March 15th, 1939


Wednesday Evening, March 15, 1939

Memorial Service For Late A. DeWitt Foster

Hantsport, March 13. – On Sunday afternoon at four o’clock, a very impressive memorial service was held at the Baptist church for the late A. DeWitt Foster, who lost his life in the Queen Hotel tragedy at Halifax, the church being filled to capacity. Rev. E. E. Styles, pastor of the United Church, conducted the memorial address.

Other speakers were Rev. B. R. Hamilton, Deep Brook, former pastor of the Hantsport Baptist Church; Rev. Morris Taylor, Rev. Dr. J. W. Prestwood, Hantsport, and Rev. A. Gibson of Wolfville, a former classmate of Mr. Foster’s at Acadia University. All paid high tribute to the deceased.

He was a man of great faith and always ready to help others to appreciate the true working of God. Mr. Foster’s life was filled with good works, and no good cause ever received a refusal for help; a man of broad outlook and vision, "friendly and sympathetic." A gentleman in the true sense of the term, he was a brilliant orator and debater.

Cecil Pentz, vice-president of the Brotherhood, spoke very feelingly for that body, of which deceased was president and teacher, stating that Mr. Foster would be sadly missed, where the influence of his life, as he came into personal touch with the members will be long felt.

Miss Flora Spencer of Windsor sang the solo, "Art Thou Weary"; a male quartet from the Windsor Brotherhood rendered, "Will You remember Me." The choir consisted of members of the Baptist and United Church Brotherhoods.

Sympathy on all sides is expressed to his widow, formerly Miss Charlotte Lawrence, daughter of the late Capt. and Mrs. Albert Lawrence and one son, Ronald. Other survivors are a sister, Mrs. Emma Jones, who has been their guest for the winter, and three brothers, Herbert of Hampton, Annapolis County; L. W. Foster and Harry M. Foster of Panama Canal Zone. Many beautiful floral tributes graced the chancel and the platform of the church.

Avon River Power Co. To Spend Huge Sum In Expansion Program

(Halifax Herald, March 14)

The Avon River Power Company Limited and the Nova Scotia Light and Power Company Limited yesterday received permission from the Board of Public Utilities to proceed with a financial transaction which will result eventually in the issuance by the latter and parent company of a $1,045,000 issue of 4 per cent, first mortgage bonds.

The money, it was said, is to cover expenditures made by the Avon Company in 1937 and 1938, and also to cover the cost of a proposed expansion program.
