November 9th 1898

November 9th 1898



At Harborville, Nov 5th, to Capt and Mrs. Chas. McBride, a son.


At Malden, Mass., on Wednesday, Oct 19th, by the Rev R.P. Walker, Henry Rupert Rudolph and Miss Margaret Melissa Kennedy, both of Somerville, Mass.

At the residence of the bride's father, Scotts Bay, on Wednesday, Nov 2nd, by Elder Arthur Woodworth assisted by the Rev. A.B. Higgins, Leverett A., eldest son of Daniel Huntley, and Daisy, third daughter of Herbert H. Tupper, Scotts Bay.


At Grafton, Nov.5th, Thomas E. Coleman, aged 68 years.

At Nictaux Falls, on Sabbath afternoon, Nov 6th, Edwin Nichols, aged 67 years.

Railway Accident:

The west bound freight train on Friday last was delayed by a somewhat serious accident which occurred at Pidgeon siding, two miles east of Windsor station. It was caused by a broken bolt in the bar connecting the points. A baggage car, freight car and passenger car left the rails. The freight and passenger were dragged an eighth mile over the sleepers and then became detached, turned over and went down an embankment. Several passenger and train hands were bruised or shaken up, but none seriously injured. Rails were twisted and sleepers were torn up for a quarter of a mile. The four persons most severely injured were:

Miss Elizabeth Newell, shoulder hurt.

Charles Fitzmaurice, train hand, head cut.

Cecil Pentz, train hand, ankle sprained.

M. Trissell, passenger, of Grand port, Ont., shaken up and bruised.


The Somerville, Mass., Journal contains the following report of the marriage of a native of this county.

Henry R. Rudolph and Miss Margaret Kennedy, both well known in West Somerville, were married Oct. 19th, at the home of the bride's sister in Malden. The popularity of the couple was plainly shown by the beautiful array of wedding presents that were received, conspicuous among which was a valuable gift of money. The couple started after the reception for Canada Creek, N. S. where the groom has prepared a home for his bride.

Among those who were present at the wedding from West Somerville were: Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Bowlby, Mr. and Mrs. Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. William Rawding, Mr. and Mrs. William Loveless, Miss Redmond, Miss Hotchkiss, Mrs. Tarleton, Mrs. Fitzgerald, W. E. Bowlby, L. F. Bowlby.

Mr. Rudolph, for the past three years has been in the employ of H. R. Bowlby, who greatly regrets the loss of a valued assistant.


Mr. Thomas E. Coleman of Grafton passed away on Saturday morning last. His health has been failing for some time and of late it has been known that his recovery was not to be expected, though he was confined to his house but a short time before his death. Mr. Coleman in his younger days "went west" living in what is now the province of Ontario, where his eldest child now Mrs. John A. Newcombe of Grafton was born. About 1858 he returned with his family to Nova Scotia and purchased the farm in Grafton on which he resided till his death. He leaves a widow and five children who have the sincere sympathy of a large circle of friends in their bereavement. The funeral took place on Monday Rev. Mr. Hawley officiating.

Mr. Edwin Nichols formerly a resident of Cambridge and afterward of Berwick died at his residence in Nictaux Falls, Annapolis Co. on Sabbath afternoon last after a protracted illness. Mr. Nichols was well known in this county where he spent the greater part of his life. The news of his death will be heard with regret and sympathy for the bereaved ones. He leaves two sons, Mr. S. H. Nichols, of Berwick, and Mr. C. O. Nichols, of Waterville.

Miss Mabel Ellis will be at home during the fall and winter months and will be glad to receive music pupils during her stay.

WANTED, in exchange for goods, Butter at 18c per lb, Dried Apples at 5c, Oats at 40c per bushel, Beans, Eggs, &c.


Nov. 2nd '98

LOST. - From a carriage at the Baptist church on Monday evening Oct. 3rd, a dark summer overcoat. Any information regarding the same will be thankfully received by Fred A. Illsley, Somerset.

PREPARE FOR WINTER. - The best place to buy Stoves and Stove Pipe is at John G. Clark's.

A PIE SOCIABLE will be held in Woodville Hall, on Friday evening, Nov. 18th. There will be literary entertainment, and music will be furnished by members of the Berwick Brass Band. A pleasant evening may be expected.

SOCIAL - The Epworth League of Christian Endeavor, in connection with the Methodist Church, Berwick, held a social at the residence of Dr. Middlemas, on Monday evening last. A pleasing musical and literary programme was carried out, refreshments were served, and an enjoyable time was spent.

Dr. H. P. Wright, Ottawa's foremost physician, died suddenly Saturday, Oct, 29th, at the comparatively early age of 47. He was a guest at Rideau hall on Friday evening. Over work is assigned as the primary cause of his death.

The St. John Telegraph says Warren Guy was brought to Portland, Wednesday, on the stmr. St. Croix, from Boston. Guy was kicked by another horse at Boston and was seriously injured.


A pie and basket social will be held at the residence of A. S. Bentley on the evening of Nov. 18th. Come, all who are interested in a good cause and enjoy a good time.

Mr. W. Skinner, of South Berwick, has exchanged places with Mr. Perry Borden. We are glad to welcome Mr. Skinner to our neighborhood.

William Usher has purchased a house of Mr. Henry Lloyd, which he moved to Cambridge and is now occupying.

George Woodworth is just recovering from a severe attack of the measles.

We are glad to see Mrs. Thomas Palmer, Jr., out again after a severe illness.

Miss Millie Sanford, of Somerset, is visiting friends and relatives in this community.

Our school is progressing favorably under the management of Miss Lila L. Gates of Melvern Square.

Cordwood choppers are again visiting our vicinity looking for work.


Robert Browne, of Kentville, spent Sunday with his parents in this place.

Miss May Fitzgerald, has returned from an extended visit to friends in Dartmouth.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Roach, of Kingston, visited Mrs. Wright last week.

Miss Mamie Whitman, of Nictaux, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. C. Charlton.

Mrs. E. O. Read has returned from a visit to relatives in Massachusetts.

Mr. and Mrs. Twining Lyons visited friends in Lawrencetown last week.

Miss Hattie Forsythe has returned to Whitman, Mass., where she will spend the winter.

Mrs. J. C. Thompson is visiting friends in Halifax.

Mrs. Margeson has returned from her visit to relatives in Massachusetts.

Misses Elsie and Carrie Best spent Sunday with friends in White Rock.

S. B. Taylor has gone to Boston for the winter.


Mr. A. D. McRae of the Union Bank agency Kentville was in Berwick on Friday.

Wilbur Ellis who came from Boston last week on account of the death of his mother left on Friday to return to that city.

Mr. J. Milton Robinson who has been visiting his brother L. D. Robinson and other relatives and friends in this county left on Friday to return to his home in North Reading, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. Till left on Thursday morning for Manitoba where they will reside with their children.

Mrs. Borden and the Misses Borden, wife and daughters of the minister of militia, accompanied by Mrs. Clarke, left Canning on Tuesday for Montreal, from whence they will proceed to Washington, where they intend spending the winter.

Mr. Shannon Morse returned last week from his trip to Boston.

Rev. G. P. Raymond has tendered his resignation as pastor of the New Glasgow Baptist church, of which he has been pastor for four years, to take effect January 1st, 1899.

Rev. John Williams, who for years has had the pastoral care of the Baptist church at Gaspereaux, has resigned.

New Minas:

Miss Hattie Lawrence who has been spending the past few weeks with relatives and friends in this place intends returning to her home in Cheticamp this week.

Mrs. O. D. Harris of Wolfville is spending a few days in this village the guest of Mrs. W. H. Seaman.

Mrs. Dodson, who has been visiting her friend, Mrs. Fuller, has returned to her home in Dartmouth.

Miss Addie Cogswell of Port Williams spent a few days with friends last week.

The members of Maple Leaf Division of Greenwich paid a fraternal visit to King's Own on Friday evening. A good entertainment was furnished by the two divisions and the evening passed pleasantly. We are glad to note such an increase in the attendance at our meetings each night, and also the improvement in the entertainments.

Some of the young people of this place spent pleasant social evenings with Mrs. Griffin on Thursday and Mrs. J. B. DeWolf on Saturday.

Mr. Howard Lawrence of Horton School was in this village on Sunday the guest of Mrs. J. B. DeWolf.

Mr. James Bishop has moved his family to Canaan. This family will be very much missed by the community at large. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fitch will occupy the house vacated by them.

One of the most interesting events of the season was the masquerade given by Miss Daisy Tomlinson, at her home on Hallowe'en. At eight o'clock, about thirty five guests, the most of which personated some character, had assembled in the pleasant room's at Mrs. DeWolfe's and in their gay costumes and masks presented a pretty and laughable sight. The evening passed pleasantly with music and games. The most attractive feature of the evening being the beautiful violin music furnished by Mr. Edward Bishop with his sister Miss Laura, as accompanist. After a delicious meal furnished by our hostess, we wended our way homeward in the wee ama'hours, feeling that his Hallowe'en party was one long to be remembered.

Canady Creek:

Our wharf is at last finished and passing vessels of any kind can rely on a safe harbor. We must admit that the present government has been generous in thus remembering us. During the past few months several hundred dollars have been expended on our wharf and bridge.

We intend to have a pie social, sale and concert at the residence of Henry Dickie, on Wednesday evening, Nov. 16th, if pleasant, if not the next fine evening following. A cordial invitation is extended to all interested in a good cause. Admittance free, proceeds to go towards paying for an organ for the church.

Scotts Bay:

Mr. Miner Davison presented your correspondent with several wild strawberries, fully ripe, which were picked Nov. 2nd.

Rev. Mr. West, of Canning, spent a week at this place recently, the guest of J. E. Steele.

The greatest social event of the season was the marriage of Mr. Leverett A. Huntley and Daisy, third daughter of H. H. Tupper. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's father, in the presence of about thirty guests, by Elder Arthur Woodworth, assisted by Rev. A. B. Higgins. After the ceremony tea was served and a pleasant evening spent with music and games. A large number of handsome and useful presents testified to the esteem in which the bride is held.

Steam Mill Village:

Mrs. Jas. MacInias, who has been making an extended visit among her friends in the United States, has returned home.

Mrs. M. Balsor and her daughter, Mrs. Pineo, of Black Rock, were visiting Mr. Samuel Crocker last week.

Mrs. Ladd Reid, formerly of Kentville, is making her home at Mrs. Harry Lydiard's.

We are glad to learn that Miss Lila Woodman, who has been in poor health for a long time is improving.

Mr. and Mrs. John Boylin, of North Salem, are visiting Mrs. Boylin's sister, Mrs. Jas. MacInias.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vaughan, of Parrsboro, are visiting at Mr. George Vaughan's.

Mr. Dodge and Mr. W. H. Chase have been busily engaged loading apples and potatoes this last week or so.


Miss MacColl, of Cambridge, is visiting at J. M. Card's.

Rev. A. J. Vincent and son have returned from New York and are visiting at H. P. Sweet's.

Miss Bessie Freeman spent a few days of last week with friends at Lakeville.

Mrs. Kinsman, of Somerset, spent week before last at her former home in Billtown.

The Pie Sociable held in Billtown on Wednesday evening, 26th, was well attended. Over $14.00 were realized.

The barn of Mr. Lewis Rockwell is now finished and presents a fine appearance.

Mr. Sanford is pushing forward the work on his new house and barn with great energy.

Some of the young folk enjoyed a good time on Hallowe'en.


The "Sunshine" upon the waters is seen no more; being wrecked at Baccaro Point, on the coast of Shelburne. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Capt. Isaac Cook - the owner of the vessel - who, though feeling his loss very keenly, yet rejoices that the lives of the crew, his son being among the number, were spared. May the sun shine upon him more brightly in the future than ever it did in the past when he was on board of the "Sunshine".

The home of Capt. Charlie McBride has been brightened by the advent of a son, on November 5th.

Our young photographer, Mr. Roscoe Cook, has removed his saloon from Aylesford to Harborville. We wish him every success in his business.

A new store has been opened in our vicinity by Mr. David Chute.

Miss Bayer is spending a few weeks at Aylesford. We hope the change of atmosphere may be the means of restoring her to her former health and vigor.

Mrs. Weaton Balcom picked a large ripe strawberry on Nov. 4th.

We are pleased to note the interest taken in the school, by the Trustees and Secretary as shown by repairing of buildings, purchase of maps, books, etc.

Who will be responsible for the fixing of our roads and bridges; the man on the mountain or the man in the valley? This is the question that is causing excitement and anxiety among the people at the present time; and will continue to do so until after Nov. 15th, when the question will be answered. We hope that the conduct of the future councillor will not cause the people to regret the answer given.
