May 16, 1907

May 16, 1907

Drowned at Morden

Mr. George Kirkpatrick, an aged resident of Morden, lost his life on Friday last under very distressing circumstances. He had gone out in a boat to fish, in company with his son Fred, and a young man named Barnaby. When preparing to return from the fishing ground a squall struck and overturned the boat. The three men succeeded in righting the boat but she again turned over. They then climbed upon the upturned bottom. The old man became thoroughly exhausted and helpless and, the young men being unable to hold him and themselves upon the boat were obliged to see him slip into the water. Later Fred Finley and Alonzo McCormack, seeing from the shore that there was trouble, at great danger to themselves rowed out in a dory and rescued the two survivors; young Kirkpatrick nearly exhausted but Barnaby all right.

Another boat crew on the same ground, it is said, passed within hail of the men struggling in the water but made no attempt to render assistance.
