October 12th 1898

October 12th 1898



At Welton Corner, on Oct. 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. A.E. McMahon, a son.

At North Kingston, 24th ult., to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. Smith, a son.


At St. John's Church, Church Street, on Tuesday, Oct. 4th, by the Right Reverend, the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia, Cecil H. Hooper, of Swanley, Kent, England, and Hannah Thirza Marcella, daughter of the Rev. F.J.H. Axford, Rector of Cornwallis.


At Victoria Harbor, 25th ult., Mr. Ambrose Brown, aged 90 years, leaving a wife, 3 sons and three daughters to mourn their loss.

At Wolfville, 2nd inst., Aubrey E., son of S.P. Benjamin, aged 19 years.

Wedding Bells:

On Tuesday afternoon of last week a quiet wedding took place in the Anglican Church at Church Street, when Mr. Cecil H. Hooper, of Swanley, Kent, England, was united in marriage to Miss Hannah Thirza Marcella, daughter of the Rev. E.J.H. Axford, rector of Cornwallis. The ceremony was performed at 2 p.m., His Lordship the Bishop of Nova Scotia officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Janie Rand, of Wolfville, and by three flower girls, Misses Rita Chipman, Effie Cox and Madeleine McNutt. Mr. W. Basil Axford acted as groomsman. Miss Annie Chipman presided at the organ.

After the ceremony, luncheon was served at the rectory, after which Mr. and Mrs. Hooper left on the express train for Halifax, followed by the best wishes of all.

Yesterday, Oct. 12th. A reception was to have been held at the rectory, but owing to the illness of Mr. Basil Axford, brother of the bride, it has been postponed.

A Cowardly Act:

On Sunday night a dastardly attempt was made to wreck a special freight train on the I. C. R., near Moncton, a sleeper being fastened across the track. Fortunately, no lives were lost, but the locomotive and seven cars were piled into a ditch and burned, and several of the train hands sustained painful injuries.

Avon Saxon Coming:

Lovers of music will be glad to know that arrangements have been completed whereby they will have an opportunity of hearing this talented singer, who is to appear in Berwick on Saturday, Oct. 29th.

Mr. Saxon is too well and favorably known to require any testimonials, yet a few expressions of opinion from leading London musicians and critics, will be of interest to his friends here.

Mdlle. Ella Russell, the celebrated operatic Prima Donna from the imperial Opera, St. Petersburg, Russia, Her Majesty's Opera, London, and Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden, London, says:-

"You have one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard, besides you have everything in your favour, voice, talent, personal appearance, and an amiable disposition. You will make a great name in this world if you only continue as you have begun."

The well-known Anglo German pianist and composer, Algernon Ashton, Professor at the Royal College of Music, London, says:-

"I have had the great pleasure of hearing Mr. Avon Saxon sing, and was not only astonished and delighted with the rich quality, power, and compass of his really magnificent baritone voice, but also charmed with his expressive and beautiful style of singing as well as with his distinct enunciation."

The famous Italian pianist and composer, Signor Carlo Ducci, says:-

"- You will soon be one of the finest singers of the day."

During his present tour of Nova Scotia Mr. Saxon has received the most eulogistic notice from the press wherever he has appeared. It is unnecessary to say that on his coming visit to Berwick he will be greeted by a crowded house. Full particulars will be given in our next issue.

Dr. Geikie Dead:

The Rev. Dr. Cunningham Geikie, the well-known religious commentator and historian, is dead, in London, aged 74 years.

Dr. Geikie has been living quietly at Bournemouth, since 1890, when he retired from pastoral work. Among his publications are "The English Reformation", "The Holy Land and the Bible", "Landmarks of Old Testament History", "Hours with the Bible", "Old Testament Characters", "The Promises", and "The Life and words of Christ".

EDGEHILL, Windsor, - The Church School for Girls, opened the present term with seventy boarders and a number of day scholars in attendance. The school is in a most flourishing condition.

FIRE AT MIDDLETON. - The woodworking establishment of Messrs. Roop Bros., Middleton, was destroyed by fire on Monday evening. The loss is estimated at $10,000. Fortunately there was but little wind and the fire was confined to the building in which it originated.

WITHDRAWN. - Rev. J. B. Morgan has been induced to withdraw his resignation of the Aylesford Baptist church, through the unanimous request of his congregation.

BURGLARY AT AYLESFORD. - T. S. Ray's factory at Aylesford was broken into a few nights ago and a lot of tools were stolen. Tables &c, in the building were overturned, several barrels of apples were opened and upset, and a lot of new coffins were carried out and scattered about.


Mr. J. M. Palmer, of Welsford, who has been home from Boston for a few weeks, left on Friday to return to that city. He intimates that his stay this time is not likely to be prolonged.

Miss Flora Cahill left for Boston on Tuesday of last week.

Mr. J. R. L. Foster was in Berwick last week, on his way to Windsor to resume his studies at King's College.

Willie Bennett, of Rockland, brought us a ripe wild strawberry on Saturday morning, which he had picked near his home.

Howard Alcorn left on Friday for the United States.

Dr. Hugh L. Dickie, of Upper Canard, left by the Halifax City on Friday, for London. He will take a special course in diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, both at the Royal Ophthalmic hospital, Moorfields, and the London Throat Hospital.

Mr. J. W. McKay, of Halifax, his sister, Mrs. Harvey Graham of new Glasgow, and her daughter were in Berwick last week.

Miss Greta Vaughan has been visiting her sister, Miss M. A. Vaughan.

Mrs. T. R. Pattillo and child are visiting Mrs. Pattillo's parents in Berwick.

Miss Amy Rice arrived last week on a visit to her mother and friends in Berwick.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Pineo left on Saturday to return to Boston.

Mrs. George Lydiard left on Saturday for Keene, N. H., being summoned by wire on account of the serous illness of here sister, Mrs. Prouty.

Rev. C. W. Corey and family are now settled in their new home at Middleton, Mr. Corey having accepted a call to the pastorate of the Baptist church in that place.

Mr. Jacob Khadder, whose interesting lecture in Berwick, about a year ago, will be remembered by those who had the good fortune to hear it, has arrived safely in Jerusalem after a most successful tour in England, where he delivered no less than 199 lectures and addresses on behalf of his missionary work. On the 25th of September he was ordained a Deacon of the Anglican Church, in St. George's Cathedral, Jerusalem.

Roy Dakin is now a student at Acadia.

T. C. Morton, of Arlington, Mass., is in Berwick, the guest of Mr. Andrews.

Rev. J. L. M. Young occupied the pulpit of the Baptist Church, on Sunday morning last.

Mrs. D. O. Parker is visiting friends in St. Andrew's, previous to her departure for Boston where she and Mr. Parker intend spending the winter.

Mr. H. Percy Borden, of the Western Chronicle, is soon to enter upon a collegiate course at Mt. Allison. His brother, Mr. Allison H. Borden, succeeds him as editor of the Western Chronicle.

Miss Bertha Morton, of Somerset, left yesterday on a trip to Boston.

Mrs. A. V. Parker, Mrs. S. Ilsley and Mr. J. E. Woodworth are attending the Sabbath School Convention, which met at Bridgetown yesterday.

Col. L. DeV. Chipman has resigned the agency of the Bank of Nova Scotia at Kentville, a position which he has held for about thirty years. Mr. W. H. Davies is his successor.


The ladies of the Anglican Church held a tea meeting on the 22nd ult. The day being very unfavorable there were not as many from a distance as were hoped for; otherwise the undertaking was successful.

Mrs. J. Clark, who spent the summer here, returned to Boston on the 26th ult.

Mrs. Arthur Parks, of Port George, is visiting at her father's, Mr. George Kirkpatrick's.

Mrs. Blair, of Wolfville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Orpen, recently.

The schr. C. R. Washington, arrived on Friday from Rockland and sailed again on Sunday with a load of produce for Grand Manan and other ports.

Mr. H. Fitch left recently for the United States to remain the winter.

North Kingston:

"Jack Frost" has made his appearance several times here, so that the farmers are beginning to think it time their apples were picked. The crop in this locality is very good. Mr. Jos. Neily filled a bbl. with 180 Gravensteins.

The officers have been installed in Sundew Division for the quarter as follows: - W.P., W. R. Armstrong; W. A., W. I. Harris; R. S., Mrs. W. R. Armstrong; A.R.S., Harry Neily; F. S., Miss L. J. Armstrong; Chap., Mrs. Manning Armstrong; Con, Owen Armstrong; I. S. Leonard Tupper; O. S., Wesley Cassidy.

Among the visitors who went to Boston last week were Mrs. L. L. High, Mrs. John Marshall, A. D. Foster.

Mrs. Ezekiel Hudgins left last week for a few months visit among friends in Hants County.

Miss Margaret Warner is visiting relatives at Woodville.

Quite a number of our huntsmen and crackshots took a trip out South last week in search of moose, but they came home without any.


Misses Sophie Cook, Sophie Parker & Flora Cahill were visiting Mrs. Joseph G. Webster and other friends here recently.

On Thursday last as Mrs. Emmerson Graves was standing on the cellar stairs attempting to place a large crock of pickles upon a shelf in front of her, her foot slipped and she fell to the bottom of the cellar, followed by the crock, which struck her on the forehead. Fortunately it did not strike in a dangerous spot or the result might have been fatal. She was badly cut along the forehead and near one eye. Dr. Webster was called, and found it necessary to take several stitches in the cut. She is now improving, but is badly shaken up.

Mrs. Geo. L. Webster and her daughter Gertie, and Mr. Moses Rachford, left on Saturday for Boston, to visit friends there.

Mr. and Mrs. James Craig visited friends at Morristown and Lake George, one day last week, and they are at present attending Provincial Sabbath School Convention at Bridgetown.

Mrs. Enos Knowlton and Mrs. J. G. Webster drove to Weston on Friday to visit their cousin, Mrs. Fred Sanford, who is very ill.

W. J. Burgess has a packer from Onderdonk Co., Ontario, with a party of men at work packing apples at the warehouse. They are rushing business, working all day and part of the night.

Acadia College:

The formal opening of Acadia College took place on Wednesday afternoon of last week. There is the usual large attendance of students in all the departments, the Freshman class, numbering over fifty, and the Sophomore class about forty. The new instructor in mathematics, Mr. Cecil Jones, has arrived and entered upon his duties. The senior department of mathematics is still in charge of Prof. Higgins. A prosperous year is hoped for.

The British steamer Ganges, which sailed from Montreal a few days ago, is reported ashore at Ferrole, on the French shore of Newfoundland. She is said to be full of water and will be a total wreck.

In an interview in London Sir Charles Tupper deprecated the idea of an Anglo-American alliance, saying that friendship and co-operation for the common good would be preferable.
