September 1st, 1904




Mrs. Cozens, of Staten Island, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Reid, of Middleton, as the guest of Mrs. A. V. Pineo last week.

Miss Sadie McKeen, of Wolfville, spent Sunday in town, the guest of Mrs. R. W. Eaton.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Pilkie, of Lindsay, Ontario, arrived in town on Saturday last. They intend remaining in the province for the autumn and winter months.

Mr. J. Wilfred Ryan, Manager of the Union Bank Agency at Glace Bay, arrived in town on Monday and is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ryan.

Mrs. J. L. Wickwire, who has been spending several weeks in Digby, returned home on Wednesday.

Miss Millicent Chase, who has been spending the summer in St. John, arrived home on Saturday.

Miss Roberta Sharpe, of Lowell, Mass., is the guest of her cousin, Miss Roberta Blanchard.

Mrs. and Miss Austen, of Dartmouth, who have been the guests of Mrs. Elliot, at Miss Sloane’s, returned home on Monday.

Mr. H. P. Borden, of Montreal, arrived in town on Saturday, and was the guest of his mother, Mrs. J. R. Borden. He returned on Tuesday to resume his duties in the C.P.R. office at Montreal.

Mrs. Gifkins, Miss Roberta Sharpe, Miss Millicent Chase, and Miss Roberta Blanchard, are spending a few days of this week camping at Kingsport.
