June 22nd 1898

June 22nd 1898



At Billtown, June 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Archer, a son.

At New Minas, June 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Foote, a daughter.


At Kentville, June 1st, by the Rev. B. N. Nobles, Ernest M. Eaton and Clara M. Parker.

At Kentville, June 4th, by the Rev. B. N. Nobles, James Taylor and Tidy Croft, of Coldbrook.

At Harmony, June 1st, by the Rev. H. H. Saunders, Stephen S. White and Mary I. Saunders, both of Harmony.

At Falmouth, June 16th, by the Rev. J. M. Fisher, William Starratt of Falmouth and Miss M. Harrington, formerly of Kentville.

At Melvern Square, June 9th by the Rev. H. M. Parry, H. O. Dodge and Miss Kate Parry.


At Harborville, 7th inst, Emeline, wife of William Bridge, and youngest daughter of the late Alfred Skinner, aged 70 years.

A Berwick Wedding:

An interesting event took place on Wednesday afternoon of last week, when Miss Lalia Porter, of Berwick, was united in marriage to Mr. Arth. W. Borden of Windermere. The ceremony was performed in the Baptist church by the Rev. D. H. Simpson, and was witnessed by a large number of interested friends and acquaintances.

Messrs. Charles Bentley and Melbourne Parker acted as ushers. The bride looked charming in a travelling costume of blue serge, with hat to match, trimmed with white chiffon and white wings.

After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Borden left for a driving tour, and will visit points of interest in Lunenburg county before returning to take up their residence in Windermere. They will be at home to their friends on the two first Tuesdays of July - the 6th and 13th.


Rev. D. H. Simpson met with a severe and painful accident on Friday afternoon last. While at work on his farm at Rockland he was kicked by his horse, sustaining a severe compound fracture of the bones of the right leg, just below the knee. The leg was also badly cut and bruised, the injuries being extremely painful. Mr. Simpson was at one conveyed to his home and medical assistance procured, and we are glad to know that he is progressing favorably. His pulpit was supplied on Sunday morning by the Rev. J. B. Morgan and in the evening by the Rev. Mr. Young.


On Saturday, June 11th, Capt. J. Chute in his schooner "Dreadnaught," gave the day school and Endeavor a sail across the bay. We left the wharf here at 4.30 a.m., and at 8.30 we anchored off Spencer's. The sail across was delightful. After partaking of a picnic dinner on the deck of the schooner, the Capt. put us ashore in boats. We spent the day very pleasantly wandering around, looking at the various points of interest on the mainland and at three o'clock were ready for the return trip. We arrived in Harborville about eight o'clock that night, a tired but happy crowd. After giving three rousing cheers for Capt. Chute and many thanks to him for his kindness, we departed to our homes carrying with us the memory of a very happy day.

There will be an opportunity given to those who wish to attend the Orangeman's Parade at Margaretville, July 12th, to go from here as Capt. Chute intends to have an excursion from here to Margaretville that day.

There was a small picnic here on Friday last from Grafton and vicinity, and a large one on Saturday from Billtown, Lakeville and Woodville. Capt. J. Morris gave the picnickers a sail in his yacht.

Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Borden, of Church Street, spent Sunday last at Mrs. Ayer's, with Mrs. Borden's sister, Miss Craig.

Mr. Genge preached his farewell sermon here on Sunday last. He is spending the week here. Mr. Genge has made many friends here during his stay in this part of the province who will be very sorry to have him leave.

Capt. Alex Parks and wife, of Port George, visited friends here recently.

Mr. Jas. Northup was in town on Saturday.


A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Edward Howell on the 15th, when Jason Graves, of Hillfoot farm, was united to Miss Blanche Howell, who returned from Massachusetts a short time ago. A few friends witnessed the ceremony. The boys, of course, gave them a salute and were duly invited in and treated. After spending some time socially, the guests departed, wishing the happy couple a long and prosperous life.

Mr. William MacAulay, who has been in poor health for some time, had his five sons at home for a week, recently. Messrs. W. C. and Franklin left for Danvers, Mass., on the 16th, accompanied by their brother Eustace while Charles and Harry remain at home to work the farm.

Mr. Wallace A. Howell and wife left for the United States on Saturday.

Charles McAuley is confined to his bed with rheumatic fever.

Chipman Brook:

T. L. Kirby took four barrels lobsters to Waterville en route to Boston on Monday, June 13th.

Quite a number have been here fishing lately and have had pretty good success. One cod fish caught by Joseph Misner measured five feet and weighed seventy five lbs., the largest ever caught or seen in Chipman Brook.

Since the wind has begun blowing it has put a stop to fishing of all kinds except in the weirs and there are very few caught in them, lately.

Messrs. J. L. Kirby and J. Foote are the owners of colts, which horsemen say are among the best in the county.


Messrs Congdon Brothers have their steam mill in operation and are doing fine work. We listen to the sound of their mill whistle four times a day.

Stephen Spicer, Esq., is renovating his house by giving it a coat of paint both inside and out. Mr. T. Jones, of Morden, is doing the painting.

We are having very cold weather which is impeding the growth of the grain and grass, which was looking fine in May, seems to be at a standstill and is looking poorly.

MRS. WEALTHY PORTER, widow of the late Benjamin Porter, of Woodville, died at the residence of her son, Mr. Maynard Porter, on Monday of last week.

A HALIFAX HOLIDAY - Tuesday, June 21st, was "Natal Day" in Halifax. A review of the troops took place on the Common, a regatta on the harbor and a concert in the Public Gardens in the evening.

SIXTEEN BEAUTIFUL YEARS. - Miss Carrie Douglass, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Douglass, passed away at their home, South Berwick, on Tuesday, May 31st. Though called away at the early age of sixteen, Carrie had won many friends by her gentle, quiet and loving disposition. She was an especial favorite in the School and in the home. She is gone, but it will be a long time before the influence of her beautiful life will be forgotten. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Douglass in this their first bereavement. COM.


Miss Eva Foster, of Berwick, arrived home on the 13th from Boston, to spend the summer with her parents. She was accompanied by her niece, Laura Withrow.

John Boyd Morton arrived from Boston on Thursday, coming by Steamer Prince Edward via Yarmouth.

Rev. T. McFall arrived on Thursday from his trip to the United States.

Mr. J. E. Hopkins, Dairy Inspector for the Maritime Provinces, was in Berwick on Saturday. He went to Aylesford on Monday.

Master Georgie Bryden brings us a pretty yellow rose.

Mrs. T. H. Parker and her sister, Mrs. A. J. Parker, went to Lawrencetown on Saturday, returning to their homes in Berwick on Monday.

Miss Hattie Ray arrived home from the United States on Wednesday.

Rev. Wm. Ellis left on Monday afternoon to attend the meeting of the Diocesan Synod and visit friends in Halifax county.

Miss Graham, of the staff of the Halifax Herald, was in Berwick on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. She left on Friday for Annapolis Co.

Mr. Eustace P. Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Reid of Welsford, has just received from Tufts Medical College, Boston the degree of M. D., after a successful course of study. Mr. Reed has stood among the best students in his class, having made first class standing in his examinations. After passing the required examination by the State Medical Board of Mass, he is expected home to visit his parents for a few weeks. A bright future is evidently before him. His friends extend hearty congratulations.

Miss Ida B. Nowlin is visiting friends in Berwick.

Mr. G. A. Fancy, late of Berwick, was married in Halifax yesterday morning to Mrs. Jones of that city. The happy pair passed through Berwick on their bridal tour yesterday morning.

Rev. L. Donaldson, of Guysboro Co., who has been on a visit to relatives in Canard, is attending the Encoenia of King's College.

Hon. J. W. and Mrs. Longley have sustained a severe bereavement in the loss of their daughter, Frances Mary, who died last week at their home, Brenton St., Halifax.

North Kingston:

Miss Zilpha Hudgins, of Boston, Mass., is visiting relatives here.

The Methodist and Baptist Sunday Schools held their annual picnic at Margaretville, on Saturday last. The day being all that could be desired, each and all enjoyed themselves immensely. Pastor Morgan was present and entertained a goodly number for a time with his phonograph.

Miss L. J. Armstrong left on Friday last to visit her brother, Rev. R. O. Armstrong, of Mulgrave.

Mr. George Foster, one of our oldest inhabitants died on Friday, June 17th at the age of 90 years. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon from the residence of Capt. W. R. L. Roster.

The several districts are now performing their statute labour. The road machine has been used in some sections and has given good satisfaction.

Mrs. G. M. Roach was taken ill while attending the picnic at Margaretville and was unable to come home until the next afternoon.

Rev. and Mrs. Routledge, of Woodstock, N. B., are visiting Mrs. Routledge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eaton.

Mr. Manning Armstrong shipped a car load of fat cattle to Halifax on Tuesday. He has several head still on hand.

Rev. Mr. Routledge occupied the pulpit of the Kingston Baptist church last Sunday evening.

The members of Sundew Division enjoyed an ice cream social among themselves Monday evening the 13th inst.

Among those who took prizes at Kentville shooting range, were Capt. Cassidy, Sergt. John Cropley, Sergeant J. A. Neiley, Abner Roach and George Tupper.

The ladies of the Methodist church intend serving cream in the Hall on Saturday evening next. We understand that they intend repeating this every fortnight during the summer.

The Methodist church, which has been undergoing extensive repairs, is to be reopened on Sunday, July 3rd. Several of the leading men of the denomination are expected to be present.



IN BERWICK, On Dominion Day, July 1st, 1898.

A Grand Time is Expected

The proceedings will start in the forenoon with a MON-
the arrival of the morning express, proceeding to the grounds,



1st Prize

2nd Prize

1-3 Mile Bicycle Race, under 16 years  Enamel Medal  Silver Medal
1-2 Mile Bicycle Race, Handicap  Enamel Medal  Silver Medal
1 Mile Bicycle Race, Handicap  Gold Medal  Cyclometer
2 Mile Bicycle Race, Handicap  Gold Medal  Silver Medal
1-3 Mile Bicycle Race, for ladies  Silver Medal  Bell
100 Yard Dash, Handicap  Enamel Medal  Silver Medal
220 Yard Dash, Handicap  Enamel Medal  Silver Medal
440 Yard Dash, Scratch  Gold Medal  …………..
880 Yard Dash, Handicap  Enamel Medal  Silver Medal
1 Mile Indian Race  Two Dollars  One Dollar
100 Yards Dash, Boys under 14  Silver Medal  Silver Medal
100 Yards Fat Man's Race  Suitable Prize  …………..
Tug of war  Box Havana Cigars  …………..
Obstacle Race  One Dollar  Fifty Cents
Sack Race  One Dollar  …………..
Three Legged Race  One Dollar  …………..
Pole Vault, High Jump, Putting 16lb. Shot  Suitable Prizes  …………..
Best Calithumpian Rig  1st Prize $4.  2nd $2 3rd $1

An expert rider from the U.S. Will give a fine exhibition of fancy bicycle riding.
Two Brass Bands in attendance. Grand Concert in the evening
in Aberdeen Hall assisted by the Band.

Dinner, lunches and other refreshments can be procured on the grounds. All entries must be in the hands of the Secretary, H.E. Mosher, by the 28th June, 1898

By Order of Committee,

