July 13th, 1911

Thursday, July 13, 1911


Barss – West

One of the prettiest summer weddings took place on July 5th at the home of Mrs. Caldwell West, Aylesford, N.S., when her daughter, Emma Belle, was united in marriage to Mr. William Raymond Barss, of New Germany.

The ceremony took place on the lawn, which was beautifully decorated, the color scheme being green and white.

Promptly at seven o’clock to the strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin, played by Miss Lottie West, the groom took his place beneath the arch from which was suspended a bell of white bearing the initials B and W in green. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. Walter E. West, and was attended by Misses Reba and Margaret Freeman, little nieces of the groom, acting respectively as ring bearer and flower girl. The ceremony was performed by Rev. C. R. Freeman, the single ring service being used.

The bride was daintily and beautifully attired in a gown of white duchesse silk with pearl trimmings and embroidered chiffon, with bridal veil and orange blossoms and carried a handsome bouquet of white carnations and maiden hair fern. The ring bearer was dressed in white silk with pale blue sash and ribbons. The flower girl was also dressed in white silk with pink sash and ribbons.

After congratulations were over, luncheon was served.

About nine o’clock the bride and groom left for a short automobile trip amid showers of confetti and prolonged cheers from assembled guests.

The bride’s going away gown was a tailored suit of navy broadcloth with hat of cream silk braid and wide band of coronation blue velvet.

A large number of guests were present, chiefly relatives of the bride and groom.

Numerous presents, including many pieces of cut glass, silver, linen and a large number of cheques attested to the popularity of both bride and groom. A large cut glass vase was presented by the choir of the Aylesford Baptist Church, of which the bride has been a member for a number of years. The groom’s present to the bride was a cheque for a set of furs; to the organist a pearl crescent pin and to the ring bearer and the flower girl, gold lockets and chains.

Mr. and Mrs. Barss will reside in New Haven, Conn., where Mr. Barss is an instructor in Yale University.
