October 5th 1898

October 5th 1898



At South Berwick, on Sabbath, Sept. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Borden, a son.

At Scotts Bay, Sept, 23rd to Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Ells a son.


At Yarmouth, Sept. 28, by Rev. R. D. Bambrick, Frank Whiston of Melrose, Mass., and Jennie Maud, daughter of Norris Margeson, of the D.A.R.

At Middleton, on Saturday, Sept. 24, by Rev. H. S. Baker, Rev. A. F. Newcombe and Miss Almida F. Minard.

At Waterville on Tuesday, Oct. 4th, by the Rev. J. Hawley assisted by Rev. G. W. F. Glendenning, Mr. Charles W. Bell of Dartmouth and Miss Minnie H., daughter of Charles I. Wolfe Esq. of Waterville.


At Gaspereaux, 23rd ult, Mrs. Martha A, widow of the later Jehiel Martin, aged 72 years.

At Highbury 24th ult., Odessa Landry.

Married at Yarmouth:

A quiet but very pretty wedding took place at Holy Trinity church, Yarmouth, at 7 o'clock Wednesday morning. Miss Jennie Maud Margeson, only daughter of Conductor Norris Margeson, of the D.A. Railway, was united to Frank Whiston, of Melrose, Mass., son of William Whiston, of Halifax. Miss Hattie Fitch, of Marlboro, Mass., acted as bridesmaid and Ernest Whiston, the groom's brother, officiated as best man. The bride wore a handsome dress of brown broadcloth, with turquoise blue trimmings and hat to match. Miss Fitch wore a blue cloth dress, with white silk trimming. Both carried bouquets of sweet peas and maiden hair fern. Mr. and Mrs. Whiston took the train en route for Melrose, Mass., via St. John.

Avon Saxon:

Mr. Avon Saxon is now at his mother's home in Berwick. His concerts have been in the highest degree successful, he being asked to return again to almost every place he has visited. We are glad to know that there is every probability that the people of Berwick will have an opportunity to hear him.

PICKED HIS POCKET - Frank Walker, of Waterville, had a watch taken out of his pocket while going to exhibition last week. A negro from Middleton was the culprit. Mr. Walker suspected him and stuck to him till he reached Halifax, when he was handed over to the police, who found the watch inside his shoe.

CLEARANCE SALE. - Mr. H. M. Davison formerly of Hantsport has removed his stock of Dry and 'Fancy goods to the store of Mr. A. F. Chipman, Berwick, where they are being offered at very low rates for cash. See this advertisement in another column.

Spraying materials at Patterson's:

FIRE. - The American House, Wolfville, occupied by Mr. L. E. Duncanson, was burned on Friday night last. The fire department was called out early in the evening and soon, as they supposed, had the fire extinguished. They went away without leaving a watchman and shortly after midnight another alarm was given. The boys did their best but it was impossible to save the house.

WEYMOUTH narrowly escaped destruction by fire a few nights ago. An incendiary using diabolical ingenuity and almost caught in the act, set a fire between Burrill's store and Bickford E. McCormack's. Bickford slept in his store and heard some one outside, but did not rouse until he heard the crackling of flames and saw the fire. He rushed out and was able to save his property and perhaps the town. Campbell's large store, with the Merchants' Bank office and his steam mills were on either side of the fire and about a million or more of dried lumber piled within a hundred yards of the fire would have made ready fuel for the flames that would have wiped out the principal part of the town.

Lake George:

We are now enjoying a beautiful spell of fine weather. The season's crop is about all gathered in and it has been a very good one.

The Plebiscite vote caused some little excitement in this locality.

There has been quite a number of southern cattle passed through here, enroute for the valley, in the last few days. Amongst the purchasers were Rev. P. M. Holden, Kentville; Mr. B. F. Ward, Weston, with a very fine pair of two-year old steers which he had bought from Mr. Richard Gaul, of Dalhousie); Mr. Harry Marchant, of Cold Brook, and others.

There have been about eight or nine hundred barrels passed through here from New Ross within the last week, for the valley apple market, the bountiful crop having made quite a demand for them.

Mrs. Thomas Hudgins and little daughter, Gladys, from Orange, Mass., are the guests of Mr. John Hudgins.

Mr. George Sheriff and family have returned after a two week's visit to Caledonia, Queens Co.

Miss Naomie Nichols, Nicholsville, is teaching school again in this place.

Misses Jessie and Maude Brennen have resumed their former occupation as teachers in Lunenburg Co.

Messrs. Daniel Jodrey and sons have purchased the farm from F. E. Harris, Aylesford, formerly owned by C. Blackburn.

The mill at Lake Paul has been lying dormant for some time.

Mr. J. Robar is quits sick, he is under the doctor's care.

Mr. Calvin Crocker is quite ill.

A BEAR - Orchards in the vicinity of Nicholsville have been robbed by a bear. He comes quite near to the houses and naturally shows a penchant for fruit of the sweet varieties.

Railway Horror at Stellarton:

A railway accident attended by the loss of six lives took place on the morning of the 28th ult., between Stellarton and Pictou and within a few miles of the former place. A special train left Tatamagouche early in the morning to join the morning train for Halifax. It was to pass a miners' local train near Westville. A mistake was made near here, and the trains crashed into each other at a speed of thirty miles an hour. Six were killed, namely: James A. Sproul, engineer, Stellarton, married; Michael O'Brien, engineer, Stellarton, unmarried; W. D. Henderson, fireman, Stellarton; married; J. R. McKenzie, fireman, Stellarton unmarried; John McDonald 25, passenger, Pictou, unmarried; Martin Cameron, 25, Scotch Hill, Pictou, unmarried. Eleven were injured more or less seriously.

The engines of the two trains were locked together in a torn, distorted mass. There were seven coaches on the excursion train, and the front one completely telescoped the locomotive, tender, and cab ahead of it, crushing the life out of the driver and fireman of the miners' train, who had no time to save themselves by jumping, and in a moment were mangled corpses tangled in the wreckage of the engines.

Fortunately, there were only three passengers in the forward excursion car, but two of these were killed, one instantly, and the other surviving only a short time, while the third was seriously injured.


Mrs. Fred P. Bill, who has been visiting friends in this county, left on Friday last to return to her home in Massachusetts.

Mr. H. Renwick Morton left for Boston on Thursday.

Mr. Arthur B. Killam of Somerset returned on Friday from a trip to Boston.

Master Roy Hudgins of Lake George brought us on Friday a cluster of wild ripe strawberries which he picked on Thursday near his home.

Mrs. Dunham and daughter Lila who have been spending several weeks with friends in this vicinity, returned to Boston on Friday.

Sydenham Howe, formerly of the Union Bank in Halifax, and lately agent of the same bank in Sherbrooke, has been transferred to the agency of the bank in Kentville.

Mr. Robert Forsythe returned on Monday to his home in Boston.

Mr. F. B. Chute, who has been quite seriously ill, is able to drive out.

M. T. Foster, Esq., of Halifax, and Mrs. Foster, visited Mr. Foster's parents last week.

Mrs. Pelton arrived last week from Boston being summoned on account of the serious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Butler.

Lake Paul:

Quite a number of our men showed their true colors by attending the election on Thursday last and voting "yes."

Mrs. Walter Wilson and son Carman, spent Friday and Saturday last at Mr. O. P. Young's.

Mr. Edson Cogswell, of Morristown, was in town on Monday.

Mr. Robert Ray passed through this place last week with a load of plums, enroute for Dalhousie.

Mr. Noble West, of South Framingham, who has been visiting his father, Mr. D. F. West, returned home on Saturday taking with him his little sister Maggie.

Mr. Austin Gates and family were the guests of Mr. I. P. Ward, on Tuesday last.


Mr. John Graves, of Danvers, Mass., is visiting his mother and other friends here.

There was a pie social at the residence of Mr. William Cashman on the 27th inst, for the aid of Morden new Roman Catholic church.

The 25th being Sunday and a fine day quite a number of people attended our church to listen to the excellent sermon delivered by Mr. John Anthony of Berwick. After the sermon Mr. Anthony addressed the congregation on the plebiscite. He spoke on the liquor traffic as a dreadful curse to the great Dominion and tried to encourage the voters to mark their ballots for prohibition.

Our farmers are digging their potatoes and report that a large per cent of the tubers are affected with rot.

We have had some very heavy frosts of late.

Our apple crop is very good; all report much better than they expected in the first of the season.

Canada Creek:

This seems to be the land where eternal summer reigns. Capt. James Gould picked a ripe strawberry on Saturday, Sept. 24th, and the first of October, some of our young ladies were decorated with beautiful bouquets of roses.

Mr. E. Schnair's little boy received a very severe kick from a horse recently. The wound was dressed and the little fellow is as comfortable as can be expected. It is a very severe scalp wound and the skull is fractured.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thurston of New Hampshire, who have been spending a few days here, left for their home on Wednesday.

Mrs. M. Cook is spending a few days with her parents at Canady Creek.

Mrs. Henry White and son, of Boston, former residents of this place, made a flying call on friends here last Friday.

Mr. Elias Wheelock, of North Reading, was the guest of Mrs. H. Dickie, on Friday.

Miss Dickie and Miss Robinson returned from their visit to friends in Kentville, on Saturday.

Apples a Specialty

Good Prices
Quick Returns


Fruit and Produce Brokers


Consignments Solicited.

Chief Agent

G. W. Eaton, - Berwick


Faro & Sims, Chester & Lawrence,
78 Lexington Avenue, Faneuil Hall Market
New York.

B. Levenerton, Halifax, N.S. Etc.


Borough Market,

London, S.E., England.



Arthur Harris, Canning.
J.E. Kinsman, Centreville.
Geo. W. Porter, Lakeville.
F.W. Webster, Sheff. Mills.
Starratt & Whitman, Millville.
E.J. McKenna, Kingston.

Represented in Nova Scotia by

H. C. Marsters,
Berwick, N.S.

Victoria Harbor:

Mr. James H. Hicks, of Salem, Mass., and son Minard, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Brown and other friends, left to return to Massachusetts on Saturday, 24th inst.

Mr. Everett Roscoe, of Massachusetts, visited his mother, Mrs. Stephen Spicer, recently.

Mr. Ambrose Brown who has been quite ill passed away on Sunday night. He was 90 years of age.

We listened to very interesting addresses on prohibition delivered by able speakers on Sept. 22nd.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leander Rand. A boy baby arrived at their home on the second.

Mr. Charles Jacques, of Danvers, Mass., visited friends here recently. Mr. Jacques was one of our former residents. We welcome him back to Nova Scotia.

Mrs. James Swindell, of Tupperville, Massachusetts, who was summoned home to see her father. Mr. A. Brown, is still with her mother, Mrs. Brown being ill. Mrs. Banks, of New Caledonia, is also with her mother, Mrs. Brown.

Miss Mary Parks is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parks.

Mrs. Hattie Anderson, a former resident of Burlington, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Andrew McBride, of Victoria Harbor.

Mrs. Ann McKinley is quite ill.

Miss May Roscoe and sister Edna have gone to the United States. We miss them from our circle.

Mr. Christopher Balsor, of Pleasant St., is doing our threshing and is doing fine work. Mr. Redgate, of Morden, was also in this vicinity threshing recently.

Our potatoes are turning out a very good crop though there are some among them that are badly decayed.

Burlington and Vicinity:

Mr. Inglis Read is visiting his mother, Mrs. Angeline Read. Mr. Read is an engineer in Boston.

 Professor Hyland has organized a singing school at Burlington, which is well attended.

Mr. William Emino is still at Burlington doing fine work with his new threshing machine.

Mr. Fred Saunders is repairing his house.

Mr. John Simmons is at Burlington, the guest of Mr. F. Saunders.

Mr. Eustace McAuley arrived home on 26th of September, after three months' absence in Massachusetts. He enjoyed good health there, but got hurt and was compelled to come home as he was not able to work there. On his way home he purchased a grip and some things for the little folks, and some one took it by mistake. The grip was a leather one and contained two dresses for a child four years old, one dress for a girl thirteen years old, one pair of child's boots and one pair of child's slippers, two handkerchiefs marked L. and E. The grip was taken in the hurry of changing from boat to car. Whoever made the mistake, if he or she seeing this would kindly send it to Aylesford Station, they would be rewarded.

Our school under the management of Miss Cassie Daniels, of Paradise, is progressing nicely and is well attended.

Last Tuesday being rainy, the social at Mr. Wm. Cashman

S was not very well attended, but from the small number present the neat little sum of $8.00 was netted. All enjoyed a good time. There were two violinists present, Messrs John Sweeny and Abram Sturk, who rendered fine music.

One of our former residents, Mr. Ambrose Brown, was interred at Burlington cemetery Sept. 28th. Mr. Brown has resided at Victoria Harbor for a number of years. He was 90 years of age and leaves a widow of 90 years of, three daughters and three sons to mourn for a fond and loving husband and affectionate father.

Kate Howell the little daughter of Mr. Wm. Howell is slowly improving from typhoid fever.

Mrs. Reuben Hyland is spending a few months with her daughter, Mrs. Noble Charlton, in Lowell, Mass.

New Minas:

Miss Emma Bishop and her sister, Mrs. Gould, who have been spending a few weeks with their mother, Mrs. Lucius Bishop, returned to their homes in Boston last week.

For the past two weeks, Rev. Mr. Diaz, of this place, and Rev. Mr. Nobles, of Kentville, have been holding meetings in North and South Alton; we trust, with good success. Mr. Diaz resumes his studies in Wolfville this week.

Mr. McIntosh, of Boston, who has been spending a two weeks vacation in this place, the guest of his friend W. H. Seaman, returned to Boston on Saturday last.

Mrs. Arthur Turner has been quite ill for the past few days, but is better at the present writing.

Little Miss Muriel DeWolfe and Lillian Turner went to Lawrencetown on the 17th ult. Where they spent a few days with their aunt and cousins, returning home on the following Wednesday.

Mrs. Betts, of New Westminster, B. C., spent a few days in this place last week, the guest of Mrs. J. B. and S. DeWolfe.

Miss Lou Fuller is visiting friends in Halifax.

Miss Prue Woodworth, of Kentville, spent Saturday and Sunday in this place the guest of her friend Miss Daisy Tomlinson.

Miss Hattie Lawrence, of Cheticamp, C. B., is visiting friends in this place and is at present the guest of Mrs. Amos Griffin. Her brother, Howard Lawrence, who is attending Patterson's School at Horton, was here over Sunday, also a guest at Mrs. Griffin's.

Miss Daisy Tomlinson has returned from an extended visit among relatives and friends in Lawrencetown.

Mr. James Cuzzins, of Boston, was in this village last week.

Miss Josie Seaman returned from Halifax on Thursday.

The friends of Mr. Robert Griffin are pleased to see him once more among them. Mr. Griffin has been studying law in Toronto, with great success.

Mrs. Elizabeth Harris, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Albert Balcom at Lawrencetown, returned home on Saturday.

Mrs. W. H. Seaman is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Twining, in Halifax.

Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Neary and sister, Miss Annie Falan spent Wednesday in this place, the guests of Mrs. Sydney DeWolfe.

Those who attended exhibition in Halifax last week were, Mrs. Gould and brother Raymond Bishop, Mr. Gaspard Roy, Miss Lawrence, Miss Young, Miss Laura Bishop and brother Edward, Mr. Adelvert Bishop, Master Fred Roy, Mrs. Strong, Mr. Griffin, Elliot Fuller and Mr. George DeWolfe.

Mr. Amos Griffin returned from Halifax on Friday with several prizes on his stock exhibit.

Our Division which has not been very well attended during the busy weeks of summer, is doing finely now. New officer's were appointed on Friday as follows: - W. P. Miss Lena Woodroff; W. A. Mr. Prior Bishop; R. S. Miss Jessie Young; A. R. S. Miss Edith Witter; F.S. Miss Daisy Tomlinson; Sec. Mr. J. B. Fuller; chap J. B. DeWolfe P. W. P. Miss Elsie Bishop Con. Miss Ida Bishop; A. Budd Bishop: I. S, Clyde Bishop, O. S. (could be Q. S), Mr. Milet.

Scott's Bay:

We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Wm. Osborn, who has bee seriously ill so some time, is recovering.

Miss Bessie Miner, who has been visiting her cousin, Miss Mabel Steele, has returned to Chelsea, Mass.

Mr. Lamont Coffill has gone to try his fortune in the United States.

Elder Arthur Woodworth and Mr. Benj. Jess are attending the Advent Conference at Bear River.

Mr. Frank Loomer and Mr. William Porter, of Marblehead, Mass., spent Friday and Saturday at Scotts Bay the guests of Mr. Horace Steele.

A number of our young people attended a very interesting temperance meeting held at Scotts Bay Road on Wednesday evening, Sept. 28th.

Master Percy Steele picked a ripe Strawberry while crossing a pasture, Sept. 27th.


Round Paper and Wood-
Board Selections for heads
For Sale at this Office.

Paper, 25 cents per 100 sheets.
Woodboard, 75c. " per 100 sections.
Or $1.75 per bale of 50 lbs.

