June 29th 1898

June 29th 1898



At Middle Musquodoboit, June 23rd, Rev Rufus Foote and Miss Edith, daughter of Mr. Chas. W. Sprott, of Middle Musquodoboit.

At Gaspereau, June 19th, by the Rev J. Williams, Calvin O. Davison and Eva R. Schofield.

At Gaspereau, June 19th, by the Rev J. Williams, John E. Coldwell and Daisy A. Coldwell, all of Gaspereau.

At Dorchester, Mass., June 8th, by the Rev. A.K. MacLennan, Avit A. Anthony, of Berwick, and Annie E., daughter of George MacKenzie, Middle River, C.B.


At Kentville, June 17th, Nancy, widow of the late Peter Redmond, aged 82 years.

At Kentville, June 16th, Sarah, youngest daughter of Bernard Farrel.

At Kentville, June 18th, Thomas Wardrobe, aged 50 years.

At Kentville, June 19th, the infant son of Taylor Cochran, aged 1 year and 7 months.

On Saturday, June 25th, at the residence of her son, Mr. Thaddeus Loveless, Welsford, Mrs. Hannah McIntosh, aged 74 years.

Wedding Bells:

We clip the following from the Notick, Mass, Bulletin, of June 17th. The Bride is a daughter of Mr. Geo W. Baltzer formerly of Morden Road, Aylesford.

"Miss Love Louisa Baltzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Baltzer, was united in marriage Wednesday evening, June 8, at 8 o'clock, to Mr. Samuel Bowker, one of our most prominent business men, Rev. Mr. Mudge performing the ceremony. The bride looked beautiful in an elegant gown of white brocade with rich lace trimmings. She wore diamond ornaments and carried a lovely bouquet of white roses. Miss Bessie Baltzer, sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor and was charmingly attired in white and carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses. Mr. James Bowker, brother of the groom, acted as best man. Miss Gusty March rendered a piano selection, "O Perfect Love," during the services.

After the ceremony a reception was held at the house which was beautifully decorated with flowers. A wedding feast was served.

Late in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Bowker left on a wedding trip and will be at home to their friends after July 15."


Revds. E. E. England and John Craig spent a day with their former parishioners in Berwick last week. Mr. Craig will be stationed in Halifax for a time.

John P. Anthony arrived home on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Jefferson, who have been in attendance at the Methodist Conference in Truro, arrived home on Wednesday.

Miss Jennie Robinson visited friends in Berwick last week. She was en route to Weymouth, to which place she went on Friday.

Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, of Windsor, was in Berwick last week, visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. F. Shepherd.

Mr. M. G. DeWolfe, of Kentville, was in Berwick on Thursday.

Capts. W. B. and Alex McNeill arrived at their homes in Berwick on Thursday.

Miss Nellie A. Clark returned to Halifax on Wednesday.

Mr. W. H. Chipman, of Middleton formerly of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Kentville, was in Berwick on Friday last.

Mrs. Bruce White and her infant daughter, Miss Dorothy, arrived from Boston on Saturday and will remain during the summer.

Mrs. Frese accompanied her sister from Boston last week. She returns to day, after a very brief visit to mother and friends.

Mrs. Herbert White and child arrived on Saturday from Boston.

Mrs. E. W. Weaver, of Cambridge, Mass, formerly Miss M. J. Morris, of Harborville, arrived on Saturday, on a visit to relatives and friends.

The Revere (Mass) Journal of June 18th says: - "The Sunday School concert a the Lay College on Children's Day was a decided success. An original poem, "Our Absent Pastor" delivered by Clifford Ward was one of the features of the evening." Clifford is a son of H. B. Ward, formerly of this county.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Borden will be at home to their friends on the two first Wednesday evenings in July the 6th and 13th - not on Tuesdays, as stated in our last issue.

Addison Beardsley, son of the late W. W. Beardsley, is visiting friends in this Province. He was in Berwick yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Fancy are in Berwick, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Forrest. They were serenaded last evening by the band.

The delegates to the Baptist Association at Hantsport from this vicinity were Mrs. W. A. Reed, Berwick, and Mr. Arthur Bishop, Somerset. Mrs. Isaac Shaw, of Weston, also attended. She was accompanied as far as Wolfville by Mrs. A. J. McLeod, who has been visiting her.

Mr. S. W. McInnes, D. D. S., L. D. S. of Brandon, Man., President of the Manitoba Dental Association and his bride, were in Berwick on Friday, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. McInnes were serenaded on Friday evening by the Berwick Brass Band, who played several of their best selections in fine style. The boys were afterwards invited in and hospitably entertained. Mr. and Mrs. McInnes left on Saturday morning.

Miss McKenna, of Dartmouth, is in Berwick, visiting her sister, Mrs. L. D. Robinson.

Mr. H. H. Wickwire, M.P.P., was in Berwick on Monday.

DELAYED - The express train from Yarmouth was over four hours late on Monday, the delay being caused by accident to the Weymouth Bridge.

DOMINION DAY EXCURSIONS - The Dominion Atlantic Railway will issue excursion return tickets at one first class fare from the 29th June to July 1st good to return until July 4th.

Messrs Erb and Wallace, the Photographers, will be in Berwick on Thursday afternoon and will remain a few days. Parties wanting photos should not miss this chance; three days only.

The Glorious First:

The dinner and tea to be served on the grounds on Dominion Day will be under the management of the ladies of Christ Church congregation, who are sparing no pains in order to have every thing first class.

A good dinner will be provided at 40 cents; tea at 30 cents. Ice cream, Tea and Coffee, Sandwiches, &c., will be offered for sale.

The proceeds are to go to the fund for the Restoration of the Church and any help form friends outside the congregation will be thankfully received. Donations may be sent either to Mrs. Andrews, Berwick, or to Mrs. Jones, Waterville.

TWO GRADUATES - of Acadia have been called to important positions as teachers. Rev M.B. Shaw, returned missionary from Telugu, has received the appointment of lecturer on Modern Missions in the Baptist training school at Los Angelos. Warren I. Moore, B.A., 1894, has been made president and professor of Classics in Charlesburg Baptist college, Missouri. This college has an attendance of 130 students and grants degrees in arts and science.

RE ELECTED - Dr. Trenaman, of Halifax, has been re-elected President of the Alumni Association of King's College. The Dr. has held this position for sixteen years, and has never in all that time missed a meeting of the Association.


Mrs. Power and child and Miss Belle Bill, of Boston, are visiting their parents, Mr. Mrs. W.C. Bill.

Mrs. A.J. Vincent and child, and Miss Giffin, of Isaac's Harbor, are the guests of H.P. Sweet.

Miss Cassie Bill spent a few weeks recently with friends in Bridgetown.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Asa Steele was brightened, about three weeks ago, by the arrival of a boy.

Rev Mr. Mason preached in the church here on Sunday morning last.

Among those who attended the Association at Hantsport, from Billtown were Rev Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, Rev Mr. Hardy, Miss Hattie Rockwell, Mr. and Mrs. W.S. Sweet and Mr. and Mrs. O. Bligh.

Mr. H.P. Sweet is in Isaac's Harbor, called there by the illness and death of his brother, Mr. Stephen Sweet.

Mr. and Mrs. Kinsman Sweet, of Antigonish, were visiting relatives here recently.

E.M. Bill, Judge of probate for Shelburne, was visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Bill, last week.

Mr. Lewis Rockwell and wife are visiting his mother, Mrs. H. Rockwell.

T.H. Forsythe has been beautifying his handsome premises by the addition of a concrete walk.

Harry Kinsman, of Chicago, who has been in Billtown since the death of his father, returned last week. Mrs. Kinsman will remain a month or two longer.

Mrs. Sanford, of Wolfville, spent two weeks recently, at her uncle's, Mr. C.B. Lamont's.

Fred Bezanson, of Acadia College, is spending his vacation at C.B. Lamont's.

Rev Mr. Hardy, of Acadia College, is in Billtown assisting our pastor, rev M.P. Freeman. He will probably remain through the summer vacation.

Lake Division, S. of T., held their annual picnic at Harborville on the 18th. The beautiful drive is some fifteen miles through the country, adding greatly to the charms of the event, and on arriving all were prepared to do ample justice to the good things prepared by the ladies in the way of luncheon.

REV J.A. GORDON - has been appointed to go to Prince Edward Island in the interest of the Acadia Forward Movement, in the place of Rev D.H. Simpson, whose unfortunate accident renders it impossible for him to leave home at present.


Miss Ina Baltzer, who arrived at her home in Canada Creek from Boston, on Thursday, June 16th, spent Saturday in Chipman Brook.

T.L. Kirby took five barrels of lobsters to Waterville on the way to Boston, on Monday. The market is steadily improving but the lobsters are becoming scarce.

Master Archie Baltzer spent Sunday night and Monday at Chipman Brook.

On Saturday, June 18th, all the boats were out, including the sail boat "Klondike" containing T.L. Kirby, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pineo. Mr. and Miss Baltzer, Miss Shaw, Mr. Charles Hutt and Master Claude Misner. Although there were four fishing lines in good working order no fish were caught. It was a very poor day for fishing; of all the four boats out none caught any. The high winds during the first of the week seem to have blown them all away or brought them plenty to eat.

A party came from Ross Corner to spend the day at the shore; it was unfortunate, as the weather and water were so perfect that the boats had all left for the wharf before their arrival.


Waterville generally leads other villages in the valley in the earliest shipment of strawberries. This season is not an exception as the consignments on the 20th inst. by C. Charlton and L.J. Whitman were the first in the Halifax market from this Province. Owing to large quantities of strawberries arriving from Upper Provinces, those shipped from here realized but 15 cents per box, against 25 and 30 cents for first shipments last year.

Loring R. Beardsley passed successfully his first year's examinations in the Pennsylvania college of dental surgery and is now home recruiting his health after a serious illness. After the completion of his studies he intends settling in Waterville.

Leander J. Kinsman, we are glad to say, is improving in health as his daily appearance on the street indicates.

The I.O.F. will hold their regular monthly business meeting in Bowles' Hall this evening (29th). The report of the delegate, N.T. Bowles, to High Court will be given.

Mr. Watts lost a valuable dog last week from poison.

Clinton Baltzer has returned from the Fredericton Military College.

Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Belcher, of Church St., spent Friday, at Mrs. I.S. Pineo's.

Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Durling spent Thursday in Kentville, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James McLeod.

Rev J.M. Allan went to Halifax on Thursday.

Mr. Wm. Buchanan is visiting his nephew in Grand Pre.

W.A. Forsythe is building a carriage house.

Miss Hattie Woodroffe wheeled to Canaan, on Friday, to attend her sister's school examination.

James Moody, of Grafton, was in town on Saturday wishing to purchase some horses. Mr. Moody had raised, on Wednesday last, the frame of a large barn, the builder of which is Mr. Geo Kinsman.

Mrs. W.W. Pineo went to St John on Saturday to visit relatives and friends.

Miss Ethel Hall returned home last week from a visit to her sister, Mrs. C.O. Cook.

Rev J.L.M. Young is staying with his cousin, W.V.T. Young.

W.B. Troop, of Annapolis, was in town on Thursday.

N.T. Bowles returned on Friday from the High Court of Foresters in Halifax.

John Burke, Esq. who spent the last year in Boston has returned and is visiting his son, Ambrose.

F. McIntosh was quite ill the past week but was able to attend church service on Sabbath.

D.B. Parker, Esq., and Mrs. Parker spent Friday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Beardsley's.

Capt John Cook, of Harborville, was in town on Thursday on his return from Windsor, where he had been negotiating with parties for the purchase of a ship.

Mr. Joshua Douglass, of Annapolis Co., is spending a few days with his daughters, Mrs. George Borden and Mrs. Perry Borden.

Our genial friend "Coke" Sawyer is increasing his dairy stock. His late purchase of Jersey cows is a considerable acquisition to this herd. He is obliged to board them out, though, for a time, that they may receive lessons in good behavior so that he may we able to extract the lacteal fluid without danger to his person.

J.G. Rood, of the fruit canning operation here, was in Waterville last week in the interest of his business. Mr. Rood intends beginning the canning of strawberries about the 10th of July.

Mrs. J.E. Crowe and Mrs. Langille, of Annapolis, and Mrs. Allan Crowe, of Bridgetown, who have been the guests of their aunt, Mrs. I.S. Pineo the past week, returned to their homes on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Douglass, of Boston, arrived in Waterville on Tuesday, and are the guests of his sisters, Mrs. George and Perry Borden.

Mr. Jason Forsythe is improving the appearance of his residence with a coat of paint.

Mr. and Mrs. G.I. Wolfe were visiting her sister in Margaretville last week.

Mr. and Mrs. James McLeod, of Kentville were at Thos. Durling's on Sabbath last.

Mrs. Ambrose Burke is still in the hospital but encouraging letters are received from her, giving hope that she will soon return.

William Palmer, of Buckley's Corner, tells of a thrilling experience. On Thursday night last, about 11 o'clock, he was returning home from Kentville and a short distance north of J.H. Cox's, Cambridge, he was attacked by three masked men. A revolver was discharged, the horse jumped suddenly to one side and broke the shaft iron and before he could offer much residence Mr. Palmer was dragged from his buggy, his pockets picked and a vigorous kicking administered, when the trio departed. Mr. Palmer has a strong suspicion of the parties.

At the Waterville School Meeting Monday evening H. Fulmer was elected trustee to fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of Mr. F. McIntosh. $400 was voted for school expenses.

In Grafton School section Theodorus Kinsman was elected trustee replacing Chas. Lawrence retiring. $150 was voted.

While attempting to raise a window in the Presbyterian Church on Sabbath evening Mr. R.D. Pineo has a finger crushed by the fall of the sash. Dr Harvey was present and went at once to his office with Mr. Pineo and dressed the wound.

Early Sunday evening while people were passing on their way to church a number of bathers were disporting themselves in the waters of the Cornwallis river near the red bridge. These youths are reminded that bathing in an exposed place is contrary to law and a repetition of the offense will be promptly dealt with.

Rev W.R. Foote, M.A., occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening. The subject of his address was "Corea," a country for which he leaves this week. Mr. Foote was married on Thursday last to Miss Edith Sprott of Middle Musquodoboit, who will accompany him to the field of his labors. Rev R Grierson, B.A., B Sc., M.D., and Rev Duncan Macrae, missionaries to the same field will go in company with Mr. and Mrs. Foote.
