May 5th 1897

May 5th 1897


At the home of the bride's father, April 28th, by Rev. E.O. Read, assisted by Rev. J.M. Allan, Mr. Howard O. Christie of Truro, and Miss Minnie E. (could be F....PV) Charlton, daughter of William H. Charlton, Esq., of Waterville, N.S.

Wedding Bells:

On Wednesday evening, April 28th, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wood of Woodville, was the scene of a very pretty and interesting event, the occasion being the marriage of their youngest daughter, Grace L, and Frank L. Parrish.

The guests assembled at an early hour. Precisely at 8 o'clock, the hour appointed for the ceremony, while the wedding march was being played by Miss Alice Carter, the groom entered the drawing room taking his place under an arch of bunting and cut flowers being partly surrounded with potted plants. A few minutes later the bride entered leaning on the arm of her father. Rev. M.P. Freeman of Billtown tied the nuptial knot.

After the ceremony, while congratulations were being given, Miss Carter favored the guests with excellent music; then was served the dainty supper provided by the hostess.

The bride was handsomely attired in nuns-veiling with lace, ribbon and pearl trimming. She carried an elegant boquet.

The choice selection of presents was expressive of the high esteem in which the bride is held by her many friends.

After a pleasant evening of social enjoyment the guests departed with many wishes for the happiness of the newly wedded couple.

Arbor Day:

Friday next, May 7, has been named as Arbor Day. The day will be duly celebrated by the teachers and pupils of Berwick school.

It is much to be desired that some concerted action on the part of parents could be arranged. The school grounds, among the finest in the county, are in need of more improvement than the hands of teachers and pupils, however willing, can effect. A generous assistance with teams and labor would bring about a transformation which would greatly improve the appearance and value of the grounds, and thus be of financial benefit to the inhabitants of the town.


The roads are rapidly drying up and a bicycle may be seen any day.

Our bridges that was complained of last autumn are not recovering strength with the bracing spring air, it is noticed that passing teams must go through the fields as yet but it is hoped that their condition may be remedied before sleighing comes again.

Mrs. Burnham of Somerville, Mass., arrived here Saturday on a visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. David Clem. It is expected that she will return on Wednesday.

The evangelist, Rev. Mr. Marple, is preaching here. The services conducted by him will be continued through this week.

Disappointment was written on many faces when the result of the recent election was announced. It had been hoped that the refusal of the Liberal members to sign the pledge would make the people more eager to vote for the other members, but that refusal had a very different effect than generally expected.

The Schr Anna K, Capt Chute, arrived at Ogilvie pier last Sabbath with phosphate for our farmers. It is said Capt Chute will bring another load this spring.

Fresh fish are reported this week; some of the fishermen have caught quite a number of herring and a few line fish.

Schr Fawn, Capt Henry E Ogilvie, and Capt Harry Ogilvie of Parrsboro, formerly of Ogilvie's wharf, arrived at that place Tuesday for fishing.

Mr. Loring S Armstrong, accompanied by Mr. Wallace West of Brooklyn St., visited Mr. Armstrong's parents last Sabbath.

Mr. Albert Hall, our postmaster, has been appointed assessor of this district for this year.

Mrs. James Robinson who has been ill some months we regret to say is no better.

Mr. Albert Clem met with a serious loss this week by dogs killing five sheep and seven lambs. It is understood the dogs belong in Harborville and every effort is being made by the owners to locate them, but without success.

It is reported that Jas Northrup of Harborville, will drive a grocery team in this and other localities t he coming summer. The team is greatly needed in this place and will be largely patronized.

Work has commenced on Wm McAuley's new barn which when completed will add much to the appearance of his pretty farm. The designer and builder is Stephen Spicer Esq. of Victoria Harbor.


Tuesday evening Rev. Mr. Hutchins delivered his lecture on the "history of our hymns" in the Baptist church. The audience was small but those present enjoyed a treat.

There were a number of moves in Canning last week.

Mr. Forbes moved into the house lately occupied by Mrs. Borden. Mrs. Jonathan Rand has moved from Dr Miller's to the house opposite.

Mr. Geo Tibbets has moved into the vacant part of the house that Mr. Fred Northrup lives in.

The temperance people of Canning are just awaking to their business. Four charges of violation of the Scott Act have been laid against Mike McFadden. Mr. Sanford of Aylesford was here several times attending to the constable's duties in Mr. McFadden's case.

Mr. Frank Sanford, manager of the Bridgetown cheese factory was in Canning last Thursday in the interest of a commercial Fertilizer Company which he has been representing during the past winter.

Mr. Arthur Lockwood left last week for Guelph, Ontario, where he has been employed by the Goldie Milling Co as a representative of that firm in the Lower Provinces.

 Mr. Hunter arrived in canning last Friday and left for Kentville on Saturday where Hunter and Crossley are to carry on a series of evangelistic services.

S.J. Nichols has just opened the largest and best assortment of Millinery, Shirt Waists and Ladies Wrappers ever shown in Berwick.

Have you seen our lines of engagement rings? They are all the rage - Opals, Diamond, Ruby, Pearl - 1000 Diamond engagement and wedding rings to select from at

J. McLeod's, Opposite Porter House, Kentville.

The Aged Queen:

The Queen astonished visitors at Nice by her hardihood in driving in the open air in all kinds of weather. In the face of driving rains, which kept almost every one else indoors, the Queen drove about in her unpretentious carriage, noticeable only for the outrider and for the Scot on the box, apparently enjoying the severe temperature.


Miss Hattie Ray arrived home on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Moody and child left on Wednesday for Boston.

Mrs. Arthur B. Killam of Somerset left for Boston on Saturday last.

Prof. Faville and Mrs. A.E. Calkin of Kentville were in Berwick yesterday.

Loran Bligh and Guildford Reed bring us the first strawberry blossoms of the season.

Miss Emma B. Sommerville of the Register staff, leaves to-day on a visit to Boston.

Willie Oakley Bligh brings us a cluster of beautiful white violets and Leverett Morris brings us another.

Mr. Thomas Beardsley has rented the farm and part of the house of Mr. Shannon Morse and has taken possession.

Mrs. Pitblado arrived from Boston on Saturday last on a visit to her mother, Mrs. Sommerville, and other friends in Berwick.

Miss Mattie Wyman Brown of Berwick received the degree of M.D.C.M. at the convocation of Dalhousie Medical University last week.

Mrs. G. A. Calkin, who has resided in Berwick during the winter, removed on Saturday last to Church St, where she will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Leander Woodworth.

From the Boson Globe of April 17th we notice that Mrs. D.W. Smith, wife of purser Smith, of steamer Yarmouth, was to play the Easter music for the Highland Congregational church, Somerville, Mass.

The Yarmouth Light states that Mr. D. W. Smith the popular purser of the steamer Yarmouth is on "a trip up the Valley," his place on the boat being taken by Mr. F.K. Robbins another of the popular men of this popular line.

Mr. A.A. Caldwell of Oakdale, Mass, spent a few days of last week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. David Caldwell. He left on Saturday to return to his home in Oakdale, his little son Master Faye, who has spent the winter with his grandparents, accompanying him.

At the recent medical examinations a the University of New York Mr. Willard F. Read was admitted for the degree of M.D. passing with honors in every subject of the senior year. Dr. Read's friends in Kings Co. will be delighted to hear of his success and hope to see him among them at an early day.

Among graduates of Dalhousie College on whom the degree of B.A. was conferred last week appears the name of Percy J. Shaw of Berwick. Mr. Shaw passed very creditable examinations. In political economy he took the highest standing of any member of his class which to those who know Mr. Shaw's views is a proof that the faculty of Dalhousie is not unduly prejudiced against the SINGLE TAX.

1 Buggy, 1 express wagon, 1 heavy plow, second hand, for sale cheap.

H. FULMER, Waterville.


Mr and Mrs Aubrey Rachford have gone to Mass where they will probably spend the summer.

Pastor E O Read is holding special religious meetings at Grafton with good results.

Mrs Craig, Sr. reached the advanced age of ninety-two years last Sunday. As Sunday was not a proper day for a party, her daughter Mrs John Caldwell had a family gathering on Friday to celebrate the event.

Mr John Webster expects to move next week into his new house near the station.

Mrs Clark Illsley and her daughter Mrs Fred Sanford of Weston visited friends here last week.

The many friends of the late Mrs Judson West, who lived in Cambridge for some years, were much saddened by her tragic death. Much sympathy is felt for her sister Mrs. Dodge who resides in this vicinity and also for her many other relatives.

Mrs Benjamin of Wolfville spent some weeks recently with her sister Mrs W H West of this place.

Mrs S J McConnell of Welsford, who visited Mrs John Webster and other relatives here last week, returned to her home on Sunday.

Mr Fred Webster, Jr. Has returned from Halifax and is building for Dr Webster in Kentville.

Miss Diadama Knowlton has returned to her home in Cumberland after spending the winter with her brother Mr A Knowlton.

Mr John Spittal of Woodville expects to move on the Rachford place to-day, having rented it for a year.

A June wedding is rumored in this vicinity.

Master Harry Warden of Mass has arrived here to spend the summer with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs Sawler, Sr.

Open Division was held last Saturday evening for the benefit of the young folk in this place. A very interesting programme was rendered, chiefly by the younger members.


The many friends of Mr W W Pineo will be pleased to her that he is regaining his health.

A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr and Mrs William Charlton on Wednesday last, when their daughter, Miss Minnie was united in matrimony with Mr Howard Christie of Truro. The ceremony was performed by the Rev E O Read assisted by the Rev J M Allan. After the nuptial knot was tied a dainty luncheon was supplied by the hostess. Mr and Mrs Christie were the recipients of many useful and valuable presents. They left by the express for a wedding tour, after which they will reside in Truro.

Miss Hoyt of St John is visiting her sister Mrs W W Pineo.

Miss Bessie McIntosh, teacher at Black Rock was home Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Olive Wolfe still continues quite ill.

The many friends of Mrs T A Margeson will be glad to hear she is able to be out among us again.

Mr Wesley Sanford has purchased the property of Laurie Woodworth. Purchase price nine hundred dollars.

Miss Hall of Harborville is the guest of Mrs C O Cook for a few days.

Captain Will Cook was in town a few days last week.

Bicycles are much in evidence the last few days, some of the boys have purchased wheels this spring.

Mr Fred Sanford is learning the harness trade at Mr McIntosh's

Miss Maggie Forsythe has gone to the States.

Miss Etta and Master Willie Sanford spent Sunday with her uncle Edward McMasters of Wilmot.

Mr Samuel Borden of Stewiacke is visiting friends in Waterville.
