August 4th, 1904


AUGUST 4, 1904


The Rev. D. Stiles Fraser occupied the pulpit of St. Paul’s Presbyterian church on Sabbath last.

Miss Alice Chipman returned on Wednesday from a lengthy visit to Halifax.

Miss Eleanor Farrell and Miss Arnold leave this week for a stay in Morden.

Mrs. Leslie Eaton and family are at Blomidon, for a month’s visit.

The annual meeting of the Halifax Presbyterial, will be held in St. Paul’s church, Kentville, on August 4th. Three sessions will be held. About forty delegates are expected.

The announcement is made that Miss Lena McNamara, is to be married. Miss McNamara has a host of friends who, while extending best wishes, regret that she is to leave Kentville.

Miss Fannie Moore is in Parrsboro the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Woodworth.

Mrs. Fletcher Neary and family are in Hall’s Harbor for a time.

Miss Mary Sharp left on Saturday for Digby.

Mrs. Burgess McKittrick arrived on Saturday to spend the remainder of the vacation in Forest Street.

Miss Chase left on Wednesday last for St. John.

Miss Mary Farrell, of Everett, Mass., is the guest of her father, Mr. Bernard Farrell.
