March 30th 1898

March 30th 1898



At Grande Pre, 5th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Geo Harvey Jr., a daughter.

At Wolfville, Mar. 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. C.R.H. Starr, a daughter.


At Woodville, March 23rd, by the Rev. G.W.F. Glendenning, William B. Sanford, of Pereaux, to Millicent G. Killam, of Woodville.


At Port Saxon, Mar. 10th, very suddenly, Inez Maudella, widow of the late Clarence Greenwood, and daughter of John A Webb, of Canning, aged 23 years and 10 months.

A Home Wedding:

An event of much interest took place on Wednesday evening March 23rd, at the residence of Mr. William Killam, of Woodville, when his daughter, Millicent, was united in marriage to William B. Sanford, son the Manning Sanford, of Pereaux. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G. W. F. Glendenning. The wedding march was skillfully rendered by Miss Alice Carter, of Woodville, during which time the bridal party entered the room and took their places near a large window draped with green vines and having a background of palms and potted plants. The bride was attired in a dress of white muslin with trimmings of lace, insertion and white satin ribbon, and wore hot-house roses and maiden hair ferns. She was attended by her cousins, Misses May and Hazel Woodman, daughters of A. J. Woodman, of Wolfville. They were dressed in white muslin with trimmings of lace and ribbon and wore carnation pinks. After the ceremony the wedding tea was served. The gifts were many and valuable. After an evening spent very pleasantly Mr. and Mrs. Sanford drove to their home in Grafton.

To REBUILD - R. W. Hardwick, Annapolis, whose factory was burned recently will re-build in brick.

THE MANHATTAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY expect about May 1 to begin the running of five new steamers out of New York. Besides those which will operate between New York and other American ports, two at least will be engaged in the maritime business including a route to St. John and another to Yarmouth and Halifax.

STRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, a black and tan collie dog answering to the name of Snip. Finder will please notify G. R. Nichols.

BIG FIRE AT AMHERST - A most disastrous fire occurred in the car works of Rhodes, Curry & Co, on Tuesday night. The fire started in the core ovens, situated in the moulding shop. The buildings destroyed are the moulding shop and the mill, containing carpenter shop, planers, framing department and patterns. The loss is $40,000 or $50,000. The company carries about $100,000 insurance on the whole works.

BEREAVED - Willie, adopted son of Mr. Edward Delaney, of Weston, aged about six years, died on Sunday last. He was buried on Tuesday in the Roman Catholic cemetery at Kingston.

RESIGNED - Prof. A. E. Coldwell has resigned his position on the staff of Acadia University and starts in a few weeks for British Columbia. Mr. F. A. Coldwell, son of Prof. Coldwell, has resigned his position on the attending staff of McLean Hospital, Boston.


Capt. I. B. Morris, of Harborville, arrived home on Saturday. The Capt. has been on a voyage to Hong Kong.

B. W. Chipman, Esq., Secretary of Agriculture, was in Berwick on Wednesday and Thursday last.

Mr. J. E. Starr was in Berwick last week.

Rev. J. M. Fisher, of Hantsport, was in Berwick on Tuesday.

Miss Alice Stewart is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. Creighton. Miss Stewart arrived on Wednesday last, from Boston.

Mr. Jonathan Sanford, of Weston, is quite seriously ill.

Rev. J. Hawley will preach in Aberdeen Hall on the afternoon of Sabbath next, at three o'clock.

G. R. Sangster, of Moncton, arrived here yesterday from Citra, Florida, where he owns a large and valuable property. Mr. Sangster, who was seen by a Sun reporter said the orange crop this season would be a failure owing to frosts. Mr. Sangster is bringing here a lot of phosphate, taken from his property down there. - St. John Sun.

Miss Annie Benjamin left for St. John on Monday. 

Scotts Bay:

We are glad to learn that Mr. Joshua Huntly, who got his hand badly cut a few weeks ago, is able to be at work again.

Messrs. Daniel and Wyman Shaw and Nelson Tupper left on Tuesday, the 22nd, to ship in the schr. Packet, Capt B. Tupper.

Mr. Augustus Sanford and family moved to Blomidon last week.

White Rose Lodge will give a public entertainment on Saturday evening, April 2nd. All cordially invited.

Miss Rachel Pineo will be at home to the young people of this place tomorrow evening at the residence of Mr. H.H. Tupper.

Steam Mill Village:

Mr. Hugh Patterson, who has been very ill, is recovering.

Miss Hattie Reid, who has been laid up with a cold, is able to be around again.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wood, of Lakeville, spent Monday at Mrs. Jas. MacInias'.

Mr. and Mrs. George Butler, of Berwick, spent Sunday with friends in this village.

Miss Emma MacInias, of Berwick, spent Sunday at her home here.

Mr. Rupert Reid and family have moved into the house formerly occupied by W. Cox, of Aylesford.


Mr. Howard Armstrong, of North Kingston, visited friends here last week.

Miss Annie Clarke, of Margaretville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wm Howell.

Mrs. David Clem is still in Boston, having gone there to see her children before they went "West".

Miss Glencora Clem and brother, Vernal, left Boston on March 17th for Vancouver. We wish them every success in their new home.

Chester Lutz, Welton Parmeter, Stanley Armstrong, Spurgeon McBride, and Elwood Marshall, have lately gone to the States.

Mr. Geo F. Hyland assisted by his singing class, intends giving a sacred concert in the church here on Tuesday evening, April 5th. We assure the public they may expect some good music.

Mr. Albert Clem has purchased the James Meekin's farm and will move there about the first of April.

Mr. Austin Best takes possession of his farm, lately purchased from Elias Swindell, about the first of next month. We are glad to see our young men coming back to settle among us.

Mr. Wm Emino is yarding timber on the John Swindell lot. Notwithstanding he has very little snow, he is doing nicely.

Victoria Harbor:

Victoria Harbor has not bee heard from for some time; nevertheless we are not all dead.

The snow has nearly all disappeared and the lumbermen have al gone home.

Our singing school is done but our young people are employing themselves in chopping up their wood piles. Some have had chopping parties. Mr. Howard Ogilvie gave a party quite recently but unluckily Mr. Harry Patterson's horse took fright at the upsetting of his sleigh, when returning home, slightly injuring the two young ladies, breaking the sleigh and injuring the horse. The horse ran two miles before Mr. Patterson came up to it. Mr. Henry Mappleback gave a party last week and all seemed to enjoy themselves as only young people can.

Mrs. Stephen Spicer is quite ill. Dr N.P. Balcom is in attendance.

Mrs. James Parks and Mr. John McKinley still continue on the sick list.

Mr. Milton Patterson has gone to the United States.

Mr. Leander Rand has his mill in operation and is doing good work.

Butterflies were seen here on the 27th.


The social event of the week, has been a surprise given Mr. and Mrs. E.H Eaton, on Monday evening, it being the fifteenth anniversary of their wedding. Friends were present from Canard, Sheffield Mills and Centreville. The evening was spent very pleasantly in playing games, etc. we were treated to ice cream and cake.

We noticed a number of glass presents, among which were a bouquet holder or vase, tumbler and butter dish, etc.

The party broke up at the usual time on such occasions, all having agreed that we had spent a very enjoyable time.

Rev Horace Kinsman, of Veroni, Penn., a former resident of this place, and one of our more popular young men, is to be married at Billtown Church, on Thursday of this week, at 9 o'clock, a.m.

His mother intends going back with him to make a visit.

Mr. Roy Lowden is in Yarmouth, where he expects to secure a position.

Mr. Henry Roscoe, of Grand Pre, visited friends in the village this week.


We are having spring-like weather. The robins and sparrows are singing gaily. It reminds one of the coming summer.

Mr. Charles Howell cut his foot last Friday.

Mr. Loring S. Armstrong has gone to Auburndale, Mass., to visit his sister, Mrs. Geo. Morris.

Mr. Elwood Marshall and Mr. Spurgeon McBride left Woodlawn on the 26th, for the United States.

Mrs. Sam Palmer is visiting Mrs. Robert Ogilvie.


A farm to buy in a convenient neighbor-
hood in Kings Co., N.S. Description:
One adapted to producing hay, grain,
roots and fruit. Possession wanted this
spring. Apply, giving description, situation,
average yield, area of land, condition of
buildings, etc. to

Henry Shaw,



To arrive 25th March.

Cambridge Supply Co. Ltd.


Should come to the Provincial Agency. All
kinds of places secured in good families and
at good wages. This is the most reliable
office in Boston. Those having no friends
here can be supplied with respectable and
pleasant homes at this agency. - New Eng-
land Employment Bureau, 26 Boylston St. Boston.

Henry Brown, of Trenton, was fatally injured in a boxing contest by a blow on the jaw from his opponent.

The cotton workers strike in Massachusetts still continues.

Some more abominable lynching cases are reported.

SCHOONER LOST – The schr. T.W. McKay, Capt. Albert Bullerwell, bound from Parrsboro for St John with a cargo of coal, foundered some ten miles off Isle au Haute on Wednesday. The McKay was a vessel of 97 tons register, owned by Capt. Vera B. Roberts. The crew were saved, having left the vessel as soon as they found she was filling with water. They landed at the Isle au Haute. The vessel and cargo are insured.

The Ancyra Case, - Members of the crew of the Nova Scotian barque "Ancyra," called at the British Consulate at New York on Tuesday, to prefer charges against the vessel's master, Capt. Morris. They charge cruelty and insufficiency of food. Capt. Morris who has been supplanted by Capt Stewart as master of the barque, did not appear, and the Consul issued a consular summons for him to appear. Consul Bennett does not place much credence in the charges. He thinks that a reporter for a yellow journal incited the men to exaggerate the conditions that prevailed aboard the barque.

A JOURNALIST DEAD. - L. P. Kribbs, a well known journalist of Toronto who has been ill for the past two weeks at the Russell House, died at noon on Thursday. He was about 48 years of age.


That farm known as the Geo. Sanford place, about a mile south of Waterville Station, containing 275 acres of land. A good young orchard, all in bearing, lots of water in pastures, plenty of poles, timber and wood. Terms given on application.

Also that very desirable residence in Berwick, the Frank Borden property.

Will be sold very low

And a part of the money can remain on the property. If not sold will be leased. Apply to


Berwick Mch, 26th.
