.

Rev. W. E. Hall, of Halifax, is spending a few days with his niece, Mrs. C. O. Cook.

Mrs. Libbie Sanford, who has been spending a vacation with her parents, returned to Watertown, Mass, last Wednesday.

It is with deepest regret we record the death of Mrs. A. Burke which occurred last Saturday. The bereaved family have the sympathy of all.

H. R. Best is on a short visit to friends in Mass.

Miss Ida Nowlin, of Middleton, is visiting her friend, Miss Margeson.

The B. Y. P. U. held a Local Union in the Baptist Church last Monday. There were three services, - at 10 a.m., 2 p. m. and 7 p.m. All the meetings were largely attended.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Hammond, of Roxbury, Mass., are visiting Mrs. Hammond's brother, Mr. J. Beardsley.

Mr. Ross Shaw has returned from a visit to friends in Mass.

Miss May Forsythe, who has been living in Mass., for some time, is visiting her mother.
