June 9th 1897

June 9th 1897


Missing from page, all that is shown (appears to be) is a marriage, but no names or dates are left.

Wedding Bells:

On Tuesday morning, June 1st Riverside, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J Howe Cox Cambridge was the scene of a very pretty and interesting event, the occasion being the marriage of Ethel L only daughter of Mrs. Jessie Cox, to Mr. Joseph G. Webster. At 9 o'clock a.m., the hour appointed for the ceremony, while the wedding march was being played by Mrs. Burgess McMahon, the groom, attended by his cousin, Fred Webster entered the drawing-room taking their places under a beautiful floral arch from which a bell was suspended. They were soon followed by the bride leaning on the arm of her brother J. Howe Cox. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Maynard Brown of Yarmouth. The bride was attended by Miss Addie Bowles. Hazel Woodman from Wolfville acted as maid of honor, carrying the ring on a silver salver, Emeline Forsythe was flower girl, while little George Cox performed the duties of page.

After the ceremony, while congratulations were being offered, Mrs. McMahon again favored the guests with excellent music.

The bride was becoming attired in cream silk, with ribbon, lace, and pearl trimmings. The bridal veil was gracefully looped with orange blossoms. She carried a beautiful boquet of pinks, which were very pretty.

After a dainty breakfast, the bridal party proceeded to the depot, and followed by the good wishes of their many friends, the happy couple boarded the west bound express en route for Boston and New York, where they will spend their honeymoon. The choice selection of presents, coming from Hailfax, Port Hawkesbury, Bridgetown, Annapolis and surrounding places, were expressive of the high esteem in which the bride and groom are held.



The weather is a little wet in Grafton just now as elsewhere; the clay farms are as yet not very dry and dusty and but little has been done by the farmers.

It is rumored we are to have a new post office at Buckley's Corner soon.

Mr. D M Wood of Grafton has just purchased a fine horse from Mr. James White.

Mrs. Thomas Lawson is recovering from a severe attack of la grippe.

Mrs. T H Loomer we are sorry to say is not improving as her many friends would love to see her but we hope soon to hear that she is on the mend.

Mrs. George Power who has been quite sick of late we are glad to hear is some better.

Mr. Charles Lawrence we understand intends going into the apple buying more largely this fall than he has ever done in the past.

The school is progressing finely under the management of Miss Jennie Craig.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Magee of Church Street spent Sabbath with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Pope Foote.

Brooklyn, Aylesford:

Beautiful for situation is this pleasant village; At the base of the North Mountain ever sloping toward the beautiful valley now so fragrant with the perfume of apple blossoms. Our people live principally by farming and apple growing; though owing to the unusual amount of rainy weather this spring farming operations are very backward. It is feared if the wet weather continues, colds, and possibly our old friend La Grippe may give us a call.

Our little settlement boasts of a school taught by Miss Hattie L Bishop of Auburn. The examination which took place recently was largely attended, the exercises were pronounced exceptionally good. Miss Bishop is held in high esteem and it is hoped that she will remain with us another term, as she has proved herself an excellent teacher. Besides our school Brooklyn boasts of a Lodge of the I O G T held in the hall here and well attended.

Miss Bessie Graves who has been very seriously ill is able to be out and we hope her recovery is permanent.

Mr. Causey of Halifax is visiting A E McMahon at this place.

Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Baltzer visited Harbourville recently. They were the guests of Mrs. Baltzer's father Jas Northup Esq.

Mr. Benj Bezanson is attending Court in Kentville this week, as a juryman.

Mr. David Bishop disposed of two pair of fine oxen recently, we understand at good figures. Mr. Bishop understands his business well and live stock changes hands rapidly when he is around.

Prospects for hay are good this year, but the farmers say fruit will not be as plenty as last year. This makes poor prospects for the consumer.

Mr. Austin H Baltzer sheared ninety pounds of wool from twenty-one sheep.

Miss Cassie Daniels of Lawrencetown visited Mrs. Peter Baltzer recently.

It is rumored that Miss Addie Bishop of Boston will visit her parents in a few weeks. Many will be glad to know of the expected visit for Miss Bishop is very popular.


Mr. H. H. McNeil returned on Wednesday last from Sackville.

Miss Parsons of Halifax, is visiting at the residence of Mr. S. J. Nichols.

Fred Middlemas arrived on Wednesday last from Sackville where he has been a student at the Academy.

Rev. W. C. Vincent, of Sackville, is removing with his family to Rapid City, Manitoba, having accepted a church call there.

Mrs. F. M. Chipman of Nictaux, who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. G. W. Fisher and other friends in Somerset, returned home yesterday.

John H. Parker of Lowell Mass, arrived on Wednesday on a visit to his father J M Parker Esq. and other friends in Berwick. He leaves to return to-day.

On Tuesday Rev Henry Dickie, of Windsor, was married in the Gordon Memorial Church, Bridgetown, to Miss Helen Gordon, daughter of the late Rev D S Gordon. They have gone on a three months' trip to Europe.

Mr. E C Foster has purchased the house and a portion of the land belonging to the property on Commercial St lately owned by Mrs. Robinson and recently sold to Mr. L A Forrest. Mr. Forrest will build near the corner of Cottage Ave.

Hon Wilfred Laurier and Madame Laurier, accompanied by a number of friends, left for New York on Thursday en route for England. The premier was escorted to the depot by a good crowd and the band played God Save the Queen and Vive La Canadienne as the train moved out of Bonaventure depot.


Spring seems to have come at last, and every person and every thing wears a brighter and more cheerful look; spring repairing and painting is going on and we feel hopeful that the rainy season has passed.

Death, the remorseless reaper, has been active amongst us for several months and many have been gathered home. Wee Jennie Baker's death was sad yet no one could wish her longer life, for months she had been suffering with a tumor and she was "tired" and longed for rest.

 Capt Noble Layton's call was very sudden. He was walking along the track and the early morning express passes him, in the roar of the train he did not distinguish the calls of the men on the trolley which had been on behind and was thrown down, the trolley passing over him - the shook caused his death a few hours later.

Mrs. Rufus Comstock, Mrs. James Lawrence, Mrs. Gordon Eaton, Mr. John Davidson and Burpee Chittick have all passed beyond.

The Presbyterians have raised their church edifice, the pastor the Rev. Henry Dickie was married last week to Miss Nellie Gordon of Bridgetown and has gone for a three months vacation to the old countries.

Fred and Wiley Churchill went to England by the ship Austria. They are planning for a long visit among the scenes of the old world.

The Persia and the Ontario have been recoppered and the Ontario is to have a new deck which will keep her in the yard until September.

The Anniversary exercises at Wolfville attracted some of our people who pronounced the college girl graduates to have given more logical orations than the young men.

The Baptist pastor is now a B.A.

The Jubilee Singers gave one of their matchless concerts a few weeks ago.


The Evangelists Crossley and Hunter left here on Thursday last for Annapolis where they intended holding services that evening. The farewell was held Wednesday evening. Much good has been done during their stay in Kentville. During the four weeks they were here over three hundred were led to know the Saviour. The services the last two weeks were held in the exhibition Building which was designated "The Ark." Large audiences at all the services showed the appreciation in which they are held. Nearly two thousand people were present at the last Sunday evening they were with us.

The buildings which have recently been destroyed by fire are being rebuilt, Margeson's block will be larger and very much improved. It is hoped there will be no more fires to mar the beauty of our town.

Sousa's band will visit Kentville the 11th. Doubtless many will avail themselves of the opportunity of hearing this noted band. The music will be rendered in the exhibition building.

Miss Chase and Miss Williams, teachers at Mt. Allison College, are visiting Miss Nettie Thomas at her home.

The railway Men's Christian Association which was organized in the winter has been very successful as is manifested by numbers attending and the interest shown. The ladies are admitted the first Sunday in each month.

It was suggested by Mr. Crossley that in addition to Kentville our town be called Railway town instead of Devil's Half Acre, as has long been its reputation and which will be much more appreciated.

Arthur Margeson is building a new house on River St. and many other buildings are going up this summer.

Replying in the House of Commons to a question put by Sir Charles Howard Vincent, Mr. Chamberlain said Belgium and Germany had protested goods entering Canada at a lower tariff than theirs. Mr. Chamberlain added that the law officers of the Crown were considering the matter.

It is now asserted that the Prince of Wales was the man in England who was cognizant of the Jameson raid and urged it on. It is safe to make charges against the Royal Family as the etiquette pertaining to their position prevents them from taking notice of such charges.


On Monday night, the 31st, thieves entered the pantry of Mrs. Sydney Osborne by taking the screen window off. They took a basket containing four dozen eggs and some boiled meat and some razors. From thence they went to the cellar of Mr. Lemuel Margeson helping themselves to a quantity of meat.

A number of our citizens attended the trial of Milton Connolly in Kentville last week.

 Mrs. Jason Forsythe and Mrs. IS Pineo have gone to visit their children in Mass.

Miss Linnie Cropley of North Kingston has opened up a dress making establishment in the former millinery room of JC Thompson.

Mr. Norman Marshall of Kingston was the guest of Mr. WO Graves on Sabbath last.

We are going to have a new doctor in Waterville, Dr Harvey of Grand Pre. His office is in the post office building.

On Thursday, 27th ult the people of this village enjoyed a rare treat by a visit from Messrs Hunter and Crossley, who delivered excellent sermons both morning and afternoon. In the morning they spoke in a pleasing manner to the boys and girls who had assembled from the various sections. Should the gentlemen again have an opportunity of visiting us at any future period they may be sure of a hearty welcome.

A number from here attended the Anniversary at Wolfville.

Miss Kate C Clarke is visiting her sister Mrs W D Pineo.

N.A. Whitman, who has been stationed as pastor at Dundas, P. E. I. is spending his vacation at home. He has preached two able sermons since his return.

We are glad to welcome the homecoming of Mr. Burgess McMahon after an absence of many months.

Misses Florence and Jennie Skinner, with their friend Miss Marchant, visited the Misses Woodroffe a few days last week.

We regret to report the illness of Laura Bowles, one of the students of the Academy.

Miss Flora Tupper of Kingston was the guest of Mrs F E Wright on her return from the Anniversary.

Mrs John Belcher visited friends here last week.

Miss Ford, the popular violinist of Berwick, has a class here and is doing good work.

Mrs Wm Manning of Halifax, was for a few days the guests of her uncle Mr. Jas Woodroffe.

Miss Maria Lyons left on Saturday for an extended visit to friends in Paradise and Bridgetown.

Mr. W V T Young has returned from a business trip to Lunenburg.

We are glad to add to the list of cyclists Miss Lilah Lyons and Miss May Fitzgerald and hope that others may join the ranks that a club may be organized.

Mr. and Mrs. William Johnstone left here for New York, on Wednesday, where they intend spending the summer with their daughter.

Rev A P Logan is with us again after a visit through the eastern part of this province and New Brunswick.

Miss Etta Sanford has gone to spend the summer with friends in Boston.

A gang of thieves has been making raids on the cellar of nearly every house in the village, carrying away all they can; but should any be left they return the second time.

Mrs. Fishwick of Halifax who has been visiting her son Harry, returned to her home on Tuesday, June 1st.

Special Offer:

In order to advertise our Photograph goods we are going to make a special offer for the next 3 weeks. Call and inspect work ad get our new prices. Our studio is complete and we furnish Photos from $1.50 to $6.00 per doz., also Tin-types. Special price on all watch, clock and jewelry repairing until further notice. We guarantee that there will be no falling off of our work. Our ambition is to add to the reputation that we have already established for thorough, honest watch repairing. Workmen are known by their chips, they are also known by their tools. Men that work at repairing without a Lathe and other necessary tools are known in America as botch tinkers. We have all the tools necessary to make any part of a watch movement, and guarantee all our work to give satisfaction. I have taken my brother MR. R. T. SAUNDERS into the business, we are putting in one of the finest stocks of watches, clocks, jewelry, etc., ever seen in the county. SAUNDERS is a well known watch maker and has had a thorough and practical experience in the American Watch Factories and cities of Boston, Waltham and New York.

SAUNDERS BROTHERS, Watch Makers, Jewelers, Photographers.


Fresh Eggs, Butter and Farm Produce taken in exchange for Photographs, Jewelry or repairing.

Corner Store, Waterville:

Here's a rare opportunity to secure High Class Goods at Low Prices.

Dress Goods, in all the latest Shades and Designs. Ribbons all Widths, Shades and Kinds. Silks, Satins, Silk Velvets, Velveteens; Hosiery, Ladies and Children, Black and Tan, Cotton Hose. Gloves in Silk, Lisle, Cotton, Tafetta, Kid but. And lace. Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Bed Spreads, Nettings, Ladies Shirt Waists, Vests and Drawers, Summer Corsets, Belts, Collars Laces, in Silk and Cotton from 1 in to 12 in wide. Muslins, Crepons, Zephyr, Piques, Challie, Prints, Suitings. Clarke's Spools 3c each, 3 for 8c or 31c per doz. 37in heavy Sheeting 8 per yd. Or 7 1/4 per piece.

Groceries Cut Very Fine:

Pat. Medicines at a small advance on cost. Dr. Williams Pink Pills 35 per box or 3 boxes for $1.00. Dodds Kidney Pills 35 per box or 3 boxes for $1.00. Emulsion 35. Paine Cel. Compound 68. Hoods Sarsparilla 68. All Medicines at the same low rate. Mens Ready Made Clothing, Underwear Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Rubber Goods, Fancy Goods suitable for Wedding Presents, Millinery Goods, A Full line of Straw Goods, Trimmed Hats and Trimmings.


Every line of Goods has been bought in the Best Market and selected with the Greatest care and Judgement, and will be sold at close prices. I shall be pleased to forward Samples. A liberal discount for Cash.

