July 12, 1978



Morden United Church

Before the turn of the century, the Rev. George Oxley Huestis was a familiar sight to the people of Morden; riding in his buggy with his balky red mare, dashing up the hill after much coaxing. The villagers would smile and say, "There goes the Reverend." He would hold Methodist services in the fishing villages of Morden and Victoria and all the Nicholsville Circuit, in schoolhouses and homes and wherever a few people could gather.

Mr. Huestis was to have his dream of a church come true in little Morden in 1901, but as he had retired to Lunenburg, he was not the first minister to preach there. His son, Theodore B. Huestis of Morden, donated the land, drew the plans, and executed the building of the Morden Methodist Church. He had the help of every willing and able hand in Morden, some of them living now remember with pride. Not to be forgotten, are the groaning boards of luscious cooking of the many "Tea meetings" held by the ladies of the village, who worked hard and long hours for money for the building. These suppers were held under the spruces of a lovely old house called the "Grove", and are a tradition that lives today.

The Margaretsville Methodist Church donated the fine lamps. Three chandeliers of six oil lamps each, that were adjustable, higher for the service and lower to be tended and lighted. Many other communities lent a hand, giving their labor, donations, hymnbooks and furnishings for the church.

Among the villagers who helped with the building, are the names of Richie, Graves, Finley, Minniss, Orphin, McNally, Jones and many others now gone.

The original list of trustees was: C.F. Best, William Parks, C.H. Richie, Mrs. T. B. Huestis, Mrs. C.F. Best, Mrs. Archibald Minniss and Mrs. Thomas Jones.

The first wedding held in the new church was of Margaret Finley to martin Crosman, in 1904. This was remembered by the cutting of a center aisle in the church pews, as they were first built with aisles on each end.

Scarcely any other changes have been made, except to change to electric lights. Today the church stands in a stalwart and wonderful condition. A memorial to the men and women, most of them sea captains and their families, who, with loving hands, built the firm walls and high arched, plastered ceiling, the pulpit and pews of this little chapel.

It is now Morden’s "United Church of Canada", with a tiny congregation of worshipers. They are seeking a ship’s bell to place in a simple steeple to call its members to worship and peal out over the sound of the waves.
