March 24th 1897

March 24th 1897



At Boxboro Mass, March 7th to Mr. And Mrs. Hibbert Graves (Alice Russell) a daughter.

At Kingston Sta., on Mar. 20th ’97 to Mr. And Mrs. E.J. McKenna a son.

At Kingsport on March 11th to Mr. and Mrs. George Spicer, a son.


At Kingsport on March 19th, Mrs. Rueben Farnham at the age of 64 years.

At North Kingston, March 12th ’97 of consumption, Bessie Hawkins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Obediah Hawkins, aged 27 yrs.

At Berwick on Thursday, March 18th of heart failure, Andrew L. Beeler in the 74th year of his age.

The steamer Rialto has foundered at sea. Chemicals of which her cargo was composed exploded setting her on fire. The crew were saved by the Carthagenian.


Miss Lottie Bently of Sheffield Mills is visiting her brother Mr. LH Bently.

Mr. Russel D Eaton left a short time ago for Boston.

The special meetings have been well attended and of a interesting character.

Henry and May Sweet of Billtown spent Saturday the 20th with their uncle Mr. Otis Eaton.

Mr. Brown will move shortly to his new home in Steam Mill Village.

Rev. M P Freeman preached in the hall Sunday afternoon to an appreciative audience.

Mr. and Mrs Lowden attended the funeral of the late J W Coffin of Canning on the 13th, returning home next day.

Mr. Sidney Rafuse is suffering with a sore hand.


Miss Bessie Robinson of Nictaux Falls has been spending a few weeks with her aunt Mrs. Arthur Smith.

Messrs Forrest and Shearer  of Halifax were here for a few days last week on business.

A "new man" has arrived at the house of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gates.

Mr. William Magee Sr. spent a few days last week with his daughter Mrs. Geo W Eaton at Auburn.

Mrs ME Parish is visiting her cousin Mrs. Lydiard at Steam Mill Village.

William Magee Jr. was chopping wood Thursday when his axe glancing went into his foot cutting an artery. Dr Bell was summoned and found it necessary to take six stitches in the wound.

Mrs A Foster of Bridgetown is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Walker.

Mrs. Geo M Roach of North Kingston met with a serious accident at the station on Friday morning. Coming in collision with a runaway team, she was thrown from her carriage and badly cut about the head. She was taken into Mr. JF Reagh's and Drs Bell and Balcom summoned. They found that no bones were broken but she would be unable to be moved for a time. She was taken home (on a bed), on Monday.

Mrs AC VanBuskirk is no better.

Mrs CC Neily is steadily improving.

Sunday in the Baptist church. Rev. HN Parry preached a very comforting sermon from Rom 8,27

North Kingston:

Mr Grierson gave his lecture on Sunday School work in the Methodist church on Thursday evening 11th to a small audience. Mr Grierson seems to have a good idea of the scripture, a good memory, and some amusing incidents which makes his lecture quite interesting.

Mrs William Roy and daughter who have been visiting relatives at Torbrook and Bloomfield Annapolis Co, returned home on Friday last.

Miss Bessie Hawkins of Melvern Square died at the residence of Mr Johnston Tupper on Friday last 12th. The funeral took place on Sunday at the Baptist church. Rev. H N Parry preached a very comforting sermon from Rom 8,27. The remains were intered in Kingston cemetery.

If the weather should be favorable on Thursday evening of this week the "Willing Workers" purpose to have a variety supper so that we can get most anything.

Mr J H Eaton had a slight attack of pneumonia last week, we are glad to hear he is better.

Miss Blanche Jacques of Boston is visiting friends here for a few weeks.

Capt G A Dodge was at the Farmers' Union last week looking after their seed order.


David Clem purchased a pair of steers from Caleb Saunders of Victoria Harbor, a few days ago.

Our men seem to have a mania for cutting their feet this spring. A short time ago Mr. Faulkinghan injured himself in this way; two others are now on our disabled list. Mr. Will Donnellan cut his foot very badly in the woods about a mile from home, with the assistance of his brother Frank who was with him in the woods he was able to walk home. Charles Charlton tried the same experiment a few days later and met with the same result. We are pleased to add that both are recovering as rapidly as can be expected.

Miss Essie Palmer of Welsford is very ill at Mrs. Robert Ogilvie’s. Her mother Mrs. Samuel Palmer is very ill at her home. Mrs. Palmer has recently returned from Halifax where she expected treatment for cancer but she was too weak to undergo an operation. Mrs. Palmer was formerly Miss Abbie Ogilvie of this place.

Mrs. Isaiah Ogilvie of this place visited her sister Mrs. J McMillan in Hants County recently.

We think that Burlington can boast of two as aged men as the country affords both retaining their health and vigor faculties unimpaired. They are brothers, aged respectively 90 and 88 years. Their names are William and Bedford Ogilvie; both are able to do a good days work and tell a good story of the by-gone past. Uncle William the elder remembers Burlington when but a forest wilderness. Uncle Bedford tells the young people how Canada was governed 50 years ago. Both remind one of the joining link between the past and the present.

Mr. P Doherty has abandoned his intention of going back to N.H. he is at present repairing his house and will farm this summer.

Miss Jessie Banks of Waterville spent a few days with friends at Fairview recently.

Mr. Edward Charlton we understand intends to remain here this summer to work the farm of his aged mother. We are glad to have our young people remain in our country instead of going to Uncle Sam’s domain.

Mr. Busby McMahon of Auburn paid a flying visit to this place. Mr. McMahon’s face is always welcome.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John O’Connor on a baby girl who arrived March 17th.


A Shadow Social will be held in the Cambridge Hall on Saturday the 27th, proceeds for church purposes. A very interest programme is being prepared under the auspices of the Division members, consisting of dialogues, recitations etc. Music will be furnished by Mr. and Mrs. W A Strong, Miss May Thomas, Mr. Bennet and others of Somerset and this vicinity. Everybody cordially invited; ladies to bring pies which gentlemen are expected to buy. Entertainment will commence as soon as possible after 7 o’clock.

Mrs. Emerson Graves returned on Monday the 15th from an extended visit to her husbands parents, Mr. and Mrs. Graves of Aylesford. Little Eva remained with her grandparents for a longer visit.

A few younger folk were invited last week to Mrs. J.H. Cox’s to help celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Cox’s twin sisters (Misses Jessie and Nellie Bowles). A delightful evening was spent.

Some Cambridge folk attended a very enjoyable party at Mrs. Melborne Marchant’s Brooklyn Street, last Tuesday evening.

Miss Morse went to Nictaux a week ago last Friday to visit her parents, returning on Monday.

Mrs. Isabella Miller received the sad intelligence recently that her daughter-in-law Mrs. Wm. Miller of Mass., has died suddenly of Pneumonia.

Apples and potatoes are loading at the warehouse for Howard Bligh Esq. of Halifax.

Miss Clara Frederick’s of Woodville visited friends her last week.

Mr. Edward Pineo had the misfortune of losing a valuable ox while logging in the woods at Morristown. The animal got loose and ate too much meal.

Mrs. C.F.W. Webster enjoyed a visit of some days recently from her sister Mrs. Robert Nichols of Morristown.

Rev. Mr. Higgins. Returned missionary of India, preached here acceptably on Sunday afternoon.

Miss Addie Oaks has returned to her home in Halifax.

Mr. and Mrs. James E. Dodge are recovering from their recent illness.

Several drummers have been in the village recently taking orders for goods.


Mrs. Rueben Farnham, widow of the late Reuben Farnham, formerly of Canard, died on March 19th at the age of 64 years. She has been an invalid for many years and her great suffering has been borne with great patience. The funeral took place on 12th and was attended by a large number of friends.

Mr. Chas Farnham who has been home from the States for a short time, has returned again since the death of his mother.

Mr. B Tupper received a dispatch on the 16th stating that his son Loran who resides in Lynn Mass is dangerously ill.

Business is dull, yet we hope to see it brighten up soon. The tides were very high on 20th and 21st and large quantities of loose ice are drifting about the shore,

It is reported that the Str Acadia will run between Kingsport and Parrsboro while the Evangeline is undergoing repairs.

A large crowd attended the sale of the Schr Gipsy on the 20th. She was sold in short order to HH Wickwire MPP of Kentville, price $275.00.

Two thousand bbls of damaged potatoes on board Schr Harold Borden were purchased by Mr. JD Ells and are being sold very cheap for feeding purposes.

An Unknown schr passed through the basin on 21st probably bound for Windsor.

Schr Harold Borden at this port will probably load with potatoes for Demeraa.

Campaign Notes:

Tuesday April 13 will be Nomination day; polling 20th.

T. R. Jones Esq. of Nictaux and C. Sydney Harrington of Halifax will be Conservative Candidates in Annapolis Co. Messrs Stairs, Foster and Walsh in Halifax.

Sheffield Mills:

The roads of late have been very bad making travelling very unpleasant and in places, dangerous.

Mr. Charles Harris is attending Military School at Fredericton.

Mr. Fenwick Ells has purchased a piece of land from Mrs. Charles Rand and intends building a new house as soon as the season permits.

Mrs. George Randall who has been the guest of Mrs. J. H. (B?) Beckwith has returned to her home in Clementsport.

We are pleased to see Mr. Dwight Kelley out after his serious illness from diphtheria.

Mr. Stephen Pennel met with the sad accident of breaking his leg last week.

There has been considerable sickness from prevailing colds.

It is with much regret we learn that Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Harris intend leaving the Mills and residing with the parents of Mrs. Harris.


In answer to the joint call of the students of Acadia University and the town churches Evangelist Gale arrived in Wolfville last Saturday evening with the purpose of conducting meetings here afternoons and evenings for two weeks. Sunday afternoon he gave an introductory talk in College Hall and spoke again in the same place in the evening. The meetings are held in the Baptist church for one hour in the afternoon and in the hall in the evening. Mr. Gale's style is simple, plain and pointed, enforced with a liberal use of anecdotes. There is no noise or undue excitement but a calm and vigorous presentation of cardinal and telling truths. He gave the service of song a large place and has on the platform with him a choir of forty or fifty select singers.


The wind which blew fiercely Monday morning caused the snow to drift making very bad roads.

Tuesday evening the I O F held a meeting for the election of officers and other business in connection with the order.

St. Patrick's day was very quiet in Canning, very little shamrock was seen but Corbet's admirers showed lots of money.

The proprietors of the "Cornwallis Creamery" are having butter put up for the English market at present. It is being packed in square parchment lined boxes which hold about fifty pounds each. We understand this is the first lot of butter put up by this company for the English market. It is to be hoped the venture will prove a success. They have the reputation of putting up a fine quality of butter.

It is reported that we are to have a new postmaster soon. Everything needs changing once in a while.

Some of the county papers it appears would like to make out that Canning has been the seat or the starting place for the diphtheria which has visited Kentville. However that statement is incorrect and very misleading.




"Misses McNeil"

In rooms over Star Shoe Store

 A Clean Stock of Groceries at Patterson's.

The London Rubber Stamp Co., Hollis

St., Halifax, is the cheapest and best house

For stencil brands for barrels, Rubberstamps

For small fruit boxes and for merchants use.

Two Story Residence on Main St. to rent. Apply to S.W. Bligh

Spring Boots and Shoes at Patterson's

Valencia Oranges only 15 cts per dozen at the Kandy Kitchen

Bricks and Lime, John G. Clark

Just opened - Novelty and Serge Dress Goods, Prints, Challies, Ladies Capes, etc. Prices low. L.A. Forrest & Co.

Shirt Ginghams and Prints at Patterson's

Carving Knives and forks 50cts to $5.00; Bread and Cake Knives, etc. Bargains - every one - at John G. Clark's

New Fall Furniture. John G. Clark

Horses For Sale - Two horses both sound kind, and well broken; fit for ladies to drive. Will be sold at a bargain. Perry Moody, Harborville.

Call and see Patterson's Spring Clothing

Just Put In Stock, - New lot Clothing, which will be sold cheap. Arrived, new lot Boots and Shoes. A.F. Chipman

Patterson is selling out his winter goods at a low price.

A Watch. - The watch recently left by a jewelry dealer at the residence of the subscriber will be returned to the owner on receipt of his name and address and expenses of notice. T.E. Coleman, Grafton.

Wood taken in exchange for goods. JL Moffatt

Cement. Carload best Portland, from London. Lime. Of best quality for building purposes. Brick. Supplied at short notice. Leave orders with A.S. Magee, Berwick

Patterson's has coming Boys' Clothing in great variety.

 Apples - Agent for Messrs Nothard & Lowe of London

Place for sale, Apply to WO Baltzer, Waterville.

 Oranges, Lemons and Grapes at the Kandy Kitchen Brown's Block

Final Notice!

All accounts due the subscriber not settled by note or otherwise by April 1st, will be left for immediate collection.


Berwick, Mar. 1, '97.

NEW MACHINERY, - A new Lathe for use in the New Foundry arrived at Berwick Station yesterday.

THE FAMINE FUND, - The pupils of St Mary's School Auburn contributed the sum of three dollars and seventy five cents to the Indian Famine Fund.

IMPROVEMENTS, - The rebuilding of the west wing of the Berwick Steam Mill is in progress. Mr. Clark will add about fifty feet to the length of the building and fit up with new and improved machinery for the operations of the coming season.
