May 4th 1898

May 4th 1898



At Halifax, May 2nd, to dr. and Mrs. H. S. Jacques, a daughter.

At Buckley's Corner, Kings Co., April 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. David M. Wood, a son.


At St. Mary's Church, Auburn, April 27th, by the Rev. Richard Avery, assisted by Rev. J. M. C. Wade, Edward J. L. Bishop, and Miss S. D. Welton.

At Auburn, April 27th, by the Rev. Wm. Ryan, assisted by the Revds. Jos. Gaetz and J. H. Toole, Archibald Foster, of Kingston, and Mary, youngest daughter of the Rev. Wm. Ryan.


At Berwick, on Thursday, April 28th, of heart failure, Rebecca A., aged 60 years, wife of Geo. Wm. Foster.

At Billtown, April 28th, of congestion of the lungs, Marshall Kinsman, aged 63 years.

At Kingsport, April 30th, of paralysis, D. R. Huntley, aged 70 years.

At the residence of Austin Bolser, Grafton, Kings Co., April 27, Mrs. Charles Prentiss, (nee Rudolph) aged 21 years.

At Woodville, May 1, Rachel Amelia, wife of George W. F. McLean, aged 33 years, leaving a husband and four children.

Wedding Bells:

A very pretty event took place at St. Mary's Church, Auburn, on Thursday morning, 28th, at half past eleven o'clock, when Miss Dolly, daughter of Mrs. Susan Welton, was united in marriage to Mr. Edward Bishop, son of Geo. Bishop Esq. The bride was given away by her twin brother, Mr. Gilbert Welton.

The church was very tastefully decorated with potted plants, evergreens and the emblem of the province - the mayflower.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. R. Avery, of Kentville, who for so many years has been Rector of Auburn.

Miss Ethel Graves played the wedding march.

The bride looked very handsome in her dress of cream albatross en train trimmed with Spanish point lace and orange blossoms, the bridal veil being very tastefully caught up with the orange blossoms. She carried a beautiful bouquet of white roses and maiden hair fern.

Two namesakes, niece and cousin, of the bride, acted as maid of honor and flower girl. The maid of honor, little Miss Muriel Welton, carried the ring on a silver salver, and looked charming in a dress of cream cashmere with cream hat and white kid slippers. Little Miss Dolly Oswald was flower girl and looked sweet in her pink cashmere with pink chiffon hat and white kid slippers.

Immediately after the ceremony the guests drove to "Aldershot House" the home of the bride's mother, where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was served; after which the bride and groom took the train en route for Halifax and Truro.

The presents were numerous and beautiful. Among them was an elegant brass onyx topped table, a silver waiter and two beautiful chairs.

Mr. and Mrs. Bishop will reside in Auburn and their friends wish them a long life full of joy and happiness.


SUDDEN DEATH. - Mrs. William Foster died very suddenly on Thursday evening last. She had not been in her usual good health for some days but was well able to attend to her household duties. Toward evening she complained of a feeling of faintness. Mr. Foster hastened to bring a glass of water. When he returned she was dying. Her funeral took place on Saturday.

Death of Rev. Dr. White:

The death occurred at Shelburne on Thursday evening, of the oldest clergyman in Canada, the Rev. T. Howland White, D. D., for over sixty-two years rector of the Anglican parish of St. George and St. Patrick, Shelburne. He was ninety-two years and one month old. Deceased enjoyed good health up to a few months ago, when he contracted a severe cold. The sad event has cost a gloom over the community in which he resided for so many years and in which he was held in the highest esteem by all. N. W. White, Q. C., is a son and Rev. C. De W. White, of New Ross, a grandson. The funeral took place at Shelburne on Saturday.

A Burlington Boy at Klondike.

The following letter from a Kings County boy to his sister in Harborville, has been handed to the Register for publication, and will be read with interest by friends of the writer as well as by others:

Orca, Alaska, Mar 28th, 1898.


I am now in the cold region. We arrived here yesterday; will leave for Valdie's Pass tomorrow. That is the place where we leave the boat and start over the glacier, which is twenty seven miles to the top. Will take about two weeks to go over it. That is where we have to do without fire, not a stick of wood on it of any kind. We will have to eat cold food all the way over. We have to haul our outfit on sleds over the glacier, then build a boat to go up the river. From Valdie's Pass to the gold fields is about one hundred miles. There are two hundred men on this boat, and not more than twenty five will go over the pass. There were seven in our party and I think only three will go over. I have fared well so far. But I cannot describe to you the hardships some have to endure. There were one hundred second class passengers came on board the boat. They were put in the hold with the freight, and ate and slept like hogs. Most of them will go back as they have spent all their money and have not provision to go through. One man needs about eight months provisions, costing two hundred dollars, and that is a very small item in the outfit. A man wants about fifteen hundred dollars to go out.

Word has just come in from the gold fields. They are digging from fifty to one hundred and fifty dollars a day. This is the first word since 1st September. I am well; have not missed a meal. Five of us started yesterday to climb one of the mountains, over three thousand feet high. I was the only one who got to the top. Three dogs accompanied us and were tired out. The snow in some places is forty feet deep. It is all mountainous region here.

If you see any person that talks about coming up here tell them that they must expect to go through something indescribable. It is no use to ask one about it as one cannot find out the truth until he goes through himself.

Martin Ney Ogilvie


Sydney E. Shaw arrived in Berwick on Saturday from Halifax, where he has been prosecuting medical studies. He leaves for Boston to-day.

Rev. R. S. Whidden, formerly of Bridgetown, was installed at Badeque, P.E.I., yesterday.

Mrs. Noble Margeson arrived from Boston on Saturday. Her husband arrived some weeks ago. They will reside at Harborville.

Mr. H. S. Davison, who has graduated from Pine Hill, has accepted a call to Bridgetown. He will be ordained next week.

Mr. W. W. Ells left on Monday for the gold fields.

In the late examination in Knox College, Toronto, Mr. A. G. Sinclair, B.A., of the graduating class, secured the General Proficiency Scholarship of his year of the value of $80 00. Also the Clark Prize, consisting of Lange's Commentary on the Old and New Testaments and a Travelling Scholarship of the value of $300 00. Mr. Sinclair is the son of the Rev. Mr. Sinclair, Presbyterian clergyman, of Canard.

Mr. and Mrs. Rugg E. Vaughan arrived from Boston on Monday.

Mr. M.L. Nichols left on Monday for the Fredericton Military School.

Miss Vangie Shaw has been visiting friends in Berwick.

Mrs. Margaret Smith left on Monday to visit relatives in Boston.


Mr. D. R. Huntley, Postmaster, was stricken with paralysis on the 23rd, and after a week of severe illness, passed away on the 30th ult. He was an old and much respected resident of this place, and the last of a family of five. He was seventy years of age.

Schooner "Lakota" Capt. Blake, of Parrsboro, arrived on the 23rd, loaded potatoes, and sailed on May 1st for Boston with Capt. Geo. Sanford, of this place as sailing master. Schr. "Swanhilda" arrived on the 20th and discharged cargo of bone meal and sailed on the 21st.

The R. W. Kinsman Co's tug boat, Tourist, is in port for repairs. The Marine slip is near completion and will make a fine place for repairing ships of any size. The blocks are hard wood 14 inches square, bolted down on spiling driven several feet into the beach, will support a loaded ship if necessary. The beach is of sand and workmen will only require slippers. S. S. Beaver will go on for repairs and painting next trip.

We have had a week of very unpleasant weather.

Mr. Blackadar, agent of Grand Division, lectured in the church under the auspices of Good Will Division, on the evening of the 28th, and was present at the Division on the following evening. After the regular business the public were admitted and treated to an interesting programme consisting of dialogues, recitations and music.

S. S. "Evangeline" arrived May 2nd and will go on her regular trips at once. Schr. "Black Bird" arrived May 2nd with bone meal, and sailed.

We learn that S. S. "Hiawatha" has been sold. We will miss her very much on the St. John and Minas Basin route.

Mr. J. H. Tabor, representing the White Candy Co., of St. John passed through here May 2nd. During his stay here he kindly favoured a few of his friends with some selections from his phonograph.

The funeral of D. R. Huntley was largely attended on Monday at the Congregational church, Rev. Mr. Hutchins, Baptist, of Canning preached a very impressive sermon.


Miss Idella Card is visiting friends in Wolfville.

Miss Edith Forsythe spent a week recently with her sister, Mrs. Kinsman, of Somerset.

Mrs. E. Rand and family, of Canning, have removed to Billtown, where they intend spending the summer.

Miss Ruby Card, of Wolfville, is spending this week at her home in Billtown.

We regret to learn that Mr. T. H. Rockwell is seriously ill.

We are sorry to record the death of Mr. Marshall Kinsman, one of our respected citizens, who died on Thursday night, 28th, of congestion of the lungs, after a few day's illness. He leaves a widow, three sons and one daughter, who have our sympathy in their affliction.

Mr. Wilfred Wheaton, of Northville, had his barn totally destroyed by fire on Mon. 25th, also eleven head of cattle, a horse and from fifteen to twenty tons of hay. His loss is very great.

Lake Division is still prospering. They have a membership of about one hundred and ten. The officers for the ensuing quarter are as follows: - W.P.. Perry Foot; W.A., Flora Bentley; R. S., Scott LaMont; A.R.S., Hattie Rockwell; P.W. P., Bessie Freeman; Con., Stanley Palmeter; A.C., Lillie Graves; I.S., Idella Card: O.S., Fitch Savage; F.S., Perry Sweet: Treas., Irene Dunham; Chap., Zelma Rockwell.

We are pleased to say that Mrs. J. W. Eames, of Somerset, England, and infant child, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Bill, after an absence of seven years. We all welcome her back.


Capt W.S. Cook, Fred Ayer, Willis McNealy, P. Slocomb, and John Swindell, left here April 27th, for Halifax, to join the Barge "Grandee." We have enjoyed having our young men home for the winter months, and while we regret very much having them leave us, we hope they may have a pleasant summer, and return to their friends in safety.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunders arrived home from Boston last week. Mr. Saunders has been in the employ of T.H. Best for several years. He has now bought a farm down here and will for the present make his home here.

Mrs. Noble Margeson arrived home from Boston on Saturday last.

Mrs. Geo Bezanson and family arrived home from Boston on Monday.

Mrs. Duncan Reid and her son Fred, who have been spending the winter with Mrs. Reid's brother, Mr. Jas. Coonan, have moved to Berwick.

The first fresh herring of the season were in town on Saturday. They were caught at Ogilvie wharf.

Miss Mary Lee, daughter of James Lee, has gone to Aylesford to make her home with her uncle Andrew Lee.

Mr. and Mrs. James Northup are moving to South Berwick.

Schooner "Dreadnought," Capt Chute, left here on Saturday for St John.

Capt D.H. Slocomb has gone to St John.

Councillor Morris spent Tuesday and Wednesday of last week in Kentville, on Council business, and brought back the good news that we are to have a new bridge. This bridge is very much needed, as the old one has been unsafe for some time. Mr. Charles E. Morris is Commissioner to look after the work.

We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr. Jas. Cahill in Wayland, Mass.

Miss Lena Kennnealy has been quite ill with mumps.

Mr. Moses Moody has been making a short visit to his parents here. He returned to Boston on Thursday, April 28th, accompanied by his sister, Miss Lavina Moody.

Sheffield Mills:

We learn that Mrs. Saunders and daughter, from Annapolis, have taken rooms with Mrs. L.E. Newcomb for the summer.

Mrs. Stephen Pennel, who has been ill, is visiting her parents.

Mr. Loris Borden is home from College.

Miss Foster, who has been visiting Mrs. John Ells has returned to her home.

The members of the Literacy Club do not intend to have their club assemble during the summer months. Very many pleasant evenings have been spent by those who attended.

Mrs. Douglas Power spent a few days last week with her brother, Mr. R.W. North.


Messrs. Hutchinson Bros. are setting their posts for telephone connections.

Mr. R. Nichols is making preparations for building a new house. He has started the foundation.

Mrs. J.W. Barteaux is convalescent after a tedious illness. Dr Balcom has been in attendance.

W.A. Hutchinson is improving after an attack of hemorrhage.

Miss West, of Weston, and Mr. R. Palmer, of Boston, Mass., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Cogswell.


Mr. Geo White has commenced to build a barn.

Mr. W. Bolser has built a neat shoemaker shop.

Mrs. Wyman Smith is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coleman.

Notwithstanding the stormy weather and muddy roads a large number enjoyed the Missionary concert in the Methodist church last Friday evening. It was a well conducted and interesting affair.

Wm. Palmer is kept busy with his new well boring machinery. He completed a well for James Moody last week, has about finished another at T. Lawson's store and will bore one for P. Foote.

Bishop Burks, of the Roman Catholic Church in Missouri Diocese, has declared war between the United States and Spain to be unnecessary and its prosecution a calamity and a blot on the American national character.

Call on Fred Bennett, Somerset, and see the Redbird bicycle.

We have received from the D.A. railway Co. a handsome folder illustrating the Evangeline route. Two new steamers will shortly be placed on the route between Yarmouth and Horton, to be called the Prince George and Prince Arthur. They will steam 19 knots per hour and will be fitted up in palatial style.

IMPROVEMENTS - Quite extensive alterations and improvements are soon to be made in the Anglican Church building in Berwick. Messrs. F. Crispo, Jos. Andrews, L.D. Robinson and F. W. Abbott were appointed a committee to take the matter in charge.

BASE BALL - All who are interested in this sport are invited to attend a meeting in the Board room this evening at 7.30.

The Canadian Cruiser Petrel has seized 100 United States gill-nets near Port Stanley, and a ton of fish.

The dynamite cruiser Nictheroy, purchased by the United States, will sail from Rio Janeiro on Saturday next, escorted by a Brazilian warship.

Col. George T. Denison, of Toronto, is being "boomed" in Toronto to succeed General Gascoigne as commandant of the Canadian Military.

A United States government official has made arrangement to purchase 5000 horses in Canada for war purposes it needed.

The sealing steamer Ranger returned to St John's Nfld. on Wednesday with 6000 seals. The catch this season will be about 300,000, the best in ten years.

Wanted - A boy to learn the Harness trade. Apply at once to

F. McIntosh, Waterville.
