January 16th, 1918


JANUARY 16, 1918


To be sold at public auction on the premises of the late George E. Tupper, North Kingston, On.

Thursday, January 17, 1918

at 12 o’clock, sharp, the following:

5 yoke oxen, girth from 6 ft. 8 to 7 ft. 3; pair 3-year-old steers, Red Durham; Durham Bull, registered; Jersey Bull; 10 nice Calves, aged about three months; 9 calves, aged about 9 months; 3 Yearlings; 5 extra good new Milch Cows; 4 three-year-old Heifers, milking; 4 Heifers, due to freshen in March and April; Bay Horse, good worker; 50 Pullets; 4 Shoats; About 300 bushels Turnips; 20 bushels Beans; Set heavy Double Harness; Light Harness; Threshing Machine, nearly new; Hay Press; Lot of extra Belting; 2 Bobsleds; Single Sleigh; Bain Wagon, 2 horse; Wood Axle Wagon; 2 Plows; 2 Two Lever harrows; 2 Springtooth Harrows; Empire Seed Drill; Engine and Saw Gear, mounted; Spray Motor, complete; Mowing Machine; hay Tedder; Seed Sower; Grain Grinder; Set Platform Scales; Set Beam Scales; 3 4 ton hay Wire; Magnet Separator and Dairy Utensils; Chevrolet Car, in good repair, Also, all kinds of small farming tools, used on a farm.

Terms. – Ten dollars and under, Cash. Above that amount, nine months’ credit on approved joint notes, with bank interest. Five per cent discount for cash.




Goods, chattels and credit of the late George E. Tupper, deceased.

F. W. FOSTER, Auctioneer.


JANUARY 16, 1918

Church Opening at Aylesford

Sabbath, the sixth day of January, 1918, was a memorable day for the Methodist congregation of Aylesford. On that day their fine new church, one of the prettiest and most convenient country churches in the province, was dedicated to the Worship of God. For many years the old church building had been inadequate, and was especially lacking in facilities for Sabbath School work. A year ago the Trustees launched the scheme which has just been brought to a successful conclusion. The enterprise has had a most successful voyage, the members of the congregation working together with remarkable unanimity. The old building, with its historic associations, was first removed to a new site, and forms an important part of the new edifice. A two storey S. S. hall, fitted with classrooms, fire place, basement kitchen, etc., has been added.

The cost of the new building has been about $6,800. Some $5,600 has been subscribed and there remains a debt of about $1200. Mr. F. B. Jacques, of Boston, gave a fine new bell. Mr. Henry W. Patterson, another Aylesford boy donated a handsome pulpit set. The building committee was composed of the Pastor, Rev. J. G. Hockin, and Messrs. J. F. McMahon, H. LaMert Patterson and L. K. Patterson. Mr. L. R. Fairn was architect. Messrs. J. H. Hicks and Sons, of Bridgetown, were the builders.

The preacher at the opening services was the Rev. Dr. Chown, General Superintendent of the Methodist Church in Canada. The subject of the morning sermon was "Christ, the Giver of Spiritual Life." The discourse in the evening was on "The War and its effect on our National and Individual Character." The beauty and urgency of sacrifice was brought home to every bearer. One of Dr. Chown’s unforgettable sentences was: "As the soul is to the body, so is the Church to the Nation." In the afternoon excellent addresses were given by the Rev. Wm. Ryan, who has helped the enterprise from start to finish most energetically, the Rev. Mr. Dakin, of the Baptist Church, and the Rev. A. Hockin, of Berwick. The Rev. G. P. Raymond made some congratulatory remarks. The musical programme was splendidly rendered by the choir, assisted by outside talent. The soloists were Mrs. Morehouse and Mrs. Fester, of Kingston, and Miss Neily, of Aylesford. The church was crowded at each service, and collections for the day exceeded $400.
