March 31st 1897

March 31st 1897



At North Kingston, March 25th to Mr. and Mrs. H.W. Roach, a daughter.

At North Kingston March 12th to Mr. and Mrs. James Cassidy, a son.

At Prospect March 27th to Mr. and Mrs. George Rockwell, a daughter.


In Mansfield, Mass, US March 24, by Enoch H Sweet, Mr Ernest H Porter of Lynn, formerly of Centreville, NS, and Miss H Rebecca Corbitt of Mansfield, formerly of Lakeville, NS.


Suddenly at North Kingston at the home William Carey Esq., on March 27th, Mr. Burton Downie of east Margaretville Annapolis County died of apoplexy 67 years of age.

At Kingston on March 30th Mrs. Charles Ritchie of Morden at residence of her daughter Mrs. Major Stronach, 70 years of age.


The dread visitor death has again visited our community, this time claiming as his victim Mr Edmund Donnellan, fourth son of John and Ann Donnellan of this place. Edmund, as the young and old of this locality loved to call him, was a patient sufferer was kindly thought of and lovingly attended by numerous friends to whom he was endeared by his excellent character and sunny disposition. The immediate cause of his death was consumption from which he has been a sufferer for some time. Since Christmas deceased has been sinking rapidly and for the past few weeks all felt that the end must be near. On Thursday deceased bade his loving parents and kind brothers and sisters a sad farewell and quickly passed to the arms of Jesus. For the meeting he was prepared. A brother and two sisters, who are living in North Brookfield, Mass., were summoned by wire and arrived on Saturday March 20t. The funeral took place the following day and was largely attended. The beautiful coffin bore a lovely broken wreath, a emblem of his short life, the offering of Miss Lena Kennealy of Harborville and a beautiful boquet the gift of Mrs. Jas Denham of Burlington. We offer our deepest sympathies to the aged parents and loving brothers and sisters who mourn for the second break in the family, a girl passing away some years previously. Deceased was twenty-seven years old and will be much missed from our circle.

Mr. B. S. Armstrong is quite ill with dyspepsia and la grippe. We hope he will recover shortly.

Mr. and Mrs Aubrey Bolsor visited friends here this week. They were the guests of Mrs Bolsor's aunt Mrs Wm Howell. The bride was formerly Miss Linda Northup of Harborville and was married last week in Aylesford.

Our meetings under the auspices of our resident pastor Rev Mr. Bishop assisted by Rev D.H. Simpson, Berwick, are doing much good. It is expected a large number will be added to our church.

We are pleased to notice that Mr. William Donnellan has so far recovered from the effects of injury to his foot as to be able to be around with the assistance of a crutch.

We are also pleased to note that Miss Anna Clem, who has been ill for some months, has been able to sit up a little while each day for the past fortnight. It is hoped that her recovery will be speedy and sure.

This week there will be a number of young people leave here for the land of the free. We regret losing our young people but it seems that there are more openings for young people than at this place.


Schr Harold Borden sailed for Canning on 25th to load potatoes for Demerara.

Schr Gipsy sailed on 28th for Pereaux where she will repair.

Schr Packet arrived on 28th from St John sand sailed for Canning.

Schr Susanna R arrived on 28th from Parrsboro with coal for Kentville Electric Light Co.

Mrs B Tupper left for Boston on 27th to visit her son Loran who is very ill.

Baxter Harbor Mt.:

We are having our share of the bad weather and sloppy roads, also the bad colds that are circulating.

The school has been closed for the past week owing to illness of the teacher.

A number of the young men of this vicinity who have been spending the winter in the lumber woods have returned to their homes.

A large number of visitors from Dawning Light and Harmony lodges were received in our lodge on the evening of the 11th and 18th inst.

Mr. Richmond Wood and family, lately of Woodside, have moved into the house owned by Simon Wood Esq. near what is known as the Gospel Woods.

We are sorry to learn that Mr. Elisha Bennett is confined to the house with a cold and bad sore throat.

The Rev Mr. Sinclair of Canard held services in the hall here on Sunday last.

Miss Ada McLean is visiting her parents Mr and Mrs John McLean.

Lake George:

It begins to seem quite like spring now as the harbinger of spring is heard singing in the trees.

The lumber-men have all left their winter quarters for a time.

Mr. Wiles is doing quite a rushing business sawing shingles.

Wood-choppings seem to be the order of the day as there have been several already. Mr. Lutz of Lake Paul had one on Friday last with an attendance of thirty.

Mr and Mrs Burton Woodworth intend leaving for Boston on Saturday.


Miss Nellie Taylor of Auburn spent last week at Silver Rest cottage, the guest of Mrs Smith Welton.

Mrs Wm Neily and son Ernest of Greenwood were visiting Mrs A G Morse last Sabbath.

Mr. Bruce Graves and Mr Rolland Ford of Kingston were calling on friends last Sabbath evening.

Mr John MacMaster and Mr John Gordon and son of Tremont were in the village on Saturday last. Also Mr Frank Spinney of Melvern Square.

Mr. Mark Curry of Bridgetown was in town last Thursday.

Capt Wallace Kirk and wife were calling on their old friends in the early part of last week.

Mr A D Nichols has been quite ill of late but is much better at present.

Mrs Eliza Baker's health is improving slowly.

McNeill Bros & Lowe have their machines all moved down from Factorydale and have commenced to enlarge the old mill in order to make room for the machinery they require to make their business a success.


Mr. Champagne, Liberal, was elected to the Commons for Wright County by a majority of about 800.

The election in Colchester Co. for the seat in the Dominion parliament vacant through the unseating of Mr. WD Dimock, will be held on the 20th April, this day of the general election. Dr. D.H. Muir and Firman McClure are the candidates.

Married in Victoria:

At the residence of C. Booth, 65 Chambers street, last evening, W.O. Carter and Miss Hattie Collins of Berwick, N.S. were united in the bonds of holy matrimony by Bishop Oridge. Only the immediate members of the family were present, but the young couple enjoy the best wishes of a very wide circle of friends. Mr. Carter is popularly known in Victoria, having for several years been connected with the provincial assessor’s office. Both he and his bride were the recipients of numerous presents.

Victoria Colonist, March 18

The Campaign:

The Liberals of Halifax County have nominated George Mitchell, Mayor McPherson and W.B. Wallace as candidates for the house of assembly, Mr. Mitchell is a prominent West Indies merchant,

The liberal conservative convention of Queen’s county nominated John Millard and John Hutt.

The Richmond liberal conservative candidates are Remi Benoit of Arichat and John Morrison of St. Peters.

The liberal conservative candidates In Hants county are Charles S. Wilcox and James A. Thompson.

Rev. T.H. Siddall is a candidate in Queens County.
