June 16th 1897

June 16th 1897



At Kentville, on Wednesday, June 2, to Capt and Mrs. Wm McBride, a daughter.

At Boston, Mass, on Sunday May 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. John L Pineo, a son.


At the Baptist church, Wolfville, June 9th, by Rev. T Trotter, D.D., assisted by Rev. T.A. Higgins, D.D., Mr. Burpee W Wallace, of Canaan to Miss Mary Harding Fitch of Wolfville.

At Emanuel Baptist church, Truro, June 8th, by Rev Mr. Waring, assisted by Rev Mr. Parker, Rev A.A. Shaw, pastor of the Baptist church, Windsor, to Miss Clara King, of Truro.

At the residence of the bride's father, June 3rd, by the Rev Wm Brown, J.F. Herbin, of Wolfville, to Miss Minnie R., daughter of Mr. James Simson of Grand Pre.


At Hantsport, June 5th, Mary Ellen, beloved wife of J.W. Lawrence, Collector of Customs, aged 48 years and 5 months.

At the Methodist parsonage, St John west, on June 9th, Hattie A.R., second daughter of the Rev FHW and Harriett Pickles.

At West Newton, Mass, June 8th, Mrs. Anne Skinner, widow of the late Eben F. Woodworth, aged 93 years, 4 months, 2days.

Sudden Death:

A terribly sudden death occurred at Burlington on Wednesday of last week, when Mr. Hiram Ogilvie, a well-known resident of that place, dropped dead, while riding his horse from the pasture. The deceased had been suffering for some time with heart disease. He was about sixty years of age.

June Weddings:

McMahon - McIntyre:

A very simple but pretty ceremony took place at Elmdale, Aylesford, on the morning of June 2nd, the occasion being the marriage of Margaret H., youngest daughter of William McIntyre, Esq., and Mr. J. Frank McMahon. The bride was pretty in travelling costume, the room daintily decorated with apple blossoms and other flowers. After lunch had been served the happy couple were accompanied to the train by a large number of friends, the street presenting a gay appearance with bunting and white streamers. The presents were many and elaborate. Mr. and Mrs. McMahon returned home on the 11th inst., when they were entertained at an evening reception at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Harris, Mrs. Harris being a sister of the bride. The band was in attendance and favoured the company with excellent music.

Wallace - Fitch:

The Baptist church at Wolfville was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday morning of last week, when Miss Mary Harding Fitch, the talented and popular violinist, of Acadia Seminary, was united in marriage to Mr. Burpee Wallace, of Canaan. The bride wore a becoming gown of white silk, and carried a bouquet of white carnations. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Trotter, assisted by Rev. T. A. Higgins. At its close, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace were driven to their future home in Canaan, followed by the best wishes of a host of friends throughout the valley.

Shaw - King

The following, which we clip from the Truro Daily News of the 8th inst, will be read with interest by the many friends of the groom, who will join with the REGISTER in heartiest congratulations and good wishes for the future happiness of the young couple.

The marriage of the Rev. Avery A. Shaw, Baptist clergyman of Windsor, to Miss Clara B. King, of this town, came off last evening at 7 o'clock in Immanuel church. The church was neatly decorated for the occasion by young friends of the bride, with potted plants and cut flowers in great profusion.

The bride, who looked exceedingly handsome, elegantly gowned in white silk, trimmed with chiffon and ribbons, with veil, and carrying an immense bouquet of cream roses, entered the church on the arm of her uncle, George A. Kent, Esq. The bridesmaid was Miss Annie M. Frieze of Penobsquis, N. B., a former fellow student with Miss King at Acadia Seminary, who was very pretty in a frock of pink mull, with white silk trimmings, carrying a bouquet of carnation pinks.

The reverend groom was ably supported by the Rev. Lewis F. Wallace, a B. A. of Acadia, and latterly a graduate of the Theological College of Rochester, N. Y.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. F. Waring of Immanuel church, assisted by Rev. W. F. Parker of Yarmouth.

The ushers were Messrs. Lewis Payzant, of Halifax; Dr. B. Black, G. A. Hall and James Laurence, Truro.

A reception was immediately held, with Wedding Supper at the residence of the bride's mother, and best wishes were extended to the happy young couple by the friends present.

The presents were exceedingly handsome and useful. An elegant walnut writing desk was a gift from Immanuel church and a handsomely framed photograph of all the members of the bride's Sunday school class, was also among the presents received by this popular young lady.

The groom gave his bride an elegant opal brooch with pearls, and also remembered the bridesmaid with a pretty and appropriate souvenir.

Mr. and Mrs. Shaw went to Halifax by C.P.R. last night, thence to their home in Windsor.

On their arrival at their home in Windsor on Wednesday evening, says the Tribune, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw were met at the train by a large number of the Baptist congregation and others. They were driven direct to the residence which they will occupy till the new parsonage is completed. About ten o'clock a number of the 68th band put in an appearance and serenaded the newly married couple, and were treated to cake and lemonade. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw were the recipients of some handsome presents from their Windsor friends, among which may be mentioned a handsome secretaire from the B.Y.P.U. and a sideboard from the young men's class.


Mr. JC Kinsman returned to Boston some time since, after spending the winter with his mother.

Mr. WE Masters of Wilmot, was in the village one day last week.

We are sorry to hear of the severe illness of our genial merchant, R.S. Thorp, we hope he will be better soon.

The Sabbath school concert held on June the 6th, was a complete success.

Mrs. Neily and Miss Winnie Dodge, of Nictaux, are visiting at Mrs. EH Eaton's.

A Welcome for Laurier:

Hon. Wilfred Laurier sailed from New York on Saturday, June 5th., on board the Lucania, to attend Her majesties Diamond Jubilee. A dispatch from London says that special preparations are being made for his reception.

The colonial office has issued instructions that Hon Mr. Laurier, as premier of the only British federation, be given distinct honors and precedence in all commemoration festivities, and under the stimulus of wealthy and ardent imperialists like Alfred Harmsworth, special and elaborate plans are being made for a fitting welcome.

Sir Donald Smith will meet Mr. Laurier at Liverpool, where the Duke of Devonshire, a member of the ministry, and many distinguished Englishmen will join with the lord mayor of Liverpool (the Earl of Derby) and the Chamber of Commerce is receiving him on Saturday.

Over Sunday Mr. Laurier is to be the guest at Crewe Hall, the seat of Earl Crewe, where he will meet other colonial premiers and probably also Earl Crewe's relative, the Duke of Leeds, whose name was mentioned as Lord Aberdeen's successor. On Monday, Mr. Laurier is expected to reach Edinburg; Tuesday, Glasgow. At each city official welcomes are being arranged. A special train, gay with bunting, has been engaged to bring the Canadian premier from Scotland to London, where Hon. Joseph Chamberlain escorts him to his splendid quarters at the Hotel Cecil, as the guest of the British nation.

The London reception will include one of special magnificence by Mrs. Alfred Harmsworth in Berkley Square for which Madame Melba and Paderswski have been specially engaged.

Lady Aberdeen has received a cablegram from Sir Donald Smith, donating $5,000 to the fund for the Victorian Order of Nurses, and offering another $5,000 as soon as $100,000 have been contributed in donations of from $1,000 to $5,000 each.

North Kingston:

Capt WRL Foster, HJ Neily and Archibald Foster were among the number who went to Kentville last Friday to hear Sousa's band.

Rev JA Smith of Digby Neck spent a few days with us last week and preached for Mr. Coffin on Sunday.

The 68th Batt League Team, Kingston, had their third shooting on Saturday last, the first team making 827 points, 2nd team 660 points, and the third 576 pts.

Mrs. John Foster has gone to Liverpool N.S. to visit her daughter Mrs. (Rev) JE Donkin.

Mr. JM Jarvis, our expert cranberry setter, has secured a job to set ten acres for Capt HH Norwood, of Berwick.

Arch Foster left on Monday for Liverpool to attend Methodist conference.

Canady Creek:

Although the weather has been extremely dull, there has been quite a number of visitors of late.

The catches of fish are fair and the salmon are mostly of good size. There was one caught at Sparhead, last week, which weighed forty pound. Some of our young ladies are becoming expert fisherwomen. Miss Nellie Dickie caught six fine pollock last Wednesday.

Mr. Ross Clark and family spent last Tuesday at Black Rock.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Miss Ethel Thorpe were the guests of Mrs. Parker on Sunday.

Mr. Elisha Burbidge spent Saturday and Sunday at the lighthouse.

Mrs. Tufts and Mr. Killam were the guest of Mrs. Dickie, on Wednesday.

Our Sunday school is prospering. Deacon Pineo, though living some distance away, kindly acts as superintendent, and is always at his post. Much interest is shown by the scholars.

Sheffield Mills:

Out teachers Miss Caldwell and Miss Harris, held their public school examination recently, which reflected credit both on the teachers and the students.

Mrs. Dickinson has been improving the appearance of her property by painting her house and repairing her buildings.

Quite a number went to Kentville, on Friday evening, to hear Sousa's band.

Mr. Fenwick Ells will soon have his new residence completed. He has bought recently a barn from P. Sarsfield and had it removed.

Mr. Clarence Kinsman is preparing to enlarge his barn.

Miss Edna Beckwith has gone to spend the summer months with friends at Clementsport.

Mrs. Hyde has been visiting at Mrs. Benj. Eaton's.

The verdure of our country is beautiful and the hay crop promises well.


Schr Ethel B sailed on May 27, for Whitewater, to load wood for Boston.

The S S Evangeline has been fitted with new double expansion engines. She has undergone extensive and thorough repairs and will go on the route in a short time. It is reported that about $1000 have been spent in the repairs, etc.

Schr Linnett has landed timber and lumber for Rev J H Cox, of Habitant, with which to replace the barn recently destroyed by fire.

Messrs Hiltz & Tupper are putting in their shad seine. We wish them success, fish are very scarce.

Mr. F C Borden has been appointed Deputy collector of customs at this port.

It is reported that a large number of summer tourists are preparing to visit Kingsport this season.

A number of men are still at work on the dyke. It will probably need more or less work during the summer, as it settles. It is laid that in some parts it has settled 14 feet.

Dr F W Borden, Minister of Militia, called at Kingsport last week and inspected the dyke.

H H Wickwire, M P P, gave us an official call in the interest of much needed bridge. We hope to see it built soon.

Schr Golden Light arrived on the 12th inst, made some necessary repairs and sailed for Blomidon.

Miss Grace Kerr is quite seriously ill. It is hoped that she will improve when the weather gets warmer.

Rev Mr. St Clair preached at the residence of Mr. Rufus Huntly on Monday evening.


Mrs. Jessie Cox and Mr. and Mrs. J Howe Cox attended the closing exercises at Acadie College.

Mr. and Mrs. J G Webster have returned from their wedding tour.

Misses Geraldine Murphy and Mannella Laurence, of Halifax, have been spending the last two weeks with Mrs. Cox, and have enjoyed the country so well that they propose staying some weeks longer.

Mr. Daniel McColl went to the States last week.

Mr. and Mrs. James Craig spent last Saturday with friends in Harborville.

Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Barteaux and Miss Beulah Palmer, of Morristown, spent a day with friends here recently.

Miss Patriquin of Somerset has a music class here. Miss Ford the violinist has one pupil here, and others on Brooklyn Street.

Mrs. Wm Gould and children of Kingston, Jamaica, are visiting at Mr. Alexander Gould's.

Mrs. Harrison spent a day last week with friends in Wolfville.

Mrs. Joshua Hutchinson, of Morristown, was the guest of Mrs. John Webster last Tuesday.

A most unusual visitor was in town last week, namely a moose, which was seen on Saturday afternoon near Mrs. Albert Webster's mill. It was going west, and after jumping several fences disappeared in the woods near the head of the mill pond.

Rev H Bool, of magic lantern fame, gave an exhibition in the hall on Thursday last. He also preached in the Baptist church on Sunday afternoon.

Our Sunday school has been reorganized for summer work, and is quite large. Mr. T T Craig was elected Superintendent and Mr. Fred Webster vice-superintendent. The other officers are Miss Alice Craig, Sec. And Treas, Mr. Joseph Sawler, Librarian, and Miss Unie Caldwell, organist. The teachers are Mr. James Craig, Mr. Howe Cox, Miss Flora Morse, Miss Jennie Craig, Miss Unie Caldwell and Miss Leora Webster.

Miss Mary Harris, of Sheffield Mills, visited Miss Myrtie Caldwell last Saturday and Sunday at Miss Caldwell's home in this place.

Mr. and Mrs. Enos Knowlton visited relatives at Weston last Sunday.

Mr. Harmon Bowles, who has been away for many years, returned on Saturday from Dakota to visit his widowed mother. He will decide to settle in his native land.
