September 8th, 1904




The academy and public schools resumed their work last week, with an average attendance of pupils. During the summer vacation a building for the accommodation of the Manual Training and Domestic Science departments was erected on the grounds.

The staff of teachers for the year is: - Academic, Principal, Mr. Robinson; Vice-principals, Miss Farrell, Miss McDonell; Preparatory, Miss Kaulbach; Advanced Intermediate, Miss Webster; Intermediate, Miss Hamilton, Miss Webster; Intermediate, Miss Hamilton; Advanced Primary, Miss Chase; Primary, Miss Moore.

A department for business training (stenography, typewriting, etc), will be opened during the coming month, and will be in charge of Miss Webster. Mr. McNutt has the classes in manual training, Miss McDougall, in domestic science.

Mr. George Sinclair, of the Union Bank of Halifax agency at Guysboro, is spending part of his vacation in town.

Miss Roberta Blanchard, with her cousin, Miss Sharpe, of Lowell, Mass., spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this week in Berwick. They were the guests of Mrs. George H. Oxley.

Mrs. J. W. Chase left on Monday for a visit to Sydney.

Miss Hattie Moore, of Hortonville, spent Sunday in town.

A very quiet wedding took place in St. Joseph (R. C.) church on Monday at seven in the morning, when Miss Margaret Eleanor Farrell, youngest daughter of Mrs. H. D. Farrell, was united in marriage to Mr. John Tobin, of Starr’s Point. Rev. P. M. Holden performed the ceremony. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. W. H. Farrell, of New York. She wore a dainty gown of white silk organdie, with a chiffon hat of white. Miss Mary Farrell was bridesmaid. She wore white muslin with lace insertion. The bride’s going away gown was fawn cloth.

Mr. and Mrs. Tobin left on a driving tour through the Annapolis valley, and around the South Shore. They will live near Wilmot, where Mr. Tobin has recently purchased a farm.

No guests were present at the wedding ceremony outside the immediate members of the family. The bride is the recipient of many useful and valuable gifts.
