July 28th 1897

July 28th 1897



At Berwick, July 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steadman, a daughter.

At Port William's, July 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. SA Stevens, a daughter.

At Starr's Point, July 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson, a daughter.


At Elm Cottage, South Alton, July 21st, by the Rev Wm. Jenkins, B.A., Dr. Spurgeon J. Jenkins, of Cody's, N.B., to Giralda H., only daughter of Councillor Harry Coldwell, of South Alton.


At Kentville, 18th inst., of consumption, Maggie Alice, daughter of Stephen and Martha Harvey, aged 20 years.

At Victoria Harbor, July 11th, of consumption, Mrs. Samuel Bennett.

At Woodlawn, July 21st, of consumption, Anna Clem, aged 26 years.

 Mrs. Woodworth, who has resided for two years on the corner of Gerrish and Grey Sts., died very suddenly on Wednesday evening of last week, at seven o'clock. She had been ill for only five days. She leaves four children, two boys and two girls, the issue by her first husband, a Mr. Chipman of Brooklyn. Two years ago she was married to Mr. Sylvester Woodworth of Berwick. The funeral took place on Friday, the remains being taken to St. Croix for internment. The deceased was only 37 years of age.

- Hants Journal


On Thursday, July 8th, the teachers of Woodlawn and Burlington held their annual examinations, which events passed off very satisfactorily.

Mr. Howell, of Burlington school, will attend college next term. We would be pleased if he would remain with us another term, as he has taught the school successfully for a period of three years.

Miss Charlotte Palmer, of Nicholsville, who has taught Woodlawn school for the past year, has shown more than ordinary ability, and we are pleased to state that she will remain with us another year.

Mr. Charles Best, who recently returned from Boston, has we understand, sold his farm to Mr. Fred Saunders, and will return to Boston with his wife and family. We are extremely sorry to lose such a enterprising and influential man as Mr. Best but all his friends wish him success in his business in Boston.

Mr. T. H. Best, baker, of Boston, Mass., and family are visiting relatives here.

Miss Annie L. Clark, of East Margaretville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. William Howell, of this place.

Our community is again shrouded in gloom at the death of one of our most beloved young ladies, Miss Anna Clem, who passed away on Sabbath, July 11, after an illness of fourteen months, endured with the utmost cheerfulness and trust in her Saviour. The interment took place the following Thursday, in the little cemetery where five of the family had been already laid. In token of respect to the beloved dead the members of the Union walked in procession to and from the grave. The sympathies of our people are with the parents, who mourn for the sixth breach in a family of twelve, and with the remaining brothers and sisters of the deceased.

On Tuesday, we were called on to attend the funeral of Mrs. S. Bennett, of Victoria Harbor, who passed away on Sunday evening, July 11th, after a painful illness.


The sluice for the new dyke was successfully placed last Tuesday and is being rapidly covered in. The dyke will be finished in about three weeks.

The new steamer "Beaver" made a trial trip last Wednesday. The government inspector of steamships pronounced her first class in every respect.

Rev. Mr. Higgins, who was in attendance at the Epworth League convention at Toronto, returned home last Saturday.

Work on the new manse is proceeding rapidly. The masons are at work plastering.

Quite a number of people went to Kentville on Saturday to attend the circus. They seemed very well satisfied with the show.

Mr. D. M. Dickie has received the appointment to the office of Registrar of Deeds.

Haying is now well under way; the crop is above the average this season.

Rev. Mr. Hutchins leaves this week on his annual vacation. The pulpit of the Baptist church will be occupied by the Rev A. Cahoon from Wolfville on the evening of August 1st.


W. M. Coldwell is home from Boston.

Miss Emma Tuttle arrived home on Saturday.

B. H. Dodge, M. P. P., was in Berwick on Monday.

Miss Zeffie Spicer, of Mass., is visiting friends in Berwick.

Master George Bryden brings us a box of delicious currants.

Mrs. Rea M. Smith, of Minneapolis, is visiting her uncle, Mr. H. E. Jefferson.

Arthur Coldwell is spending a fortnight's vacation at his home in Berwick.

Misses Kate and Ella Parker of Welsford arrived from Boston last week.

David Brainerd Shaw, of Wolfville, has been appointed a Justice of the Peace.

Mrs. J. A. Livingstone and children are visiting her sister, Mrs. L. A. Forrest.

Mrs. Jos. Andrews and her sister, Mrs. MacCallum, spent Sunday in Wolfville.

D. M. Dickie, Canning, has been appointed Registrar of Deeds for Kings Co..

Mrs. Mack, of Truro, who has been visiting Mrs. W. A. Reed, returned home on Friday.

Mrs. E. C. Foster returned on Saturday from a visit of some weeks with friends in Bridgetown.

Charlie Collins arrived home on Saturday, having been in the United States for nearly a year.

Mrs. Sarah Patterson, and daughter Jean, of Truro, arrived on Tuesday, on a visit to relatives in Berwick.

Miss Eunice Morton and Mrs. A. E. Robbins arrived from Boston yesterday, on a visit to their father, Mr. Isaac Morton.

Mr. T. M. Seeley, of Yarmouth, has been elected High Secretary of the Independent Order of Foresters for Nova Scotia, in place of W. I. Bell, of Amherst, deceased.

Prof. E. E. Faville, of the N S. School of Horticulture at Wolfville, has been appointed to a professorship in the State Agricultural College of Kansas, at a salary of $1450.

George L. Folker, of Berwick, who recently obtained a master's certificate, has gone to New York, where he joins the ship Celeste Burrill as first officer. From New York the vessel goes at once to Melbourne and the Philippine Islands.

Messrs. D. W. Smith, late of the steamer Yarmouth, and Mr. F. C. Mullowney, of Kentville, were at the Central House on Saturday, having driven out from Kentville. Mr. smith took the evening train for his home in Melvern Square.

J. D. McKenna, of Dartmouth, a member of the Recorder staff, spent Sunday with his brother-in-law, Mr. L D. Robinson. "Jim" was on his return from the Summer School of Science at Yarmouth. The worshippers at Christ Church on Sunday evening were pleased to listen to a beautiful solo "Jesus, lover of my Soul," with which he favored them.

The Somerville, Mass, Journal, in an article giving the intended summer movements of the councilors of that city says; "Mr. Macdonald had the temerity last Saturday night to buy three bicycles, one for himself, one for his wife, and one for his daughter. These they all hope to use this summer in a bicycle excursion in Nova Scotia."

Councillor Macdonald is well known in Berwick and vicinity and those who know the family can appreciate the reference to "temerity." Their friends in Nova Scotia will be glad to welcome them. 


For several weeks this has been a place of great activity. Between thirty and forty men have been at work rebuilding the new wharf, which is now nearly finished. It is being built in a most substantial and scientific manner, under the direction and close inspection of Mr. A. K. Patterson, and a most capable foreman, Mr. J. Parks, of Port George. Much money has been earned, but as yet, none received. The government, as well as some other employers, are slow in paying their workmen. It is hard to abolish the credit system in this country. All department of government in our day encourage borrowing, hence debts accumulating, bankruptcy anticipated.

Morden is being filled with visitors from places near and remote; some to recover health, some to enjoy the invigorating atmosphere of the Bay of Fundy, others to see their friends. In our dwellings there is not room for many more but there is plenty outside. Only one canvas tent has yet been erected. On Sabbath, when people have nothing to do but go to meeting, there was a great multitude here. The streets and shore had more than the house of worship, especially of those from abroad.

The hot weather is not favorable to Sabbath keeping in the valley. If some who come would drink only from that beautiful spring on the top of the mountain they would act more like gentlemen when here.


A number of our citizens attend the Ice Cream Social held at the home of Mr. Chas. Wood, Woodville, on Tuesday night, 20th. They all report a very enjoyable time.

Mr. Reginald Lantz, wife and child, of Mass., are visiting at Mr. J. G. Lantz's.

We are all pleased to see Misses Winnie Card and Agnes Johnson, two of our popular young ladies, who have been in Boston for some time, with us again.

Miss Edith Forsythe spent last week in Harborville, in company with friends from Somerset.

Rev. Mr. Rose preached in the church here on Sunday morning, the 25th.

Miss Hattie Rockwell has just returned from New Minas, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Fitch.

Miss Myra Lamont, who has been in Kentville for some time, spent last week at her home in Billtown.

The Conquest meeting of the Union, held in the church here on Sunday evening, 25th, was enjoyed by all present. The programme which consisted of readings, recitations and solos, was much appreciated by a large audience.

On Wednesday evening, July 21st, a very pretty and interesting event took place in the Baptist church, the occasion being the marriage of Mr. Asa Steele and Miss Agnes Johnson, all of Billtown. The ceremony was performed by Rev M. P. Freeman. Shortly after eight o'clock, the bridal party entered the church to the strains of the wedding march played by Miss Myra Lamont. The groom was supported by Mr. Clarence Graves. The bride was handsomely attired in white with lace and ribbon trimmings. Miss Winnie Card, who acted as bridesmaid, was daintily dressed in pink and white with ribbon and lace. The church had been very prettily decorated for the occasion with evergreens, cut flowers and potted plants. After the ceremony the happy couple drove to their future home in Billtown, followed by the best wishes of their many friends.

Local Register:

A second-hand Bicycle, a great bargain at John G. Clark's.

Tall Clover - Mr. Aaron Hodges, of Windermere, brought to our office on Monday, a stalk of Alsike clover, measuring five feet, eleven inches.

A New Departure - Mr. A Robertson, of Hantsport, intends opening a stone cutting establishment in a building soon to be erected at the rear of the foundry, where he will carry on stone and marble work in all its branches.

Ice Cream Social - The ladies of the Baptist church at Grafton purpose holding an Ice Cream Social at the residence of Mr. Frank George, Union Square, on Tuesday evening next, August 3rd, beginning at eight o'clock. Admission to grounds free; Ice cream and cake .10cts. Come and have a good time and help the church.

Farmers' Union Car of Feed, Flour and Meal will be unloaded on Saturday next from 2 to 8 p.m.

John N. Chute, Sec'ty.

Found - A sum of money.

G. A. Fancy.

A motor tricycle, probably the first that has raced over our Nova Scotian roads, makes its appearance occasionally on the Bridgetown streets. It belongs to Mr. Kenneth Skinner, son of Mr. Andrew Skinner, of Round Hill, who is spending a summer holiday with his sister, Mrs. Armstrong, at Hillside Farm, Clarence. The machine is of French manufacture, is propelled by gasoline and can be speeded up to twenty-five miles an hour.

- Monitor.


Clean Washed Wool, Wool Skins, Feathers, Eggs, etc., in exchange for goods, at ordinary trade prices, which are same as net credit prices for three months. All goods marked in plain figures, and prices adjusted to meet any competition in special cutting.

Ten per cent disct. On sales of 50c or more, except Flours; 15 to 25 per cent disct. On job lines to meet views of buyers. Paris Green expected tomorrow, of Government standard test quality.

For Sale - Pine Boards, Pine Shingles, Hoop Poles, Lime. Oats taken in trade at 40c.

H. Fulmer.

Waterville, June 9th, 1897

The Flash Light Studio!

Photographs from $1.50 to $6.00 per doz. A specialty made of Flash-light Pictures, Views and Photographs on watch caps and dials. Have your family group taken in your own drawing room or parlor. Our work is equal to any in the county. Give us a trial and be convinced. Watches clocks and jewelry always on hand. A specialty made of repairing any of the above goods. When you leave your watch or clock with us to be repaired, we want you to feel that it will be done in a prompt and skilful manner, and that we guarantee it to give satisfaction. It is our ambition to add to the reputation we have already established for thorough, honest watch repairing. Spectacles and eyeglasses of all kinds, to suit all sight. Eyes tested free. We use the latest and most approved appliances for this work, and guarantee to fit glasses accurately.

Saunders Brothers, Jewelers, Opticians, Photographers.

Brown's Block.

We have had a thorough and practical experience in the cities of Boston, Waltham and New York
