March 9th 1898

March 9th 1898



At Upper Canard, Jan. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Pineo, a son.

At Canady Creek, Feb 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. LeBaron Margeson, a son.


At Harborville, on the 18th ult., Bessie, only daughter of Capt. ?D. Curry, age 22 years.

Elwin E. Dickie Esq., of Canard, died on Thursday, aged 68 years. He was a son of the late Hon. Charles Dickie and a brother of D.M. Dickie, of Canning.

Thanks - The relatives of the late Mrs. Eliza MacAulay desire to express their thanks to the friends in Victoria Harbor and Aylesford for the many kind acts and expressions of sympathy which have been shown them in connection with her death and burial.

On Friday evening, Feb 18th, Bessie, the only daughter of Capt. L. Curry, of Harborville, passed on to the rest that remaineth to the people of God. For more than a year she had been in poor health; but during the last few weeks her health failed so rapidly that her friends saw that she had not long to remain on earth. Naturally she wished to live, but bowed in submission to the will of her Master. During her illness she gave herself fully to Christ and united with the Methodist Church. On Sabbath afternoon the people gathered at her home in large numbers where an impressive service was conducted by her pastor, the Rev G.W.F. Glendenning, and then, followed by a large procession, her body was borne to the Pleasant Valley Cemetery.

Windsor's Thanks.

Before Obtaining Incorporation the Relief
Committee Tell the Public of
Their Gratitude.

To the friends of the Sufferers by the late
fire at Windsor, N.S.

Three months have passed since the disastrous fire that swept out of existence nearly three-fifths of the ancient town of Windsor, and the general relief committee feel that no adequate expression of thanks has been publicly tendered to the kind and sympathetic friends who, by their prompt and liberal contributions of food, clothing, and money, have enabled them, and are still enabling them, to keep the wolf from the doors of the sufferers, and clothe and shelter them against the rigor of a Nova Scotia winter. So far the energies of the committee have been exercised particularly upon these objects, several houses having been built as tenements for the homeless, and some grants of money and material given to enable others to rebuild for themselves.

The general relief committee are now about to seek for an Act of Incorporation to enable them to distribute with the approval of the Provincial Legislature, the money still remaining unused in the disbursement of what many hither to be called casual aid, and the members of the committee feel that before they yield up their sympathetic individuality and become a soulless corporation, they should place on record their appreciation of the kindness, the almost universal kindness, of the inhabitants of the Maritime Provinces, and even some far removed, as regards territorial limits, who have proved themselves closely connected by the bonds of human fellowship.

Language is inadequate to express the thanks that this letter is intended to convey to all such friends; it can only be measured by comparison with the results of their noble benefactions. To the Mayor of Halifax, the General Commanding H.M. forces, and all those who so promptly lent themselves to their energetic action, the thanks of all are due; and had it not have been for the timely aid of the Halifax Fire Department, the catastrophe would probably have been far greater than it was, and the relief, personal and material, that arrived on that memorable Sunday evening afforded food and shelter to many, may we not say to hundreds, who otherwise would have been if not naked, at least houseless and hungry.

During the next day supplies of all sorts came to our afflicted town, and words of sympathy, with promised aid, poured in, soon to be followed by their prompt fulfillment, from St John and Halifax, and everywhere, accompanied by ready helpers to assist in the arduous task of distribution.

The railroads and steamboats kindly provided free transit, and the country villages sent in their teams, till abundance took the place of destitution, and our temporary storehouses were filled to overflowing, and soon there followed such supply of money as has sufficed for all immediate needs, and of which there still remains about $40,000 for further distribution.

The actions of those taking an active part in the receipt and distribution of relief was so taken up for days, and even weeks, that it is no wonder that some donations of food and goods have not been acknowledged; in some cases it was not even known to officials where they came from, and if this should meet the eye of any who feel that they have been slighted in this matter, the committee asks them to forgive the neglect, and accept in this a thankful, though tardy, recognition of their kindness.

That such a catastrophe should have occurred with no greater personal injury or loss of life than what was experienced in Windsor on the 17th of December, 1897, should manifest to all the kind over-ruling of a merciful Providence, and it can detract nothing from the merit of a benevolent public to attribute the exercise of that benevolence to same Divine influence.

That God will preserve you from any similar disaster, or if permitted send you such timely and sufficient relief as you have afforded to us, is the prayer of the committee, most of whose members are, to a greater or less extent, sufferers by the late conflagration.

By order of the General Relief Committee.

Chas. Bowman, Secretary.

Jan 31st, 1898.

The Prince Edward - The Boston Globe of Mar 1st says: a survey was held yesterday on the Dominion Atlantic steamer Prince Edward, which was considerably damaged on her last passage from this port to Yarmouth. It was found that several of the rivets in the vessel's bottom had become loosened, which caused a serious leak. The engines were also badly shaken up during the severe straining, which caused the holding down bolts to become loosened. The work will be completed next Sunday, when it is expected the steamer will be in readiness to make her trip from this port.

The residence of Mr. A.P. Dodge, at Middleton, was burned on Saturday morning together with the stable near by. The fire started from the furnace. The loss will be heavy, as almost nothing was saved from the house, and there was but $750 insurance in all.

Mr. Benj. Sanford of Woodville, was in Berwick last week taking orders for his improved apple basket and "pulp header." The basket is contrived to open from the bottom, thus avoiding any danger of bruising the fruit. The "pulp header" has a rim around it and the apples for the head of the barrel can be placed upon it and lowered into the barrel without being disarranged. Any person who is accustomed to pack apples can appreciate this contrivance.


Mrs. W.A. Reed has returned from Hantsport.

Mrs. J.H. Austen, of Dartmouth, was in Berwick on Friday and Saturday, on her way to visit friends in Bridgetown.

Mrs. H.M. Jones is at home again, after quite a prolonged visit with friends in Liverpool and vicinity.

Arthur Weir, son of William Weir, of the Villa Marie Bank of Montreal, and secretary of that institution, has been appointed secretary of the Canadian Banker's Association.

Wells driven at 50cts per ft, by the Douglass Foundry Co.

The interior of the Baptist church at Port Williams is being remodeled under the supervision of Mr. B.G. Bishop.

The Monticello - All sorts of rumors are afloat as to the future route of the steamer City of Monticello recently sold to Geo F. Baird, of St John, for $20,000. One St John paper says she has been inspected for parties who want to run to New England ports, and another paper says a Mr. Moran has been inspecting the boat and, if purchased, she will go into the Klondike trade business, running from Seattle to Dyea.

Mrs. Sanford, widow of the late Erastus P. Sanford, died at the residence of her son in Woodville on Sabbath last.

FARMERS' UNION CAR - Corn meal and flour will unload on Friday and Saturday morning. The club store will open on Monday and Thursday evenings and Saturday afternoons until further notice. Orders taken for all kinds of seeds until Monday next, 15th inst.

The St John Sun of Monday last contains a well written letter from Mr. Wilfred E. Harris, of Aylesford, now a student at the American College of Osteopathy, Kirkville, Missouri. The letter is in answer to statements made by medical men of New Brunswick in their attempts to secure the enactment of a law forbidding the practice of Osteopathy in that province







This is the month for Rubber
Goods - We Have Them.

A good assortment of

Ladies and Gents plain
overs, sandals, croquet,
protection, mermaid.

Rubber Boots, Men's and Boys',
Woonsocket and Canadian. Also all
lines of winter goods at low

We buy hides and sell
leather and shoe finding.


Store closed at 6 o'clock Tuesday and
Thursday evenings.

Kingston Station:

There are excellent roads to the New Klondike where Mr. Moore has his portable saw mill and many teams are taking advantage thereof and are hauling in the manufactured product. There are about 400,000 ft at the station already and quite a large quantity on the road. Mr. Moore had the misfortune to break his saw and has been waiting several days for the arrival of a new one.

Business at the stores is not very brisk at present. Spring goods are arriving.

Mr. Cox of the "Outlook" was in town last week.

The members of the Kingston Lodge I.O.O.F., are talking strongly about organizing a Brass Band. They also propose to start a Lodge of Rebekahs. There is plenty of excellent material.

Messrs. L.O. Neily and J.W. Welton, of Aylesford, have been requested by a number of persons at this place to address a meeting in Kingston Hall next Saturday evening on their recent trip to London with a cargo of apples and have kindly consented to do so.

A number of people from Kingston and North Kingston surprised Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Hilton on Monday evening last, it being the fifth anniversary of their marriage.

James Gates has bought George Walker's farm for his son, E.C. Gates.

Geo Walker has bought the house formerly occupied by Frank Gates.

Mrs. Wheelock, of Kingston Village, has bought the house where H. Jacques is living, from J. Gates and will move in very soon.

Mr. Moore, of the "New Klondike," is at the Valley House waiting for a saw to arrive from New York.

Miss Minnie Cropley is visiting friends in Waterville.

Miss Robinson and friend of Nictaux, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Arthur Smith.

The District Lodge meets at Melvern Square tomorrow.

Invitations are out for a Birthday party at the hall on Thursday evening.


Mr. William Emino, of Garland, has just completed his contract of cutting, yarding, and hauling to the Bay at Victoria Harbor, logs to the amount of 81,766 feet. The work was done in 39 days, some of the time with five men and the remainder with four men and two teams. The enormous trees were cut in the woods five miles from the place where they were finally disposed of and loads were hauled over a mile over rough fields. Notwithstanding those disadvantages Mr. Emino hauled with ease loads scaling from 100 to 1345 feet, and your correspondent had the pleasure of viewing some of the forest monsters which scaled over 600 feet. Mr. Emino and his gang have won many friends in this locality and we are pleased to say he is not leaving us permanently. He is now at work on the Swindell lot. The logs from there will be hauled to the bay at Ogilvie's wharf and from thence rafted to Victoria Harbor where the mill will be situated. The friends of Mr. Emino join wishing him success in the undertaking and feel confident if the snow continues Burlington will have more to boast of than ever before.

Mrs. Angeline Reid has sold her place to Angus Johnson, shoemaker, and has moved into Mrs. Anderson's house. Mr. Johnson has taken possession.

Mr. Edwin Palmeter enjoyed a visit in Kentville since I last wrote from here. He is slowly recovering.

Mr. Charley Gould is recovering form his recent illness.

Our singing school is prospering and is well attended. Our day school also, under the able management of Miss Mabel Robinson, of Morristown.

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ney Ogilvie are making a short visit to their parents at this place. Mr. Ogilvie goes to the Klondike in a few weeks. We all join in wishing him success.

Mr. Leonard Best, of Grafton, visited friends at Burlington one day last week.

Mr. William Hall, formerly of this place, but for many years a resident of Wisconsin, is visiting friends in this locality.


The month of February has been a favorable time for the farmers to do their sledding and most of them have improved the time. Mr. R.D. Bentley, our popular singling school master, has a class at Billtown and one at Lakeville.

We understand Mr. Charlie Foote is going to Kentville to work at the blacksmith trade. We wish him every success.

Mr. Joseph Keizer has put up an ice house.

The usual winter parties are now in full progress.

Mr. and Mrs. George Whitney have of late had two gatherings at their beautiful house.

Mr. Joshua Porter has had a gathering on his neck which has been very painful but we are glad to hear that it is getting better.

Mr. Gideon Rockwell has been ill for some time. We all hope to hear of his recovery in the near future.

Mr. Wilfred Wheaton is doing quite an extensive business cutting cord wood in the south woods.

Canady Creek:

We were anticipating a very early spring as the snow melted very rapidly during the past week, but alas! The recent heavy fall of snow gives us the impression that the winter is loth to depart.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. LeBaron Margeson was brightened by the arrival of a little son on Feb. 23rd.

Mr. Foster Balsor, of Sheffield Mills, visited friends at Canady Creek last week.

H. Thorpe and Wallace Simpson were the guests of Mr. Parker on Sunday.

Miss Lavinia Robinson was visiting friends in Woodville last week.

Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas desire to express through the columns of THE REGISTER their thanks to friends for their kindly sympathy during the recent illness and death of their little daughter, Nettie.


A very successful meeting was held in Rooney's hall on Saturday evening, under the direction of the Canning agricultural society. The meeting was addressed by J. E. Starr, Esq. and Prof. J. E. Hopkins, of Nappan Dairy Station. Mr. Starr's address was along the general lines of agriculture, particularly dwelling upon the importance of fruit growing as an industry. It must be remembered that Mr. Starr was sent to England last year by the Government to ascertain for the benefit of the people the best methods of handling apples, particularly the packing, shipping and marketing. He showed most conclusively that honesty in packing and proper ventilation in shipping were the great essentials in procuring a good price for our fruit. Mr. Hopkins was then called upon to speak. He at once took up the well worn but not worn out subject of dairying. He spoke along the lines of feeding cows for the greatest production of milk at the least cost, clearly showing that perhaps greater skill was required along the line of dairying than any other branch of farm work. He urged all present to give more and better attention to the producing of milk for the creamery.

Another game of Hockey played last week between the Kentville and Canning teams resulted in a score of 5 to 2 in favor of Canning. The Hockey season will soon be over.

A large number of Canning people attended the anniversary exercises of the Methodist church in Kentville last Sunday and listened to a very able sermon by the Rev. Mr. Strothard, who preached in the evening.

The owners of the S. S. "Beaver" are improving her by the addition of another mast. They expect her to make better time when she has more sails. The river is nearly clear of ice and navigation will soon be open.

Dr. G. L. Foster left last Friday for Ottawa, where he expects to join a party for the Klondike.

Mr. Lewis Cox, who has been in Amherst for some time past, will be at home the rest of the winter. He is driving a very handsome colt.


Rev. Mr. Hatch from Newton Centre, Mass., has accepted the unanimous call to the pastorate of the Wolfville Baptist Church and will move his family here next week.

President Trotter left here last week for Bridgewater in the interests of Acadia's Forward movement.

Prof. Caldwell has resigned his professorship and in the early spring will leave for the West.
