June 1st 1898

June 1st 1898



At Kingston Station, 28th ult, to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Roach, a daughter.


At Somerset, May 26th, by the Rev. G. W. F. Glendenning, assisted by the Rev. E. O. Read, Joseph A. Killam and Mrs. Annie M. Rector, daughter of the late Elisha DeWolf.

At the residence of the officiating Clergyman, Waterville, May 30th, by the Rev. E. O. Read, Mr. Charles A. White and Martha E. Wiles, both of Waterville.

At the Baptist parsonage, Hantsport, May 14th, by the Rev. D. E. Hatt, James P. Eye and Miss Hattie A. Jordan, both of Gaspereaux.

At Wolfville, May 25th, by the Rev. Kenneth C. Hind, M. A., Burton Ellis, of Granville, and Florence M. Evans, of Wolfville.


At Wolfville, May 22nd, after a lingering and painful illness, Clara Bell, daughter of Mr. John Godfrey.

At Roston, May 14th, Sarah A., widow of the late Ebenezer Coldwell, of Gaspereau.

At Black River, may 16th, Mary Ann Reid, aged 95 years.

At Berwick, on Tuesday, may 31st, Carrie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Colin Douglas, aged 16 years.


Mr. J. C. West, who has been visiting his family at Morristown for the past two weeks, returned to Boston on Saturday.

Wylie Marshall Nichols brings us early wild flowers.

Millie Chase, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Skinner, of Weston, returned to her home in Kentville on Friday.

Rev. F. H. Wright and family are at present in Portaupique Mountain, Colchester Co., where Mrs. Wright's sister is very seriously ill.

Mrs. C. B. Dickie, of Upper Canard, is visiting relatives in Halifax.

C. E. Seaman; of Wolfville, is president of the Canadian Club of Harvard College.

Rev. J. H. Foshay was in Berwick yesterday.

Rev. C. E. Pineo was in Berwick on Monday.

Rev. J. L. M. Young occupied the pulpit of the Baptist church on Sunday morning last. Mr. Simpson having gone to Wolfville to attend the Acadia anniversary service.

Wedding at Somerset:

On Thursday evening, May 26th, Mr. Joseph A. Killam and Mrs. Annie M. Rector were married at the residence of Mrs. Brown in Somerset. Quite a number of relatives and friends were present on the happy occasion. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G. W. F. Glendenning, S. T. B., assisted by the Rev. E. O. Read of Waterville. The bride was the recipient of a number of useful presents. After a bountiful repast, the guests departed, wishing the bride and groom a long and happy life.

THE ROYAL BIRTHDAY - honors are characterized by a large increase in the number of military rewards for valor displayed in India or in the Afridis war. Among the distinguished Canadians who received honors are Sir Arthur Haliburton, son of "Sam Slick," who is created a peer; the Hon. Charles Alphonso Pantaloon Pelletier, speaker of the Senate of Canada; Hon. Jas David Edgar, speaker of the Canadian house of commons, and John George Bourinot, clerk of the house who are made knight commanders of the order of St. Michael and St. George. Principal Parkin of the Upper Canada college, Toronto, receives a companion age of the order of St. Michael and St. George.

KILLED IN CUBA - Charles Huntington, eldest son of the late Charles Huntington, of the Bank of Yarmouth, and grandson of the late Hon. Herbert Huntington, was killed while fighting under Garcia in the Cuban ranks. He was about 25 years of age.

THE FORWARD MOVEMENT - President Trotter has secured Rev. W. E. Hall, of Halifax, as an assistant in the Forward Movement. As the result of an appeal which Dr. Trotter made to the Baptist congregation at Wolfville on May 15th, he has secured $3700. In that town, and it is hoped that his will shortly be raised to $5000.

International Exhibition,


September 15th to 23rd, 1898

$15,000 IN PRIZES

All departments of Prize Lists Revised and increased. Large Special Prizes in live stock and dairy products. Live stock enters Wednesday 14th and leaves Wed, 21st.

Grand display of the


Collection of Wild Animals, Birds, Insects, Plants and Fungi shown in their natural haunts.

The Paradise of the sportsman. A delight of the naturalist. Two museums will contribute their whole collections, a great nature lesson for all.

Prizes offered for Natural History collections. A large and varied display of fish, Machinery of all kinds in motion - with many manufacturing novelties.


HOLIDAY SEEKERS will find a varying round of attractions in Amusement Hall and in the wonderful performances, upon the grounds in front of the new grand stand. Pyrotechnic marvels. Band music.
Excursion rates from everywhere.

Mark the 15th September on your calendar. For prize lists and full information address,

CHAS. A. EVERETT, Mgr. And Sec'ty.
W.C. PITFIELD, President.

DEATH OF CARRIE DOUGLASS - Carrie, daughter of Mr. Colin Douglass died last evening. She had not been in good health for some time, but her last illness was of but a few weeks duration. Sincere sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents and relatives.

BEREAVED - Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. D.H. Simpson, who has sustained a severe bereavement in the loss of a sister, Mrs. Trask, whose death from consumption occurred recently at her home in Boston. Mrs. Trask visited Berwick last summer, who will regret to learn of her demise.

Chipman Brook:

Since the seines have been put on the weirs, our fishermen have caught twenty-five salmon averaging twenty lbs. apiece, some weighing thirty-five lbs.

Lobsters do not seem very plentiful this year. Capt. Anderson, of Digby, was here on Saturday, May 21st, and took four hundred and twenty, which were caught in one week.

The school is progressing very well, but we would like to call the attention of our worthy teacher to the absence of glass in a great many of the school house windows and would suggest that the glass be put in as soon as possible both for the comfort of the pupils and the appearance of the school house.

Miss E. Rita Balzer spent Sunday, May 22nd, with her sister, Mrs. Allan Pineo.

Mrs. Freeman Arnold has recovered from a severe attack of the "grippe."

Mr. Owen Power returned from Boston, on Saturday May, 21st.


The search for Mr. Borden is still continued by his sons who are not discouraged but hopeful.

Rev. Charles Pineo preached very acceptably to a large congregation in the Baptist Church on Sunday evening.

Rev. J. M. Allan has arrived in Halifax from Scotland.

Large consignments of Salmon and Mackerel are shipped daily from this station to Boston and Halifax, the catch of the Sparhead and Black Rock weirs.

Three lads fishing last week in some of our South streams caught 187 fine trout. A string of 93 was the catch of one of the boys.

J. W. Johnstone is making additions to his residence.

Mrs. J. Edgar Betton was visiting her father, W. M. Skinner, Esq. last week.

Mrs. Harry Sawyer went to Boston last week.

C. O. Nichols is enlarging his barn.

Mrs., W. B. Congdon left on Thursday for Boston.

H. R. Best, of Kentville, spent Sunday in Waterville.

Will Grenough, of Massachusetts, is visiting friends in Harborville and Black Rock.

Rob Brown of Kentville, spent Sunday in town.

Anthony Rafuse is convalescent.

Mrs. Henry Dickie and Mrs. Schnair, of Canada Creek, spent Monday in Waterville.

Mrs. Richard Megeney, of Halifax, has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Eunice Fisher. She returned home on Thursday.

Mrs. William Graves spent a few days in Kingston last week with her sister, Mrs. Stronach.

Mrs. Charles Rawding was in Waterville on Thursday.

LeBarron Margeson has purchased the Blair farm in Grafton, with a lot of land on North Mountain of Mr. Leonard Best. The purchase price is $1000. Mr. Margeson takes possession this week.

W. W. Pineo intends leaving on Thursday for a pleasure trip to Boston.

Edward Rising of the firm of Waterbury & Rising, St. John, spent a few days of last week in Waterville, the guest of W. W. Pineo.

Mr. Gideon Beardsley is visiting his brothers, Thomas and Samuel Beardsley.

Mr. John O. Sulivan, of Halifax, was the guest of A. Burke on the Queen's Birthday.

A very pretty wedding took place Monday evening at the Baptist parsonage, Waterville. The contracting parties were Mr. Charles A. White and Mrs. Martha Wiles (widow of the late Judson Wiles) both of this place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. E. O. Read. After the ceremony the happy couple went to their home where they were met and welcomed by a large number of their friends.

Ambrose Burke still continues his fortnightly trips to Halifax with live stock for that market.

Kingston Village:

Mr. Avard Banks has moved his house on to his new cellar and is building quite an extensive addition to it.

Mr. C.C. Wilson who was lately reported to have bought the cottage of A.E. Tufts, has, we understand, given up the purchase.

On Wednesday, 25th, Messrs. Albert Woodworth and Millage Ward returned to N.S., the latter being accompanied by his sister and brother, Miss Minnie and Mr. Harry.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo McGregor, of Aylesford, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends here.

The special services held in the Baptist church have been closed. Ten were added, nine by baptism and one by letter.

Our pastor, rev H.H. Saunders and wife leave to-day (Monday) to attend the closing exercises at Wolfville. Mrs. S. expects to remain for a visit at her old home.

Miss Georgie Graves also leaves to-day for her home in N.B.

Mr. Dyas, of Parsboro, spent a few days last week with friends here.

Mrs. Merry and daughter Mrs. Hendon Saunders, of Nictaux Falls, are visiting at Mr. L. Woodbury's.

Card of Thanks

The undersigned desire to thank the many friends who have devoted so much time and care in the search for their father during the past few weeks.

While the labor has gone unrewarded yet the generously expressed sympathy has been highly appreciated.

G.E. Borden
W.T. Borden
P.D. Borden
S.W. Borden
