June 2nd 1897

June 2nd 1897



At Aylesford, May 19th of consumption, Isaac M. Selfridge, aged 31 years.

Letter of Thanks:

In behalf of my sister-in-law, father, brother, sisters and myself I wish to thank all the friends for their many acts of kindness to my dear brother Isaac Selfridge of Aylesford, during his long illness which he bore so patiently.

"Our Father in His wisdom called

The boon his love had given

And though on earth the body lies

The soul is safe in heaven."

We also thank those who so kindly when the end came sent flowers and letters of sympathy.

God knows the way. He holds the key.

He guards us with unerring hand;

Sometimes with tearless eyes will see;

Yes, there, up there, we’ll understand.

Yours sincerely,

Florence Selfridge,


Death of Miss Lucy W. Pick:

Lucy Wisdom, youngest daughter of the late Robert and Sarah Scott Pick of Wolfville died at the residence of John D. Somerville Berwick on Saturday evening May 29th in the 85th year of her age.

Miss Pick was the last of the family of one of the pioneer settlers of this province. Her father came to Nova Scotia in 1775. Her mother Sarah Scott was a United Empire Loyalist. The family was famed for hospitality and of the deceased it would be truly said "I was an hungered and ye gave me meat, naked and ye clothed me, sick and ye visited me." In sickness or trouble there was no thought of self but a willing and cheerful service was always rendered and she will be kindly remembered by a multitude of friends and relatives throughout the province and in the United States.

During the last nine years, Miss Pick has made her home with her niece, Mrs. Sommerville.

The Wedding:

Dr. Lusby X. Anthony of Belt Montana and Miss Harriet M. youngest daughter of C.P. Ilsley Esq. of Berwick were married at the Baptist church this morning. The ceremony was preformed by the Rev. D.H. Simpson assisted by the Rev. G.W.F. Glendenning.

The church was crowded, witnessing to the esteem entertained for the contracting parties who during their whole lives have been among the most popular of the young people of Berwick and whose sterling qualities of heart and mind have endeared them to all their acquaintance.

The church was neatly and artistically decorated, a very pretty arch surmounted the desk, in front of which was a magnificent pyramid of potted plants and flowers while a trophy of white lilacs and apple blossoms adorned the chandelier.

At ten o’clock the wedding march played by Miss Gertie Borden was sounded and the bridal party entered the building passing up the central aisle to the desk.

The bride was attired in a graceful travelling suit of blue gens d’armes cloth with hat to match. She carried a bouquet of bridal roses.

She was attended by Miss Essie Parker as bridemaid who was similarly attired and carried a bouquet of carnations. The groom was attended by his brother Mr. Minard Anthony, A. Leroy Chipman and Howard Lydiard acted as ushers.

The vows having been given by the contracting parties, and the solemn words spoken which made them husband and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Anthony left the church and were at once driven to the railway station where they took the west bound express for Yarmouth whence they will sail by steamer for Boston and proceed to their future home in the West via Niagara Falls and Detroit and by steamer on Lake Superior to Duluth, Minnesota and thence by rail to Belt Montana.

The best wishes for a lifetime of happiness and prosperity, attend them from a large circle of friends.

Dr. Borden’s Health:

The following telegram has been received at Ottawa from Hon. Dr. Borden, who is at his home in Canning. It is answer to a message asking him about the truth of the rumor that the state of his health would require him to retire from public life.

Canning NS May 27th, 1897.

The rumor that the state of my health will necessitate my resignation is entirely unfounded. My recovery, though slower than hoped for, is nevertheless assured. My physicians insist upon continued rest and the avoidance of excitement, otherwise I should have resumed work ere this. My colleagues insist upon literal compliance with the physician’s advice, and the premier has kindly rejoined a years rest, if necessary. I have no intention of resigning, and confidently expect to resume official duties within three months.

F.W. Borden.

Narrow Escape:

Mrs. (Dr.) Middlemas had a narrow escape from serious injury on Saturday last. She was sitting in her carriage at the station when a horse frightened by an incoming train ran away. The wagon to which he was attached struck and overturned Mrs. Middlemas carriage. Her horse started but was fortunately soon stopped. Mrs. Middlemas who was unable to extricate herself from the cover and wheels of the carriage was considerably bruised and shaken up but no bones were broken.


Morden is prospering. The government is employing a goodly number of our men in building the part of the wharf which was carried away two years ago. This will dispense more money than has been realized here for some time.

Very few fish are being caught.

Farming is at a stand still, as it is everywhere in Nova Scotia. A farmer being reminded of the Bible promise about seedtime and harvest, replied, "But they come too close together."

It is however an early spring. Grass and trees show this. Mr. Huestis' garden beat the record this year, by three days, in reference to rhubarb; had it for use on the last day of April; Potatoes and peas already above ground.

This is a very healthful place; while Aylesford and the mountains had much sickness and death there has been very little here this spring.

Invalids and tourists expected soon.


Our Sunday School is progressing finely and we feel that the children are going to be very much benefited by it. To encourage them a children's concert will be held in Centreville Hall on Sunday evening June 6th. We hope to see a large attendance. The programme will be splendid. Collection is to be given to the Missionary fund.

Mrs. N T Bowles is expected to visit friends of this place the first week of June. She will probably be here to attend the concert.

Mrs. Edson Keizer has been quite ill, but we are glad to report her somewhat better.

Mr. Fred Woodworth is having a fine mill erected, he is an enterprising man and we know he will be successful.

Mrs. R S Thorpe has been quite ill with la grippe, we are so glad she is better.

Mrs. Lee Newcombe who came from Mass a week ago or more is very much improved in health.

Mr. Harold Eaton is home from the Victoria General Hospital where he has been for the last four months, undergoing surgical treatment. We are glad to learn he is improved in health.

Mr. Hugh Manson has greatly improved the appearance of his place by terracing the grounds.

Work has begun on the apple warehouse which is being built near the station.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roscoe on the arrival of a little daughter on the 24th.

Mr. H B Bowles spent the 24th with friends in Annapolis County.


Rain! Rain! We have had but little of any other weather for the last month and the farmers are beginning to think that they will get but little crop in this spring unless weather meets with some change soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Seeward Stevens were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Brennen on the 24th inst. Mr. Stevens captured a large number of trout. A number of others from the valley celebrated the 24th with us trying to catch some of the speckled beauties. Among them we noticed Rev Mr. Morgan and Mr. George Jacques.

Willie E Brennen intends starting for Salem, Mass., o Wednesday June 2nd.


The dull weather continues, still the seeding is gaining slowly.

Mr. Everett Neily has cleared a large piece of bog and set with cranberries vines this spring. Everett has now gone to the U S to spend the rest of the season.

Mr. and Mrs. Watson Neily and daughter Maude left for the States on Saturday last to spend the summer months.

Mr. Robert Bruce is building a barn has the frame now up ready to board in.

Mrs. Helen Spinney has gone to spend a few months with her daughter Mrs. Noble Lyons of Blomidon.

Miss Aggie Gordon of Tremont Mt has a music class which is doing well under her teaching.

A little daughter came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chipman Spinney on Monday May 24th.


A number of excursionists from Parrsboro passed through Canning en route for Kentville to attend the Queens birthday.

Mr. William Dorman left Canning for England last Wednesday. He's to be one of the representatives of the Canadian Militia at the Queen's Jubilee celebration.

Capt E. M. Beckwith will leave this week for London. He will be on Laurier's private staff, at the celebration. We are doubtful is every small town in the Empire will be as well represented as Canning at the celebration.

Mr. Fred Northup has set up a soda fountain in his store and is preparing to sell drink by the glass. Mr. Northup's ice cream is also very nice in warm weather.

The Salvation Army has been holding very successful meetings during the past week.

Rev. Mr. Mellish occupied the pulpit of the Baptist Church last Sabbath evening. He is superintendent of the Baptist Missions in the Northwest and spoke in the interest of those missions. After the service four Candidates were added to the church by Baptism.

The Meetings of the Young People's Union will be continued through the summer months.

Mr. H Harris who left for Paradise last Tuesday week returned home last night but not alone. We congratulate Herb on the success of his trip to Paradise.

Mr. Stevens of the Kentville Methodist church preached for Mr. Higgins Sabbath morning. Mr. Higgins having gone to Sackville to attend the closing exercises at Mount Allison University.

Extensive repairs are to be made on the Methodist Parsonage this summer.

Mr. Higgins is now occupying the house lately vacated by Mr. Chas Miller.

A large number of people went from Canning to Kentville last Sabbath to attend the meetings held by Messrs Crossley and Hunter.

At A. F. Chipman's Store, Berwick,


Stoves, Furnaces,

Land Rollers,



Plow Castings & Repairs.

All the above lines at low prices.

Clearance Sale.

Also, Sewing Machine Needles and Oil.


GEO. E. PINEO, Prop.

New Cottage on Cottage St. will be completed ready to sell or rent by June 1st, '97.

G. E. P.
