June 23rd 1897

June 23rd 1897



At Berwick, June 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Pirl, a daughter.


At Halifax, June 10th, by Rev. T.H. Blenus, Alfred H. Shepherd and Mabel P. Reid, of Port William's.

At Wolfville, June 10th, by Rev. T. Higgins, Amos Ernst, Lunenburg, and Julia Walsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Walsh, of Wolfville.

At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris, Sheffield Mills, by Rev. W.N. Hutchinson, M.A., George V. Tupper, of Wolfville and Elizabeth May Farnham, of Kingsport.


At Malden, Mass, June 4th, of Paralysis Martha A., widow of the late William H. Wood, in the 69th year of her age.

At Kentville, June 17th, of heart failure, Hanna DeW., widow of the late Stephen H. Moore, aged 82 years.

At Morristown, June 5th, Henry Ewing, aged 80 years.

At Aylesford, June 9th, Wm Nichols, aged 58 years, leaving…..(The rest is missing.PV).

Sudden Death:

A little daughter of Conductor Margeson died suddenly at Kentville on Tuesday morning of last week, and was buried on Thursday. Mrs. Stephen H. Moore, of Kentville, who has been in poor health for the last three years, died on Thursday morning, while in the act of dressing. The funeral took place on Saturday.

The Marriage of Two M.D's:

Shaw - Brown:

A pretty wedding took place on Saturday morning at nine o'clock at the residence of the bride's father, W. V. Brown, Esq. The principals in this happy event were Martha Wyman Brown, M. D, C. M, fourth daughter of W. V. Brown, Esq, of this place, formerly of Yarmouth, and Howard M. Shaw, M. D, C. M., son of I. S. Shaw, Esq., of Berwick.

Promptly at the appointed hour the pair, preceded by the bridesmaid, Agnes Brown, youngest sister of the bride, appeared in the drawing room which had been handsomely decorated for the occasion with flowers, potted plants and flags. The bride looked charming in a dress of blue silk alpaca with white satin trimmings and lace, carrying a bouquet of white lilies. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. H. Simpson, assisted by Rev. W. Ellis. Immediately after the ceremony, luncheon was served. The happy couple after visiting several towns in this province, start on an extended tour through the United States as far as San Francisco, before taking up their residence at Neihart, Montana.

The bride graduated this year in medicine at Dalhousie University. The groom is also a graduate in medicine at McGill University, therefore this marriage is quite out of the ordinary, as it unites two of Nova Scotia's M. D's.. We wish them every success in the practice of their profession in the West.


Mrs. Kelvington Lightizar spent last Thursday with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Griffin.

Mr. Smallwood Morse, of Millville, spent a week with his uncle, Mr. William Neily, and other relatives.

Mrs. Clark Spinney and little daughter spent last Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. James Smith, of North Kingston.

Mrs. Beriah Spinney was the guest of Mrs. Charles Pierce on Wednesday last.

Mrs. Stephen Griffin recently had the misfortune to sprain her ankle quite badly.

Mrs. Charles Pierce and her son Owen, have gone to spend a month with her daughter, at Clementsport, Annapolis Co.

Rev. H. H. Saunders, our new pastor, preached a very practical sermon here last Sunday to a very appreciative congregation.


Rev. C. H. Martell, of Canard, and our pastor, Rev. M. P. Freeman, exchanged pulpits on Sunday, 13th.

Mr. Norman Whitman, a student of Acadia College, preached in the Baptist Church here, on Sunday morning, 20th.

Quite a number of our citizens intend going to the Association, at Chester, the last of this week.

The members of Lake Division intend holding their annual picnic on Saturday next, the 26th, at Evangeline Beach, Long Island. We wish them good weather and a pleasant time.

Mr. Theodore Rockwell, eldest son of T. H. Rockwell, who has been absent from home for over twenty years, is home on a visit. We hear he intends remaining in Nova Scotia through the summer.

Mr. Stephen Sweet and daughter, of Isaac's Harbor, were visiting relatives and friends here, last week.

Mrs. Arthur Parker spent three weeks recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Ross, of Weston.

Mrs. N. S. Sweet is visiting friends in Parrsboro.

Mr. Lewis Rockwell, of Somerville, Mass. spent last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Rockwell.

Some of our young folks went to Annapolis on Tuesday, to join in the celebration of the Queen's Jubilee.


Mr. John Newcombe, who has the new dyke in charge, has been preparing a bed in the bottom of the river for the sluice, which is ready to be put in place. The running dyke is nearly finished. The old sluice is in very bad condition but will probably be all right until the new dyke is completed.

Work on the new steamer is progressing rapidly. The engine and boiler arrived last week and will be put in position soon. The builders expect to have her ready to launch in July.

Capt. Nicholson has added much to the appearance of his residence, by a coat of paint.

Extensive repairs are being made on the Methodist parsonage. When finished it will be a more commodious building.

Rev Mr. Higgins is attending the Methodist Conference in Liverpool, and the pulpit of the Methodist Church was vacant on Sabbath morning, but was occupied in the evening by the Rev. Mr. Sinclair, of Canard.

A flag staff has been erected on the school grounds.

Miss Roy, of Church Street, spent her Jubilee vacation with Mrs. Fellows.

Road work is just being done in the Canning districts.


Sir Charles Tupper left for England on Saturday.

Miss McDonald, of Halifax, is visiting Mrs. AS Bentley.

Miss Patriquin, of Wolfville, was the guest of Mrs. John D. Sommerville on Monday.

Miss Mona M Moir, of Cambridge, Mass, is visiting Miss Mary Armstrong, Church St.

Mr. Moses Shaw has our thanks for a box of strawberries grown on his fine farm at Waterville.

Mrs. Geo Sutherland and little son Ivan left on Saturday morning to join Mr. Sutherland in St John.

Mr. and Mrs. WH Curry, of Windsor, who have been visiting Mrs. WV Brown, returned home on Monday.

Mrs. BG Bishop and little daughter Evelyn, of Wolfville were the guests of Mrs. Jos. Andrews on Monday and Tuesday.

Miss Alice Wilson left for Boston on Saturday last she will go from there to Lake Ontario, where she intends spending the summer.

Dr Carl A Shaw has been appointed resident physician and surgeon at All Saints Hospital, South McAlester, Indian Territory.

Rev OCS Wallace, chancellor of McMaster university, Toronto, has received the degree of LL.D. from Mercer university, Macon, Ga.

Miss McKenna, of Dartmouth, is visiting her sister, Mrs. LD Robinson. Miss McKenna is a graduate of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.

Mrs. L Thomas, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Thos Palmer, returned on Wednesday to her home in Massachusetts, accompanied by Mrs. Palmer, who will remain with her for some weeks.

Lake George:

Mr. Everett Barnes, accompanied by his little son, Ward, visited Mr. and Mrs. LP Ward of Lake Paul a short time ago. On his return to his home in Brookfield, Mass., he left Master Ward with his grand-parents for the summer.

The young men of Lake Paul have returned home from the steam drives of Messrs. Davidson.

Mr. Thomas Palmer, of Rockland, has moved his engine into Mr. Wile's mill. The shingles are now getting sawed by the wholesale. Mr. Palmer is a rushing business man.

Mr. Durling, of Springfield, was here last week selling pictures and frames.

Mr. Burgess McMahon, accompanied by his wife and little son, Keith, visited his parents here last week.

Thieves have again been at work in the village. On Saturday night the cellar of Mrs. Freeman's house on Commercial St. was entered and a quantity of provisions, etc., stolen.

The name of the Post Office at Horton Landing has been changed to Hortonville.

The Steamers of the Yarmouth SS Co., will commence their four trips a week service on the 24th inst.
