October 19th 1898

October 19th 1898



At Woodville, Jefferson Co., New York, Oct 13th, of typhoid fever, Rev Ingraham I. Hart, second son of Rev. J.R. Hart, of Bridgetown, aged 23 years. (Possibly 28, looks more like 23..PV).

Dr. Sexton Dead:

Rev. George Sexton D. D., the well known lecturer died suddenly at St. Catherines, Ont. On Wednesday of last week. He had just finished the composition of a new lecture and was reading it over, when he fell over on his face, dead.

Dr. Sexton lectured in Berwick in the fall of 1895 and his eloquent and logical addresses will be well remembered by those who were fortunate enough to hear them.

THE E. MERRIAM ARRIVED - The three masted schooner E. Merriam on which our Mr. P. F. Lawson is seeing the world in the capacity of steward, arrived at Georgetown, Demerara on Oct. 1st after a passage of 33 days from Madeira. A private letter from Jr. Lawson gives intimation of experiences which will afford an interesting article for the REGISTER.

KILLED. - A boy named Pineo eleven years of age was killed at Kentville by the morning express on Saturday. He jumped on the platform as the train moved out and jumped off at the ash dump. Missing his footing he rolled under the car and was instantly killed.

THE YARMOUTH LINE. - The four trips per week by the Yarmouth line will be discontinued after this week, after which stmr. Boston will leave Yarmouth every Wednesday and Saturday evening, and will leave Boston to return on Tuesday and Friday.

A VALUABLE mineral discovery has been made near Wolfville. It is known as Tungstein and its supply is very limited, being found only in Cornwall, England, and in Germany. It is said to be worth $6 00 per ounce and is particularly valuable in certain industrial arts, such as setting colors and in tempering steel.

A Floating Elevator:

John McInnes and Ald. Musgrave of Halifax recently visited Montreal to obtain information regarding floating elevators in use there. Their idea is to build one of these, to be used in the harbor, so that vessels can be supplied with a cargo of grain without docking. These elevators hold between 70,000 and 80,000 bushels of grain and cost about $15,000. The matter has been considered by the council of the board of trade.


Rev. D. H. and Mrs. Simpson and children arrived home from Boston on Thursday.

George Folker left on Friday to join his vessel the ship Celeste Burrell which he is first officer and which is about to sail for Buenos Ayres.

Mr. Wm. Lee arrived home from Boston on Friday.

Dr. Kempton of Dartmouth was in Berwick on Thursday.

Capt. the Hon. W. G. Stopford, R. N., has been appointed naval advisor to the inspector general of fortification of Great Britain, the appointment to date from September 9th. Capt. Stopford married Miss F. M. Baker, daughter of the Hon. L. E. Baker, Yarmouth.

Mr. Lorn Davidson, Aylesford, after a six weeks vacation at his home, has returned again to assume the clerkship in Mr. E. Scott's store, Milford, Hants Co. His old friends are glad to see the popular clerk behind the counter again.

Mr. M. W. Alcorn returned last week from Boston.

Mrs. Middlemas and Fred arrived from Boston on Saturday.

Mrs. Butler of Hebron, Yarmouth Co, is visiting her son Mr. Geo. W. Butler.

Mr. B. H. Lee is quite seriously ill.

Rev. J. L. Read was in Berwick on Monday.

Mr. Shannon Morse left yesterday to visit his son Ralph and other friends in Boston. He expects to be absent four weeks.

Mrs. Gordon McKeen of Gay's River is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Morse.

Dr. C. C. Ellis left yesterday for North Georgia.

Hazen Anthony left yesterday on a trip to Boston.

Mr. J. M. Robinson of North Reading Mass. is visiting his brother Mr. L. D. Robinson of Berwick.

Sheffield Mills:

Miss Hattie Harris has gone to Boston for a visit.

Mrs. Saunders and daughter have moved in the house of Mrs. Watson Ells.

Mr. P. R. Bentley was at the Mills on Friday.

Mr. Douglas Power has returned from Boston. He enjoyed a pleasant trip.

Mrs. Tupper from Berwick has been visiting at Mrs. James Webster's.

Measles have appeared in our vicinity.

Times are rather quiet, farmers are busy shipping and storing their apples and potatoes.

Canady Creek:

Our wharf is nearly completed and reflects credit on the foreman, Mr. J. Bowlby.

Wedding bells have been ringing here of late, the contracting parties being J. Hanford Rawding and Miss Stella Dickie. The ceremony was performed October 5th, by the Rev. J. K. West. None but the immediate friends of the bride were present.

Mrs. Annie Robinson and daughter Lavenia, were visiting friends at Steam Mill Village and Kentville last week.

The young people enjoyed a very pleasant surprise party at Mrs. E. Chute's last Wednesday evening.

Rev. Mr. Allen and Mr. Harrison made a short visit here last week.

Jotham Gould spent Thursday with friends here.


Mrs. T. H. Rockwell is visiting friends in Wilmot.

Miss Chase, of Wolfville, is visiting in Billtown and Brooklyn St.

Mr. Ernest Porter, of Mass., is visiting at Mrs. Melatiah Kinsman's.

Mrs. Arthur Rockwell, of Mass., who has been visiting at Mrs. T. H. Rockwell's has returned home; she was accompanied by her sister-in-law, Miss Zelma Rockwell.

Miss Freeman and Miss Idella Card spent Wednesday of last week in Wolfville. They were accompanied home by Miss Rubie Card, who, we are glad to know is able to be out after her illness.

Thursday 13th, being Crusade day of the W. B. M. A. Society, the members of the Billtown Society invited all the sisters of the church to meet them in the vestry, where they were entertained by a suitable programme.

There are several families in Billtown who are suffering from an attack of measles.


Dr. Lawrence has gone to Philadelphia to take a post graduate course in dentistry and Dr. Murphy, of Windsor, will attend to his practice three days in a week.

Dr. MacKenna is building a large clock east of the drugstore, a shop and bank on first floor, dental rooms and offices on second floor and Mason's Hall on the third floor. The carpenter work will begin this week.

Mr. Herbin will use his second floor that has been used for offices, as a dwelling house.

Capt. Barbarie is to start a fruit store in Stewart's former shop, as soon as the repairing caused by the fire is completed, making three fruit stores in town. Mr. Stewart has begun business again a little further down town.

Our new policeman, Mr. Quipp, is on duty; for size at least, he is a good man for the position he holds.

A.V. Rand and his wife are taking a pleasure trip to Boston.

The Rev. Mr. Hatch expects to fill his pulpit next Sunday. Dr. Kierstead preached most acceptably on Sunday, 7th, and the Rev. Mr. Saunders last Sunday. Mr. Saunders expects to leave for the west next week. Mr. Rose, who recently preached in Berwick, is to go at the same time.

A number of new families have come to Wolfville this fall, among them, Mr. C. C. Archibald, of Yarmouth, has just moved into the new house he has built this summer.


The Baptist pulpit was occupied last Sabbath evening by rev. Mr. Chipman. All enjoyed his discourse.

Rev. Mr. Davison, of Bridgetown, preached in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath, Rev. Mr. Hawley being in Bridgetown.

Mrs. R. D. Lyons has returned from a visit to her friends in Lynn, Mass.

Mrs. T. A. Margeson is visiting friends in Boston and vicinity.

Mr. C. O. Nichols has had his house on Main St. remodelled and is now moving in. He is also constructing a large mill opposite his residence.

Miss Lena Woodroffe, teacher in New Minas, spent Sunday at her home in this place.

Miss Lavenia Stevens, of Bridgetown, is visiting friends here.

Loring Beardsley, who has spent the summer with his parents, has returned to Philadelphia to resume his studies in the College of Dental Surgery.

Miss Fitzgerald is visiting friends in Halifax.

Miss Bessie McIntosh, teacher in North Alton, visited her home last week.

Mrs. G. D. Pineo is visiting friends in Lakeville.

Miss Jessie Young, teacher at Highbury, spent Sunday at her home.

Mrs. Goldstone is on a visit to Uncle Sam's domain.

Miss Libbie Sanford, is visiting her parents. She returns soon to her home in Watertown, Mass.

Miss Banks spent Sunday at her home.

Miss Lou Charleton has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Christie, of Truro.

There will be a rally of the B.Y.P.U., in the Baptist church of this place on Monday next.

On Wednesday and Thursday evenings of this week there will be special services in the Presbyterian church. We understand these may be the beginning of a series of services.

Mrs. E. O. Read is visiting her son, Dr. W. F. Read, in Lynn, Mass.
