May 12th, 1904


MAY 12, 1904


The Rev. Dr. McMillan, of Chalmers Church, Halifax, occupied the pulpit of St. Paul’s Presbyterian church on Sabbath.

Mr. A. Milne Fraser, of Halifax, spent Sabbath with Mr. and Mrs. Gifkins.

Mr. Winfield Ryan, of the Union Bank agency of Glace Bay, is spending his holidays at his home in town.

Mr. John Dick, who has before several years filled the position of bookkeeper for the Nova Scotia Carriage Company, leaves soon for Winnipeg.

During the winter the Domestic Science Department of the public school has held a class for ladies. Wednesday was the closing day and a very pleasant and successful course of lessons was terminated.

Miss Jessie Blanchard, of Halifax, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Gifkins, for a few days last week.

County Court is being held this week.

The Sanatorium will be fitted for patients in two weeks. Miss Elliot, assisted by Miss Lyons, is getting the building in readiness.

May 4, 1904.
