November 2nd 1898

November 2nd 1898



On Oct 26th, at the Presbyterian church, Rockingham, Fred J. Reed, formerly of Kentville, and Hattie Barnes, third daughter of W.D. O'Donnell, photographer, of Halifax.

At Weymouth, Oct 26th, by the Rev. Mr. Millar, of Weymouth, Herbert L. Silver, of Lunenburg, and Marion, eldest daughter of Israel Burrill, Esq., of Weymouth.


At Berwick, on Friday, Oct 28th, Warren Beeler, aged 19 years.

At Berwick, on Friday, Oct 28th, Mary Eliza, wife of W.W. Ellis and daughter of the late Samuel Condon, aged 55 years.


We are sorry to have to announce the death of Mrs. W.W. Ellis, which occurred on Friday morning. Mrs. Ellis has been suffering for some time with a distressing and fatal illness, but the end was not anticipated so soon.

Mrs. Ellis was the daughter of Mr. Samuel Condon, of Union Square. An attack of disease in childhood left her a life long cripple and being thus prevented from taking part in the more active duties of life she fitted herself for a teacher of music, in which capacity she did excellent.

As a wife and mother she was faithful and devoted, and the bereaved husband and children have the sincere sympathy of all of know them.

Warren, second son of Mr. E.F. Beeler, passed away on Friday morning, after a protracted illness, borne with the utmost patience. He was a young man of much promise and deep regret is felt that he should be called away just on the threshold of manhood.

SHIP YOUR APPLES to Nothard & Lowe. T.H. Morse, is agent

The Apple Trade:

The Halifax Herald of the 27th has the following: -

Wolfville, Oct. 26th. - The Free Trade has taken another cargo of apples to Boston, to be transhipped to England, the freight by this route being 25 cents less than by Halifax, but the fruit is under the disadvantage of arriving at Liverpool instead of London.

Here is food for thought. A colony of Great Britain, with subsidized railways and steamers - nearer England than Boston, and yet apples can be shipped from there cheaper than here. What's the matter with Halifax? It doesn't need an elevator to load apples. What's the matter with the D.A.R., are they getting all the work they want at better prices? Something must be out of joint - as the darkey preacher said, "Dar's a great moral lesson lying round heah somewhar!" - Windsor Tribune.


Rev. Mr. Sinclair, of Canard, was in Berwick on Wednesday last.

Miss Maud Parker left for Boston on Wednesday.

The governors of the school of mining and agriculture, at Kingston, Ont., have nominated Mr. J. W. Hart, as superintendent of the dairy department. Mr. Hart is a graduate of the Ontario Agricultural College and was for a time in charge of the Sussex, N. B., creamery. He is a son of Rev. J. B. Hart, of Bridgetown, N.S., and a nephew of Rev. T. D. Hart, of Sackville, N. B.

Rev. James Strothard, pastor of the Methodist church, Bridgetown, has accepted an invitation to Hamilton, Bermuda, subject to the action of the Nova Scotia conference.

Avon Saxon was compelled to cancel his engagement for Saturday evening, in Berwick, on account of hoarseness. He sails for England tomorrow.

Clinton Reed is home from Acadia for a time. He is quite seriously ill.

Herbert L. Silver, representing the Garland Manufacturing Co. of Toronto, in the Maritime Provinces, was married in the Methodist church at Weymouth, on Thursday, last to Miss Minnie Burrill, eldest daughter of Israel Burrill, of Yarmouth.

Mrs. E. G. Foster, and Mrs. E. C. Young, (her brother's wife) from Bridgetown, are visiting Rev. J. L.M. Young, in Somerset this week. Last week, Mrs. Ell N. Young, widow of Rev. Mr. Young's youngest brother, returned from Somerset to her home in Brooklyn, Annapolis Co.

Moses Brown, Esq, of Waterville, has received word from his son, Mr. Allen Brown, that Mrs. Brown and himself had safely arrived in Denver City, Colorado.

Dr. Angus M. Morton, who took his degree at the Halifax Medical College last spring, is now at his father's residence in Woodville. During the summer Dr. Morton has been attached to an Admiralty cruiser as surgeon, spending most of the time on the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador.

John Rice left for Philadelphia, on Saturday last, where he has a situation awaiting him.

The Howe Monument:

The Morning Chronicle says:-

The Victoria Colonist has called attention in the following words to a matter in which Nova Scotians apparently have little interest:

"Sir John Bourinot has directed attention to the fact that there is no monument anywhere to Joseph Howe. This great son of Nova Scotia deserves such recognition as a monument can give. More ought to be done than has been done to familiarize the people of Canada with the character and achievements of her illustrious sons. Through small in population and no very long history, the British North American provinces have produced many men, conspicuous for their ability and for their devotion to the cause of the people. There is a danger that the youth of Canada may grow up ignorant of the splendid example set by these men, and whatever can reasonably be done, to render the footprints which they left upon our history more conspicuous, ought to be done."

Those who attended a freeze out meeting held in the Lyceum at Halifax on Dec. 13th, 1895 could form an idea of how much interest the people of Halifax had in the matter referred to.

Windsor's Assessment:

The Tribune says:-

"It will be remembered that after the fire last year the assessors made a new departure in assessment by putting the land in all cases up to its full value. By so doing the assessment of the real estate of the town was slightly larger than it had been on the previous year, although more than three quarters of the buildings of the town had been destroyed. This was probably the nearest attempt at the single tax system ever attempted in the province, and the result was seemingly satisfactory, as the same assessors have been chosen this year. This is an encouragement for the assessors to proceed along the lines adopted last year."

The result of the policy adopted by the assessors of Windsor after the fire has been to ensure the immediate rebuilding of almost every part of the burned district. Landowners found they would be taxed for their land whether they used it or not, so they very naturally decided to use it. If our laws could be changed so that buildings and personal property would all be exempt from taxation and all taxes raised on the value of land. Windsor, by following out the policy of its assessors would speedily become one of the most prosperous towns in the province.

From the Klondyke:

Mr. Geo. A. Roland, son of Albert E. Roland, of Morristown, now in Dawson City, writing to his mother under the date of Sept. 12th, says: -

Dear Mother: -

We have been in Dawson three weeks tomorrow. Had a bad trip from Vancouver, the trip to St. Michael's was all right - made it ten days. Got there the 4th of July in the morning, but we had to wait a week for a boat in which to come up the river, and it took us 43 days to reach Dawson. We were stuck two days at the mouth of the river, on a sand bar, and when we got about half way up we were stuck again twelve days. Then the cylinder head of the engine blew out and we were laid up for four days. Besides these there were several small breakdowns. I did all right though, for I worked all the way up at $75 a month.

We meant to go up on the Stewart river this winter. We are living two miles up back of Dawson on the hill. Have a log cabin almost finished. Things don't look too bad in here, although lots of people are getting discouraged and going out. But you ought to see the people that are coming in. people that were never out of a city in their lives. There were a lot from England with us that didn't know what an axe was - lawyers and bank clerks.

Every that is working around here is getting a dollar an hour. A team of horses hire for ten dollars an hour. Work is hard to find, but those who really want it can find it all right, I guess.

One of my mates is going up on Dominion Creek to-morrow, to see about a claim; we get half interest for representing it. Three month's work for one man. If he doesn't get that I am going to look for a job. We will have the cabin all ready for winter by the time he gets back. We have had fine weather since we left Vancouver, and I haven't seen any hardships so far.

Capt Norwood is posted about fifteen miles above here. If we go out to Dominion I will have a chance to see him. I think Parker is up at the lakes.

Write to "Dawson, Yukon Territory," and I will get your letter all right.

Yours with love,

Geo. A. Roland.


Miss Julia Palmer, from Kingston Sta., recently spent several days here with her aunt, Mrs. Jas. Craig.

Cambridge Division S. of T., has been making some repairs upon the inside of the Hall. A little mortar, whitewash and paint have greatly improved the appearance of the Division Room.

On Friday evening last, Mr. Blackadar, the agent of the Grand Division, organized a new Division at Cold Brook, with some twenty charter members.

Mrs. C. W. F. Webster recently visited friends at Nictaux.

We are very sorry to hear that Mr. Edwin Nichols, formerly one of our respected neighbors, is in very poor health.

Our Village has recently put in two new telephone stations. Mr. J. Howe Cox has one and Mr. Emerson Graves has the other. This will be a great convenience for us all.

Mr. Everett Sawler arrived home on Saturday and will spend a month or more with his parents and friends here. He was for some five years employed in telegraphy in Somerville, Mass. On the 12th of June last, he joined the Mass. Volunteer Signal Corps, for Cuba. This Corps is a part of the cavalry, whose duty it is to locate the enemy and report to head quarters. After some day's drill at Washington the corps was ordered to Santiago but did not reach there until three days after the surrender, and was, therefore, not in actual war. As the corps remained in Santiago for several days Mr. Sawler visited the battle field and the wrecks of the Spanish fleet and obtained a number of souvenirs of the victory. The Corps was then ordered to Boston where Mr. Sawler received a furlough for sixty days which will expire about the first of December. H is still drawing army pay- about $50.00 per month.

The measles are prevalent here just now. In one house there are nine victims and two more to have them.

There are two English business men in town just now. One is Mr. Maycock, assistant manager of the Furness S. S. Co; the other is Mr. Dennis, agent of a large commissien house of London.

Miss Lily Bent, of Brooklyn, called on her friend, Miss Mabel Coldwell, one day last week. Miss Best was on her way to Halifax to enter Dalhousie College. As she holds an (A) license she enters as a sophomore.

Mrs. John Caldwell whose hands and home are always open when any good can be done, invites the C. E. Society to spend Friday evening at her home.


Mrs. E. M. Margeson and daughter have moved into the cottage Main St., recently occupied by Mr. R. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Brown will reside at the farmhouse.

On account of the illness of Mr. J. G. Rood, no work has been done at the canning factory for a few days. Mr. Rood is recovering.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Charleton are visiting friends in Nictaux.

Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brown have gone West for a while. Mr. Brown goes to New Mexico, but Mrs. Brown will reside in Denver for the winter. These young people are very much missed in the social circle.

The contract for enlarging the manse has been taken by B. S. Johnstone.

Miss Maud Sanford is very ill of inflammatory rheumatism.

Mr. N. Best is repairing his dwelling.

The services held in the Presbyterian Church are very interesting and helpful. Rev. Mr. Davison assists Rev. Mr. Hawley. These services continue every evening this week.

Mr. T. Beardsley is enlarging his house. Mr. Broome is doing the work.

Miss Bessie McIntosh spent Sunday with her parents.

Prof. Hyland of Burlington intends conducting a singing school here this winter.

James Rood has returned to his home in Halifax.

Dr. Stewart, of Halifax, was in town on Monday the guest of Dr. Harvey.

Last Saturday evening Mrs. Grant Bowles of Grafton, received word from Bridgetown stating that her father, Mr. Washington Chesley, was seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Bowles started almost immediately for Bridgetown. The latest report is that there is "not any change".

Mr. Thos. Coleman, of Grafton, is seriously ill. Dr. Stewart, of Halifax, has been called in consultation with Dr. Harvey and at a later date we find the report not favorable to his recovery. Two of Mr. Coleman's daughters, Mrs. Bath, nurse graduate, '98, of Bellevue Hospital, New York, and Mrs. Geldert, of Windsor have hastily been summoned home.

Miss Hattie Forsythe, who has been spending several months in Waterville, leaves this week for Mass. where she intends spending the winter, after which she expects to go to Colorado. Miss May Forsythe also returns this week.

Mrs. Grandison Forsythe has rented her place to Mr. frank Pinch. Mrs. Forsythe intends spending the winter with her daughters in the States.

Miss Isabel, the little daughter of Rev. J. Hawley has been quite ill.

Mrs. George Pineo returned home this week after a pleasant stay among friends in Lakeville.

Mr. Harriot, our popular jeweler, has returned from a business trip to New Glasgow.

Mr. Robert Wilson, of Kentville is in Waterville.

The series of special meetings held in the Presbyterian church by the pastor, Rev. J. Hawley, assisted by Rev. H. S. Davison, of Bridgetown, are being well attended and an increased interest is manifested.

Mrs. W. W. Pineo, who has been visiting her former home in St. John returned home last Saturday.

Miss Marian Thompson is ill with a severe cold.

Miss Jennie Bowles attended the S. S. Convention recently held at Bridgetown.

Mrs. Alfred Whitman who was ill with inflammation of the lungs, is rapidly recovering.


The work on the wharf which has been going on for some time is done; competent judges say it is a fine piece of work.

Miss Bessie Orpen who has been most of the summer in Wolfville has returned home; her niece, Miss Benjamin accompanied her.

Mrs. John Orpen made a short visit to her daughter, Mrs. S. P. Benjamin, in Wolfville, recently.

Mrs. Fred Kirkpatrick is away from home visiting friends in Annapolis Co.

Mr. Robert Freeman, of Clairmont, died on the 22nd and was buried on the 24th.

Mr. and Mrs. John Redgate are called to mourn the death of their daughter, Mrs. A. Burke, of Waterville. They have the sympathy of the community in their bereavement.

There was a quiet wedding in the village on Tuesday evening when Mrs. Annie Stirk was married to Mr. Bamford Keddy of Dalhousie; the ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Holden.

Schr. Ethel B. arrived here from Boston last week and sailed again on Saturday 22nd for the same port.

Watson Graves has moved into his new house just above the village, the one he formerly lived in will be occupied by his brother, Loring Graves.


The B. Y. P. U. gave a Halloween supper on Monday night. A goodly number were present and enjoyed a very pleasant evening.

The annual Donation was held at the Baptist parsonage on Tuesday, 25th. A sumptuous tea was served by the ladies, followed by speeches and music. At the close of the evening, a purse containing $46.00 was handed to the pastor.

Misses Mabel Lee and Annie Paterson are attending Normal school in Truro.

Mr. Frank Harris arrived home on Saturday to spend a fortnight with his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spurr are expected home to spend the winter.

Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Starratt have moved into their new house.

The new house of Mrs. Beriah Graves is nearing completion and adds much to the appearance of the place.

Mrs. L. A. Jacques and Miss Eva McDorman spent Monday in Aylesford.

Mrs. Abner Woodworth spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Graves.

Several of our young people visited Berwick on Saturday evening, for the purpose of hearing Mr. Saxon sing. They were much disappointed on finding that the concert had been "declared off".

Messrs. George Jacques and Charles Zwicker left for Boston on Friday.

Officers of Parole Division were duly installed on Wednesday evening: -

W. P., L. O. Neily; W. A., Mrs. Kate Graves; R. S. John McIntyre; A. R. S., Edna Davidson; F. S. Sadie Holland; Treas. Merton Parker; Chap., Mrs. N. P. Spurr; Con., Minnie Bowlby; A. C., Eva Graves; O. S., C. A. Logan; I. S., H. Patterson; P. W. P., Howard Spurr.

Canady Creek:

Mrs. Aaron Card arrived from Boston, on Wednesday, his sister accompanied him, they were summoned on account of the serious illness, of their father.

Master Ernest Schnair has almost recovered from the effects of his late accident.

Miss Nellie Dickie has been spending a few weeks with friends at Woodville.

Samuel Robinson spent last week visiting friends at Wolfville.

Mr. and Mrs. Barkhouse are visiting friends at New Ross.

The surprise parties are fairly well attended and bids fair for a successful season.

We intend to have a pie social, sale and concert at the residence of Jonathan Gould, Wednesday evening, Nov 6th, if pleasant, if not the next fine evening following. A cordial invitation is extended to all interested in a good cause. Admission free, proceeds go towards paying for an organ for the church.


Miss Winnie Slocum, of Malden, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Clarke Spinney, a few weeks, has returned to her home in the States.

Mr. T.C. Steele has returned from the U.S. where he has been visiting his sons.

Mrs. Wm. H. Pierce is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J.W. Plumb.

Mrs. James S. Smith and little son, spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Spinney.

Mr. John Spinney, is on the sick list.
