May 25th 898

May 25th 1898



At Kentville, on Tuesday, May 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Nixon, a daughter.

At Hortonville, on Sunday, May 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson, a son.


At South Framingham, Mass., on Wednesday, April 13th, by Rev. F. T. Whitman, Mr. Albert O. Fuller, and Mary A. daughter of Mr. William C. Calkins, of Black Rock.

At Baltimore, Md., May 13th, by the Rev. Dr. Gibson, Wilburn Robertson, M. D., of Burnsville, N. C. and Mary Ella Skerry, adopted daughter of the late Rev. Wm. Grosar, New Ross.


At Boston, May 13th, Miss Catherine Fennessy, of Canning aged 48 years.

At White Rock, May 16th, Mrs. John Reid aged 96 years.

At Centreville, on Sabbath, 15th inst, of paralysis, Mr. John Brennan, aged 75 years.

At Union Settlement, Queens Co., N. B. on May 13th, Cephas Welton, aged 64 years.

Wedding Bells:

On Wednesday, May 18th, a pleasant event took place at West Somerville, Mass., when Miss Lela Genevra, eldest daughter of Mr. J. Leverett Webster, formerly of Waterville, was united in marriage to Fred. E. Marshall, of Malden, Mass., son of Mr. Newcombe Marshall, of Bridgetown. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. E. L. Snell, pastor of the Baptist church, before a handsomely attired company of guests. While the wedding march was played by Miss Winnie Webster, cousin of the bride, the bridal party entered the parlor, the bride leaning on the arm of her brother, J. Bartley Webster. The groom was supported by Mr. Arthur Ray, of Malden. The couple stood under a bell of apple blossoms and pink roses, suspended from an arch of red white and blue bunting. Potted plants and cut flowers in abundance decorated the house. The bride looked stately and beautiful in a gown of pearl grey henrietta, with tulle veil and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. Miss Ethel, sister of the bride, made a decidedly pretty bridesmaid in a decollette gown of white muslin with satin ribbon carrying a bouquet of day-break pinks. After a dainty collation of ice-cream and cake they were driven to the depot and amid showers of rice left on a short wedding trip, carrying with them the best wishes of their friends. On their return they will reside in West Somerville.


Rev. Jos. Coffin, formerly pastor of the Methodist church at Auburn, is dangerously ill with pneumonia at his home in Petite Riviere.

Mr. E. Hart Nichols has been appointed a Commissioner for relieving debtors, etc.

Mr. W. R. Foote will be ordained at St. John on Wednesday next, June 1st. He will leave for the mission field in Corea early in the summer.

The Bishop of Nova Scotia is expected to visit Berwick early in August.

Miss Bessie Alcorn, of Berwick, now doing missionary work in Skidzuoka, Japan, writes that she and Miss Cunningham are the only foreigners among 40,000 Japanese.

A. LeRoy Chipman leaves to-day for Toronto, where he will prosecute his studies.

Rev. T. McFall and Mr. H. E. Morton leave to-day for Walton, N. Y., to attend the Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church.

Rev. Mr. Hawley will preach in Aberdeen Hall on Sabbath next at 3 p.m.

Mr. E. R. Davidson was at his home in Berwick yesterday.

LOCAL UNION - The Local Union of Societies of Christian Endeavor, in Kings Co., met at Berwick yesterday. There was a large attendance and very interesting meetings were enjoyed.

CAPT. J. RICHARDS, the former master of the Prince Rupert, has been appointed to the command of the steamship Margaret Jones, a vessel of 4,035 tons register, and is now en route to Port Said, Egypt.

CHRIST CHURCH - The Mid-week service at this church will be hereafter held on Thursday evening instead of Wednesday as heretofore. Service on Sunday next, both morning and evening.

AN UNLUCKY NUMBER - Believers in omens are now tracing Spain's misfortunes to the fact that King Alfonso is the thirteenth of his name.

BAY OF FUNDY S.S. CO. - The St John Sun says that at the recent annual meeting of the Bay of Fundy Steamship company, the statement of the board of directors and the action of selling the steamer Monticello were approved and confirmed. The meeting adjourned for one month, when the final winding up of affairs of the company will take place.

THE MIDLAND RAILWAY - The first sod of the Midland railway was turned at Windsor on Thursday.

THE FLYING BLUENOSE - will stop regularly at Bridgetown this summer if the town will agree to grant free water for the use of the railway company.

CANADIAN RECRUITS - The Army and Navy Gazette has the following: it has been decided to open recruiting for the army at Halifax, Nova Scotia. Men joining will be posted to the Leinster Regiment, Royal Canadians.

CROWDED OUT - an interesting letter from W. Young, Esq., anent the action of the Board of School Commissioners in making a grant from the Cornwallis School Lands fund to the Library fund of the Kentville Academy will appear next week. We regret that the pressure of the Council report and the occurrence of the Loyal holiday prevent its appearance to-day.

THE YARMOUTH LINE - steamers will begin early in June to make four trips to Boston each week. The new steamer Express, for this line, has left England for Yarmouth. She has been fitted with electric lights and all the latest improvements, and is expected to show good speed.

NEW STEAMER - The twin screw steamer, Prince George, which has been building at Hull, England, for the Dominion Atlantic Railway Co., was launched on Saturday. The engines on Saturday's express trains were decorated with flags in honor of the event.

The boy king of Spain was twelve years old on Tuesday of last week.

REMOVED - Mr. L.A. Forrest has moved into his handsome new block on the corner of Commercial St. and Cottage Avenue. Mr. Forrest is to be congratulated on possessing one of the most attractive and convenient business premises to be found in the valley. The building combines dwelling house and store, both excellently arranged and very commodious. Underneath the whole building is an excellent dry cellar, which contains the furnace by which the building is heated, and room for the storage of large quantities of produce and goods.


Mr. Harry Kinsman, of Chicago, eldest son of the late Marshall Kinsman, is visiting in Billtown, accompanied by Mrs. Kinsman.

Quite a number of the Billtown folks intend going to the Anniversary Exercises of Acadia College next week.

Some of the members of Cambridge Division visited Lake Division on Thursday evening, the 19th.

Mrs. Mason and son, of Providence, Rhode Island, who came home to attend the funeral of her father, Mr. T. H. Rockwell, intend remaining two or three months with her mother.

The remains of Mrs. Andrew Bently, late of Northville, were interred in the Baptist Cemetery, Billtown, on Thursday, 12th. Mrs. Bently was one of the oldest residents of Northville, being ninety-three years of age.

Mr. Wilfred Wheaton of Northville, with the assistance of his friends, is making rapid progress with the erection of his new barn.

One of the late enterprises of Billtown is the remodeling of the barn of C. R. Bill, Jr. He is making a thorough change which will be a great improvement both in looks and convenience.


Burglars entered the store of Mr. Thos. Lawson, Buckley's Corner, on Saturday night. Entrance was gained by the front hall window and exit by the back door. The store was completely emptied of tobacco, while a fifty pound box of dates, ten lbs. nuts, pocket knives, razors, boots and shoes, were added to complete a profitable load. The loss is at least $100. That this burglary is the work of our old visitors of last summer, there is little doubt. Measures are being taken to have Detective Power, of Halifax, engaged.

Mrs. Colin Smith, of Nictaux, accompanied by Miss Ruperta Woodward, was the guest of Mrs. N. T. Bowles and Mrs. Allen Browne on Saturday.

R. D. Pineo has planted a row of ornamental trees in front of his residence, extending the width of his farm on the roadside, which greatly improves the appearance of his grounds.

Manning Armstrong, Esq., stopped over on Friday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Thos. Beardsley.

Miss Lena Woodroffe, Miss Addie Bowles, Miss Carrie Best, Miss Jessie Young and Miss Abbie Marchant, teachers, were home on the Queen's birthday.

Geo. W. MacMahon, Esq., of Aylesford, was in Waterville on Friday.

The Railway grounds South of the depot are being graded, and the hill on Cottage Street removed. This will add much to the accommodation of the public and to the appearance of that part of the village. C. O. Cook has charge of the work.

Chas. Robinson and sister, Miss Nellie, were in Waterville on Wednesday of last week.

Mrs. Jos. H. Rawding spent Thursday with Mrs. C. E. Eaton.

A number of our young men attended the minstrel concert at Kentville on Friday evening.

The Presbyterian manse was discovered to be on fire on Saturday afternoon, but through the prompt aid rendered by the neighbors, the blaze was extinguished without serious loss.

Councillors Balcom, Gaul and Patterson were in Waterville on Saturday.

Miss Ethel Hall of Harborville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. O. Cook.

Mr. T. A. Margeson has planted a spruce hedge in front of his residence. It is done with the neatness which characterizes all Mr. Margeson's work.

Miss Alberta and Miss Leora Webster spent Saturday with their sister, Mrs. N. T. Bowles.

C. O. Nichols is improving his front lawn by grading and sodding. All such improvements tend to make our village more attractive.

John Cropley and his mother spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graves.

Rev. Mr. Hawley attended the induction of on the 19th, of Rev. H. S. Davison and Rev. J. R. Douglas to the churches of Bridgetown and Annapolis respectively, returning on Saturday. Mrs. Hawley accompanied him.

Mr. Henry Shaw informs us he intends planting four acres more with cranberry vines this season.

Councillor James E. Morris and Capt. Bloomfield Morris were in town on Saturday.

Mr. Burgess MacMahon left on Monday on a business trip to St. John. He will be absent about three weeks.

Mr. C. I. Wolfe is pleased that the parties who stole his milk on Friday night left the creamer where he could find it.

Bert Ward, who has been confined to the house all winter, though still suffering, is able to walk about the square with the aid of crutches.

The War

Perhaps the most interesting piece of information since the war began excepting the account of Dewey's victory at Manila, was the special despatch from Key West, telling of a fire in the coal bunkers of the cruiser St Paul, at Key West, supposed to have been caused by spontaneous combustion, which was suppressed after twelve hours' of hard fighting by 200 men. The noteworthy thing about it is that the St Paul is commanded by Capt. Sigabee, who was commander of the ill-fated Maine when it blew up. If this fire had not been discovered, it would have heated the walls of the magazine and blown the ship to pieces. What a sensation it would have made throughout the world.

Schley's flying squadron is officially reported to have reached Key West, and another report says that something big is going on there, but the press censors won't allow correspondents to tell about it. This may mean that the army of invasion is getting ready to start for Cuba. It was announced the other day that the American Government had decided to put an end to Blanco's communications with the outside world by cutting the cables at Santiago de Cuba, and that Sampson's fleet would do the work.
