March 17th 1897

March 17th 1897



At West New Glasgow, March 5th, to Dr. and Mrs. F (might be E…PV) Parker, a son.


At Hardwick Mass. on Wednesday Mar. 10th, by the Rev. Harlan Page, Mr. Archibald L. Lyons and Miss Nellie Mosher, both of Berwick, N.S.


At Needham, Mass on Friday march 5th, of cancer of the liver, Emeline widow of the late Abner P Dolloff of Brookline Mass and youngest daughter of the late Daniel Cogswell formerly of Cornwallis N.S., aged 63 years.

At Roxbury, Mass, on Friday, March 12, Isabel G, wife of George L. Smith and daughter of the late Daniel Cogswell, formerly of Cornwallis, aged 71 years.

At 10 Albion St, West Somerville, Mass. of pneumonia, Andrew L, infant son of Ber..(?) B and Annie Margeson, aged six months.


The Kingsport quadrille club enjoyed a clam supper at the residence of Mr. Edwin Ells on Friday evening.

Mr. Joseph Pineo lost a fine horse last week of inflammation of the lungs.

Several of the wise men of Kingsport connected themselves with the Independent order of Foresters, Court Habitant at Canning on the eve of the 12th.

Schr Harold Borden arrived on the 14th, from Machiasport making the run in 24 hours.

Schrs Sunshine and Ethel B. will commence repairs in a few weeks.

Work on the dyke has been suspended for a time. It will be resumed again as soon as spring opens.

Mrs. E C (O?) W McColl left here on the 8th to join her husband who is stationed at Forest Ont. Mr. McColl has been stationed at Kingsport for the last two years, his place is now filled by Rev Mr. Wall.

Schr Gipsy will be sold at this port on 90th under foreclosure of a mortgage.

Schr Evangeline will undergo thorough repair this spring. She will be fitted with new engines and will probably give better service than formerly between Kingsport and Parrsboro.

Valencia Oranges only 15 cts per dozen at the KANDY KITCHEN.

Steam Mill Village:

Since I last wrote a very pleasant party was given at the home of Mrs. Harry Crocker. A very enjoyable evening was spent. Over 70 guests were present.

Mr. Holmes Crocker is very ill but hopes are entertained of his recovery.

A wee small baby arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reid on March 5th.

Miss Jessie Redden of Kentville, spent Tuesday with her cousin Hattie MacInias.

We are glad to hear that Mr. Harry Lydiard who has been ill is convalescent.

Miss Effie MacInias spent Sunday with friends at Port Williams.

Special services have been held in the hall here for the past week by the Rev Mr. Martell of Canard. These services are to continue this week.

A Few Prices at Corner Store, - Waterville.



Patent Medicines,

Allspice, 1/4 lb. pk.


   Ayers Pills


 Cinnamon, "


   Morse's "


 Ginger, "


   Carter's "


 Pepper, "


   Beecham's "


 Currants, per lb.

.20, .25, .30

  Holloway's Pills


 Coffee, "


   Pink " Dr. Williams


 Sago, "


   Dodd's "


 Macaroni, "


  Castoria "


 Starch, "


   Perry Davis Pain Killer


Epps' Cocoa, "


   Fowler's Ext. Strawberry


 Hops, "


   Grey's Spruce Gum Syrup


 Broma, "


   Scott's Emulsion


 Chocolate, "

.20, .25, .30, .40

   Puttner's "


 Tea, "

.18, .25, .30, .35

   Holloway's Ointment


 Sugar, 26 lbs. for


   Miller's Emulsion


 Gran. Sugar 22 lbs. for


   Cod Liver Oil


 Diamond Dykes per doz.


   Electric "


 Pickles, per bottle


   Prussian "


 Boot brushes from

10 to 25

   Minard's Liniment


 Stove " "

" "

   Simson's "


 Scrub " "

" "

   Nelson's "


 Pot Barley per lb.

.02 1/2

   Paine's Celery Compound


 Lemon Peel "


   Hood's Sarsaparilla


 Orange "




 Citron "


   Winslow's Soothing Syrup


 Cream of Tartar per lb.



The above are Net Prices for cash.

Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Silver and Glassware 10 per cent to 20 per cent allowed on all sales of $1.00 or over. Good for 30 days.

J.C. Thompson.


Miss Maggie Connor who has been living for some months in Aylesford is at home, it is hoped that she will remain with us till spring.

A tiny girl arrived to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas Cloury, March 4th.

Miss Minnie Cashman is visiting friends in Auburn.

Miss Blanche Howell is staying a few days with her Aunt, Miss Mary Howell in Weston.

The recent good sledding has been ruined by the late rain.

We regret to announce the serious illness of Mr. Chas Cloury.

This place formerly in a thriving condition is now almost depopulated, we can boast of a number of vacant houses, vacant lands and an empty school room.

Mrs. Wm. Cashman has pieced a quilt containing 1133 pieces.

Mr. Chas Cloury lost a valuable steer on Wednesday.

Miss Effie Pineo of Lakeville has been staying a few weeks in this locality.


The pie social which was to have been held in the hall here on Wednesday evening 10th was postponed on account of bad weather until Wednesday 17th and if stormy then until Friday 19th. All are welcome.

Miss Zelma Rockwell has been suffering from a severe case of quinsy for two weeks, we are glad to say she is recovering.

Mrs. H. P. Sweet who has been quite sick for a few days is better.

Mrs. Daisy Kinsman of Somerset has been spending the last two weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Forsythe.

The young folk of this place spent a very enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. G. W. Whitney, Northville, on Monday 8th, all returned home at a late hour being well pleased by the entertainment given by our genial hostess.

Rev Mr. Cahoon preached a very striking sermon in the Baptist church here on Sunday morning March 4th, he also assisted in the evening meeting held by the W B M U, which was enjoyed by all present, is a good programme had been prepared. A collection was taken for Home Missions which amounted to over twelve dollars.

Acacia Villa School, Jan. 20th, '97.

Opeleka Remedies Co; - Having used your Cough Mixture for several years, I am pleased to say that it is one of the best medicines I have introduced into my large family and school, and has become a general favorite with my boys.


Principal of Acacia Villa School

JUST PUT IN STOCK,- New lot Clothing which will be sold cheap. Arrived, New lot Boots and Shoes.


CARVING KNIVES AND FORKS 50C to $5.00; Bread and Cake Knives, etc. Bargains-every one-at


WANTED - A colt or all purpose horse in exchange for bicycle (ladies') new last season. Apply at this Office.
