Leora (Webster) Cross Articles

Leora (Webster) Cross Articles


courtesy of http://www.oldfashionedclipart.com/

Romantic Notes Of The Gay Nineties - February 10, 1949
Romantic Notes Of The Gay Nineties - February 24, 1949
Romantic Notes Of The Gay Nineties - March 10, 1949
Romantic Notes Of The Gay Nineties - March 24, 1949
Romantic Notes Of The Gay Nineties - April 7, 1949
Romantic Notes Of The Gay Nineties - April 21, 1949
Romantic Notes Of The Gay Nineties - May 5, 1949

New England Planters And Webster Genealogy - May 6, 1954
Planters and Loyalists - May 20, 1954
N. E. Planters And Chipman Geneology - June 3, 1954
N. E. Planters and Tupper Geneology - June 17, 1954
N. E. Planters And Borden Genealogy - July 1, 1954

Data from Jack Dugan site at

References for:

Cross John M (1877-1948)

Oak Grove Cemetery, Kentville:

Cross, Robert, 1800-1902;
Edward, 1831-1919;
his wife Susan, 1839-1909;
Edmund J., 1873-1954;
his wife Ida  M., 1871-1964
Cross, Laura D., 1879-1947;
Spurgeon L, 1875-1966;
John M., 1877-1948;
his wife Leora C., 1879-1964

10 footstones which read: Ida, Edmund, May, Ray, Calla, John,  Leora, S.L.C., Laura, Murray

 Leora C - (1879-1964)

Various articles (from the Register) with references to Leora Cross

April 14th 1897 - Cambridge

Cambridge division has increased from ten to thirty members. The following officers were installed the 3rd inst;-

W.P. Jennie Craig
W.A. Leora Webster
R.S. Unie Caldwell
A.R.S. Chalmers Lyons
F.S. Bordon Cox
Treas. J.E. Sawler
Chap. Omar Woodman
I.S. Craig Caldwell
O.S. Fitch Neily
Con. Harris Cox
A.C. Ethel Craig
P.W.P. P.B. Dodge

There will be an Easter service in Cambridge church next Easter Sunday evening under the auspices of the Sunday school. All will be welcome.

Mr Samuel Pineo, an aged and much respected inhabitant of Cambridge, died this morning after an illness of some weeks of la grippe. His son, Mr Edward Pineo is recovering from a serious attack of the same complaint, and Mrs Pineo, wife of deceased is just able after a sickness of many weeks to be out of bed.

Messrs WA and Edward Craig of Bridgetown visited friends here on the 3rd and 4th. They came up to attend the funeral of their niece the late Miss Annie Illsley of Weston. Other relatives, the aged grandmother, aunts, uncles and their cousins, who reside here are much saddened by the sudden death of one so young and beloved.

Mr WM Bullerwell has returned to Buffalo New York after spending the winter with his family.

Mrs Alexander Knowlton and her three sons, Amon, DeMill and Cromwell, arrived home from Mass week before last.

It is reported that Mr Ernest Webster has purchased land west of Mr James Durno's and will build thereon. Also that Mr Emerson Graves will build a new house on Station St south of Omar Woodworth's. And that there will be a political meeting in the warehouse some evening the last of this week.

Mr Jeremiah Webster arrived home from Mass last Wednesday.

Miss Evelyn west, Prospect, has a quilt which would please the lovers of artistic needle work. It contains over 4000 pieces and is a box pattern.

Mr Dawson Rachford started for Boston the 10th inst.

June 16th 1897 - Cambridge

Mrs. Jessie Cox and Mr. and Mrs. J Howe Cox attended the closing exercises at Acadie College.

Mr. and Mrs. J G Webster have returned from their wedding tour.

Misses Geraldine Murphy and Mannella Laurence, of Halifax, have been spending the last two weeks with Mrs. Cox, and have enjoyed the country so well that they propose staying some weeks longer.

Mr. Daniel McColl went to the States last week.

Mr. and Mrs. James Craig spent last Saturday with friends in Harborville.

Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Barteaux and Miss Beulah Palmer, of Morristown, spent a day with friends here recently.

Miss Patriquin of Somerset has a music class here. Miss Ford the violinist has one pupil here, and others on Brooklyn Street.

Mrs. Wm Gould and children of Kingston, Jamaica, are visiting at Mr. Alexander Gould's.

Mrs. Harrison spent a day last week with friends in Wolfville.

Mrs. Joshua Hutchinson, of Morristown, was the guest of Mrs. John Webster last Tuesday.

A most unusual visitor was in town last week, namely a moose, which was seen on Saturday afternoon near Mrs. Albert Webster's mill. It was going west, and after jumping several fences disappeared in the woods near the head of the mill pond.

Rev H Bool, of magic lantern fame, gave an exhibition in the hall on Thursday last. He also preached in the Baptist church on Sunday afternoon.

Our Sunday school has been reorganized for summer work, and is quite large. Mr. T T Craig was elected Superintendent and Mr. Fred Webster vice-superintendent. The other officers are Miss Alice Craig, Sec. And Treas, Mr. Joseph Sawler, Librarian, and Miss Unie Caldwell, organist. The teachers are Mr. James Craig, Mr. Howe Cox, Miss Flora Morse, Miss Jennie Craig, Miss Unie Caldwell and Miss Leora Webster.

Miss Mary Harris, of Sheffield Mills, visited Miss Myrtie Caldwell last Saturday and Sunday at Miss Caldwell's home in this place.

Mr. and Mrs. Enos Knowlton visited relatives at Weston last Sunday.

Mr. Harmon Bowles, who has been away for many years, returned on Saturday from Dakota to visit his widowed mother. He will decide to settle in his native land.

August 11th 1897 - Cambridge:

Mr. A. W. Bishop and family have been spending a few weeks with friends in Cambridge. Mr. Bishop has returned to Boston and Mrs. Bishop and her two boys and her mother, Mrs. Neily, are spending this week in Kentville with Mrs. Neily's sister, Mrs. Avery.

Miss Ruperta Woodward is also visiting friends here. She came from her home at Nictaux Falls on her wheel.

Within the last few years Cambridge has become noted for the large number of popular teachers it has produced. A number of these have married and gone out of the profession, but some are yet at work. These have all secured good schools for the coming year. Miss Mabel Caldwell has a position in Kentville Academy, Miss Myrtle Caldwell takes again as last year the advanced department at Sheffield's Mills, Miss Jennie Craig goes to Harborville, Miss Gertie Webster goes to West Black Rock, Miss Leora Webster to Nicholsville, and Miss Bertie Webster to Millville.

Mr. Acel West expects to spend next year at Dalhousie college.

April 6th 1898 - Nicholsville

Making "maple sugar" is all the rage here.

Misses. Naomi Nichols and Mabel Robinson, teachers at Lake George and Burlington, spent Saturday and Sunday at their homes here.

Our School, this year, is under the management of Miss Leora Webster, of Cambridge. The school is well attended and is progressing nicely.

A very pleasant time was spent, by the young folks, on the evening of "April Fool's day" at the home of Mrs. Lindley Nichols.

Mr. Arthur Beals left Nicholsville on Monday for Welsford, where he will remain for the summer.

Mr. Lex Nichols, student at Acadia Villa School, Horton, is expected home on Thursday.

Miss Alberta Webster, teacher at Millville, spent Saturday last with her sister, Miss Leora Webster.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dunn, were the guests of Mrs. Lindley Nichols, on Wednesday.

Miss Theresa Nichols, of Lawrencetown, spent a few days with Mr. Charles Nichols, last week.

May 25th 1898 - Waterville

Burglars entered the store of Mr. Thos. Lawson, Buckley's Corner, on Saturday night. Entrance was gained by the front hall window and exit by the back door. The store was completely emptied of tobacco, while a fifty pound box of dates, ten lbs. nuts, pocket knives, razors, boots and shoes, were added to complete a profitable load. The loss is at least $100. That this burglary is the work of our old visitors of last summer, there is little doubt. Measures are being taken to have Detective Power, of Halifax, engaged.

Mrs. Colin Smith, of Nictaux, accompanied by Miss Ruperta Woodward, was the guest of Mrs. N. T. Bowles and Mrs. Allen Browne on Saturday.

R. D. Pineo has planted a row of ornamental trees in front of his residence, extending the width of his farm on the roadside, which greatly improves the appearance of his grounds.

Manning Armstrong, Esq., stopped over on Friday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Thos. Beardsley.

Miss Lena Woodroffe, Miss Addie Bowles, Miss Carrie Best, Miss Jessie Young and Miss Abbie Marchant, teachers, were home on the Queen's birthday.

Geo. W. MacMahon, Esq., of Aylesford, was in Waterville on Friday.

The Railway grounds South of the depot are being graded, and the hill on Cottage Street removed. This will add much to the accommodation of the public and to the appearance of that part of the village. C. O. Cook has charge of the work.

Chas. Robinson and sister, Miss Nellie, were in Waterville on Wednesday of last week.

Mrs. Jos. H. Rawding spent Thursday with Mrs. C. E. Eaton.

A number of our young men attended the minstrel concert at Kentville on Friday evening.

The Presbyterian manse was discovered to be on fire on Saturday afternoon, but through the prompt aid rendered by the neighbors, the blaze was extinguished without serious loss.

Councillors Balcom, Gaul and Patterson were in Waterville on Saturday.

Miss Ethel Hall of Harborville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. O. Cook.

Mr. T. A. Margeson has planted a spruce hedge in front of his residence. It is done with the neatness which characterizes all Mr. Margeson's work.

Miss Alberta and Miss Leora Webster spent Saturday with their sister, Mrs. N. T. Bowles.

C. O. Nichols is improving his front lawn by grading and sodding. All such improvements tend to make our village more attractive.

John Cropley and his mother spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graves.

Rev. Mr. Hawley attended the induction of on the 19th, of Rev. H. S. Davison and Rev. J. R. Douglas to the churches of Bridgetown and Annapolis respectively, returning on Saturday. Mrs. Hawley accompanied him.

Mr. Henry Shaw informs us he intends planting four acres more with cranberry vines this season.

Councillor James E. Morris and Capt. Bloomfield Morris were in town on Saturday.

Mr. Burgess MacMahon left on Monday on a business trip to St. John. He will be absent about three weeks.

Mr. C. I. Wolfe is pleased that the parties who stole his milk on Friday night left the creamer where he could find it.

Bert Ward, who has been confined to the house all winter, though still suffering, is able to walk about the square with the aid of crutches.

August 3rd 1898 - Cambridge:

Our resident teachers are all placed for the coming year. Quite a number of them have for the present left the profession.

Miss Mable Coldwell, B.A., who taught last year in Kentville Academy, intends to rest for a year and will probably remain at her home here. She has recently been visiting her friend, Miss Troop, M.A. at Digby.

Misses Unie and Myrtie Caldwell expect to spend the coming year at the Ladies Academy, Wolfville, and Mr. Acel West returns to Acadia as a Junior.

Miss Leora Webster, last year at Nicholsville, will teach at Sheffield's Mills, and Miss Alberta Webster, last year at Millville, goes to Centreville. These two sisters are at present attending the Dominion Educational Association at Halifax. Miss Gertrude Webster, last year at Black Rock, is rapidly recovering from a severe attack of fever but will not attempt to teach for a year. Miss Jennie Craig, last year at Harborville, will teach the coming year at home.

Mrs. A. A. Webster, who has been for some time in rather poor health, is quite better and left on Monday for her native home, Charlottetown, P.E.I., where she expects to remain for some weeks among her old friends.

Mrs. Benjamin Palmer, of Aylesford, is spending a few days with friends here.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sawler celebrated their Golden Wedding on Saturday last. Many valuable and useful presents show the esteem in which the aged couple are held by their neighbors. Mr. Sawler is eighty-four years of age, but hale and hearty and promises by his appearance to live ten years longer. He has been twice married and by the first marriage raised four children and by the second fourteen. There are at present fourteen living children, over forty grandchildren and a number of great grandchildren. The youngest son, Everett Sawler, is a telegraph operator for the United States government and is at present at Porto Rico.

August 10th 1898 - Waterville:

A number of our teachers have been attending the Dominion Teachers Association, which met at Halifax last week.

Misses Bertie and Leora Webster and Thomas Lawson, B.A., returned home on Saturday, Miss Banks, on Monday and Miss Lena Woodroff is expected home today.

Miss Olive Coburn, of Boston, spent a few days, last week, with her friend, Miss Elsie Best.

N.A. Osborne, who has a position as teacher in one of the schools in B.C., arrived home last week for a short visit to his parents.

The Misses Blackader, from Halifax, are visiting Mrs. Harry Sawyer.

Dr. Melbourne Read is spending his vacation with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Read.

Mr. Albert and Aubrey Vaughn, of Boston are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Thos. Margeson.

Mr. Jack Crispo left o Monday for Montreal, where he has accepted a position in a bank. His many friends wish him success.

Mrs. Hoyt, of St. John, is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. W. W. Pineo. She is accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Kinsman, and her grandchild, Horace.

Mrs. G. D. Pineo and daughter, Mrs. Louis Hirsch, are spending a few days with Mrs. Pineo's daughter, Mrs. Harry Reid, at Kentville.

Mrs. J. E. Betton and son have been visiting at Mr. M. Skinner's. They returned to their home in Kentville, last night.

Mrs. Wm. Poole and Miss Maude Best are spending the week with their brother; Mr. Harris Best, in Kentville.

The ladies of Waterville Baptist Church intend holding a tea meeting at "Maple Ridge" - the grounds occupied by Mr. Wylie Pineo, on the afternoon of the 17th of August, commencing at 4 p.m. Ice cream, candies and fruit will be for sale on the grounds.

Everybody is cordially invited as a good time is expected. Admission, Adults 30cts, Children 25 cents.

Rev. Mr. Parker and daughter, of Boston, are spending a few days in Waterville, the guest of Rev. and Mrs. E. O. Read.

Mr. Longwood arrived from Boston on Thursday and is visiting at Mr. W. Sanford's.

Miss Chesley, of Bridgetown, is visiting Mrs. Twining Lyons.

The Art Club, of Waterville, which meets on Saturdays and Mondays from one to three o'clock, is making rapid progress under the skilful management and teaching of Mrs. Goldston. - Mrs. Goldston spends part of the week at Grand Pre, where she is sketching some of the beautiful scenes of Evangeline's land.

Rev. E. O. Read preached an able and appreciative sermon to a large audience on Sabbath evening from 1 Chr. XXVIII, 9.

We are glad to see Mrs. W. P. Lyons, who has been ill for the past few days, able to be out again.

Miss Jessie Young and little sister Mollie spent a few days with friends in Nicholsville and Morristown.

Mrs. Sanford and two children from Halifax are staying at the Margeson House.

Mr. Fred Gates arrived home from Boston on Saturday and is the guest of Mr. Beardsley.

Mrs. Forsyth and little boy of White Rock and her sister Mrs. Fenelson, of Boston, were in Waterville last week.

Miss Laura Wright, of Brookline, Mass., is visiting her brother, Mr. Frank Wright.

Mrs. Alfred Whitman returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Whitfield Whitman, who is seriously ill at Nictaux. She was accompanied by her aged mother, Mrs. Milbury.

Mr. Wm. Farquharson, of Halifax, is spending a few days in Waterville, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charlton.

Miss Marla Lyons returned home yesterday from an extended visit among friends and relatives in Bridgetown.
