July 7th 1897

July 7th 1897



At Weston, on Wednesday, June 30th, by the Rev Wm Ellis, Leander Selfridge, Esq., of Somerset and Miss Nettie, daughter of DE Ross, Esq.

At the home of the bride, Harborville, on Friday, July 2nd, by Rev DH Simpson, B.D., Howard E. Ogilvie of Victoria harbor, and Lillie eldest daughter of Captain and Mrs. Edward Spicer.

At Wolfville, June 30th, by the Rev Jos Hale, assisted by the Rev JB Hemmeon, the Rev Douglas Hemmeon, pastor of the Methodist church, Lockeport, and Amanda, daughter of JW Caldwell, Esq., of Wolfville.

In the North Kingston Methodist church, on the 30th ult., by Rev. J. S. Coffin, Ashley E. Roach, merchant, and Lila L., daughter of John Grogan of North Kingston.


At South Farmingham, Mass., June 29th, of diphtheria, Lottie Anna, youngest daughter of Forrest T and Carrie Woodroffe, aged 7 years, 5 mos.

(Halifax papers please copy.)

 The death is announced at San Diego, Cal., of Stephen Sheffield, Esq., formerly of Canning, one of the best respected citizens of this county. He was at one time president of the C.V.R.

Homeward Bound:

The Canadian contingent of colonial troops are now on their way homeward, having embarked from Liverpool on Saturday by the steamer Scotsman, which sailed amid hearty cheers and the singing and playing of national airs.

A spark from the chimney in Mr. Geo E Pineo's house was the cause of an alarm of fire on Saturday morning. Prompt action extinguished the blaze with comparatively little damage.

Sheffield Mills:

A large number went to Canning from the Mills to attend the Queen's Jubilee celebration.

Miss Mattie Kinsman, from New York, is home for a visit.

Mr. Frank Webster has taken a trip to Boston.

Miss Alice Beckwith is visiting in Berwick.

Mr. Robert Ells, Mrs. Nathan Ells, and Mrs. Coggin from the United States are visiting friends here.

Wylie, the young son of Mr. W Sanford is seriously ill.

Mr. James E Kinsman has carpenters employed putting on an addition to his house, which will make quite an improvement.

The Rev Mr. Murray held service here on Sunday and gave a very fine sermon.


Mrs. Grant Morse, of Millville, was the guest of Mrs. William Neily recently.

Several families of this place spent the Queen's Jubilee at Morden. A very good time was enjoyed by the little folks, who returned home in good season.

The strawberry season has come again, and the pickers will be very busy for some time if the weather holds fine.

Mrs. Melbourne Spinney visited Kentville recently.

Misses Fanny and Debby Weber are visiting their sister, Mrs. M Spinney, for a few weeks.

Miss Annie Hutchinson, of Morristown, is visiting her sister, Mrs. William Spinney.

Mr. Snell is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Owen Spinney.

The mission band held an ice cream social at Mrs. Frank Foster's on Friday evening and the sum of about six dollars was raised.

Mrs. D Ward at Gates Mt is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Spinney, for a few days.

The weather is fine for the crops now and haying will soon be over. A good crop is reported in most places.

Strawberries are the order of the day. They have been ripening very slowly but the prospect is now better.


John Keith, Esq., of Windsor spent Sunday in Berwick.

Mr. FE Cox, of the Outlook, was in Berwick on Saturday.

Miss Ermina Woodworth is spending a few days in Halifax.

Miss Addie Clark arrived home from Boston on Saturday.

Mr. AL Margeson of Granville Ferry is visiting friends here.

Martin Tuttle returned on Saturday morning to spend his vacation at home in Berwick.

Mrs. Joseph Boggs, sister of Mrs. AB Taylor, arrived in Berwick on Wednesday, on a visit.

Miss Libbie Chute, of Kentville, who has been attending school in Berwick, returned home on Saturday.

Miss Goudey, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. DH Simpson, left for home on Saturday morning's express.

Mrs. HW Davison and little son, Lawrence, of Hantsport, spent Sunday in Berwick with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. WA Reed.

Mrs. AS Banks, who has been in ill health for nearly two years, went to Halifax on Monday last for medical treatment.

Mr. Samuel Hicks, who has been employed by the Telegraph office, has been placed in charge of the D.A.R. station at Clements.

Henry White, Esq., of Chelsea, Mass., formerly of Grafton, is visiting his brother and sister in Berwick and other friends in this county.

Misses Lena Middlemas and Nellie Clarke have successfully passed their month of probation at the Victoria General Hospital, and have entered up on their training course as nurses in that institution.

Canady Creek:

Mr. Charles Hagerty while driving with his wife last Sunday met with quite an accident. He dropped the reins for a moment to put the top of his carriage back, when the horse took fright and threw Mrs. Hagerty out, cutting her quite badly about the face. The carriage was also injured quite bad.

Quite a number drove over form Berwick and vicinity for a days outing at Canady Creek. The day was beautiful and all seemed intent on having a good time when an accident occurred which somewhat marred the pleasure of many. A horse owned by Mr. Lyons, which was hitched by a rock near the beach, got frightened at a sail-boat coming in and cut his leg very badly on a rock. The animal had to be left here for treatment.

Mr. Henry Dickey and Mr. James Dickey attended the jubilee celebration in Canning.

Miss Eliza Balsor left for Boston on Saturday. She will be much missed by her companions especially in the Sabbath school were she was a regular attendant.

Mrs. Eaton Dickey spent Saturday and Sunday at Mrs. Henry Dickey's.

Mr. Jordan Bowlby has been visiting friends in Tremont.

Noble Bowlby, a young student, preached to us last Sabbath in absence of the pastor, Rev EO Read. His earnest, impressive manner, coupled with the truths of the Gospel, impressed the hearts of his hearers deeply.

Mr. Henry Dickey has been visiting friends at Canard and Hillaton.

Mr. Roscoe and Mr. Thorpe of Hall's harbor were the guests of Mrs. Thomas Parker on Sabbath.

Brooklyn Corner, Aylesford:

The friends of Miss Addie Bishop, who has been attending the New England Conservatory of Music, will be pleased to hear of her safe arrival at home on a visit to her parents. She will return in a few months to prepare for her graduation. We are please to have her with us again.

Miss Annie L Clark of East Margaretville is visiting her cousin, Mrs. AF Baltzer, at this place.

The twenty second passed very pleasantly and quietly in this locality. Brooklyn Templars enjoyed a pleasant rip to Morden the guests of the Pleasant Street Templars. All others who could afford time attended the celebration at Annapolis.

Road making is a very important feature at the present time. AE McMahon is engineer and it is needless to say our roads are kept in good order under his supervision.

Mr. Austin Baltzer has been working on the Pierce road this week and has at length made it passable.

Davis Bishop is enjoying a trip to Bear River. We wish him every success in his business.

Our annual school meeting was held here on Monday.

Will Reagh, of Spa Springs, is visiting here, the guest of Mr. Frank Elliott.

Mr. and Mrs. Burpee Graves have been visiting Middleton and vicinity, the guests of Mr. Graves' sister, Mrs. Millar.

Miss Grace Spinney of Greenwood is visiting Miss Grace Graves at this place.

Rev Harry Patterson of Aylesford preached at Brooklyn Hall on Sabbath evening. Quite a number were present and listened with great interest to his sermon. The text was, John X: 10. It will be remembered that Mr. Patterson was one of the recent graduates of Mt Allison.

Miss Laura Smith visited her sister, Mrs. Emma Foster, at Tremont recently.

The friends of Rev Jos Coffin at this place listened very attentively to his farewell sermon at Aylesford Methodist church on Sabbath, June 27th.


Mrs. Nathan Riley of St John, is visiting here parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Masters.

Mrs. Silas Woodworth is very ill at the residence of Mr. Joseph Lowden.

Mr. Charles Woodworth and daughter, Mrs. Hopkins, of Sommerville, Mass., are visiting their old home and friends.

Mrs. William McKenzie and son Kenneth, are visiting at Mr. Lowden's.

Mrs. EH Eaton is visiting her mother and friends in Nictaux.

Rev Mr. West preached in the hall last Sabbath afternoon.

The school examination held last Wednesday was very enjoyable, the scholars showing by their ready answers that they have been well taught. Miss Webster will be much missed in our village.

 Mr. T Bowles came near losing a horse recently, the animal being found in a ditch on its back.


 NA Osborne, principal of Waterville school, left on the 25th ult. For Kamloops, B.C., where he intends taking a "A" examination. At the close of his services as teacher in the day and Sabbath schools he was presented by Mr. McIntosh with a very handsome watch chain and the following address:

" We cannot allow this opportunity to pass without expressing the thanks we feel for the kind interest you have taken in our work during the past term, and assure you that you carry with you in your journey the best wishes of all.

Wherever you begin work, may you win the confidence and esteem of the people as thoroughly as you have done in Waterville. And now in behalf of the school and the Sabbath school, it affords me much pleasure to present you this gift as a slight token of the esteem in which you are held. Wherever you go our prayer is that the Lord will bless you and that you will meet with the success that you deserve and continue to lead the life of usefulness which you have so nobly begun."

North Kingston:

Miss Emmie Armstrong, of Bloomington, Annapolis Co., spent a couple of days recently with her sister, Mrs. Mayhew Eaton.

Mr. Sydney Saunders, of Springfield, Annapolis Co., was in town last week, the guest of Mrs. Inglis Neily.

Mr. Arthur Orpin, of Charlestown, Mass, formerly of this place, made us a short visit last week. Mr. Orpin is employed with the firm of Orpin Bros, as a cabinet maker.

Mrs. Albert Patterson, of Providence, R.I., arrived home on Saturday, to visit her father, Mr. Chas Smith.

 On Saturday last the Baptist and Methodist Sunday schools had their annual picnic at Margaretville. The weather was very fine, and all seemed to enjoy the day at the bay.

No 1 team of our Kingston League Team 68th Batt, accepted a challenge from a team of the 72nd Batt, and the shooting took place on Saturday, resulting in a victory for our team, with 39 points.

Master Vernon Saunders, who has been working in the Monitor Office, Bridgetown, for some time, was home on Sunday to see his parents, Mr. and Mrs. WW Saunders.

The Annual Meeting of Piedmont School section was held on the 28th ult. The attendance was very small. The report of the trustees shows the finances to be in good condition with a balance in favor of the Section, of $15.74. The sum of $200 was voted for the coming year. WR Armstrong was re elected trustee, and Wallace Neily and Seldon Hall re-elected Auditors.

Mr. Manning Armstrong brought home on Saturday seven yoke of oxen which he had bought below Bridgetown.

On Wednesday last, Mr. Ashley E Roach, of the firm Roach & Power, Kingston Sta., was married to Miss Lila, daughter of John Grogan, Esq. The ceremony was conducted by Rev JS Coffin, in the Methodist church and although it was very rainy quite a number were there to witness the marriage. The church was very handsomely decorated for the occasion. By request of the pastor the decorations were left in the church for the Sunday services.

Several have already commenced haying. The crop is very heavy this year.
