January 26th 1898

January 26th 1898



At Kentville, Jan 18th, by the Rev B.N. Nobles, Benj. Yould, of the D.A. Railway, and Clara, daughter of Mr. F. Barnaby, all of Kentville.

At the residence of the bride's mother, Kentville, Jan 18th, by the Rev P.M. Holden, James Simmons, baggage master on the D.A.R., and Kathleen, daughter of the late Allen McPherson.

At Kentville, Jan 18th, by the Rev B.S. Stevens, Thomas Richard Grimm and Hattie Mosher.


At Wolfville, Jan 24th, after a lingering illness, James M. Payzant, aged 97 years.

Cranberry Prices - Mr. Henry Shaw has just received returns for his last season of cranberries. The entire crop on two acres yielded a net return in the market of $969. The expenses of picking, cleaning, barreling etc. were $249 making a return to Mr. Shaw clear of expenses of $360 per acre.

Don't forget the Graphophone concert at Waterville this Wednesday evening, Jan. 26th. Aberdeen Hall, Berwick, on Friday evening, Jan. 28th. A fine programme for only ten cents.

William C. Bath, formerly deputy sheriff for Annapolis county, died of consumption on Monday, of last week, at his home in Bridgetown.

A Big Engine - The largest locomotive ever imported into the maritime provinces has just been purchased for the Intercolonial. It is said to be able to haul a train of twenty-two passenger coaches.

A New Steamer:

The Yarmouth Steamship Company has just added another flyer to its fleet, having purchased the new steel paddle steamer, Express, in England. The Express was launched in May last, and has proved herself a sea-boat. The steamer was built by John Scott & Co., Kirkcaldy and Kinghorn, for the Morecombe Steamboat Co., for their passenger service between Morecombe, Isle of Man and North Wales. She will be placed on the route between Halifax and Yarmouth, and when the Coast Railway is completed to Barrington, will connect with that route there.

Hon. L. E. Baker, President of the Yarmouth S. S. Co., has been notified by the Superintendent of the Dominion Atlantic Railway co., that on and after Jan. 26th all traffic arrangements for passengers and freight will be cancelled by the railway company. All sorts of speculations are being indulged in as to the course which the steamship company will pursue. The matter is undoubtedly a serious one for them, as the steamers depend largely for their business on points along the line of the railway. Mr. Baker left for Ottawa, where he interviewed the railway committee and urged that action be taken by the government to compel the railway to cease what is practically a prohibitory discrimination.

The Minister of Railways has interfered to prevent the contemplated severance of relations between the two companies.


The Windsor Tribune, which for nearly three months after the fire was issued from the office of THE REGISTER, is now printed at home, a new outfit of type, presses, etc, having been secured. The pluck and enterprise exhibited by the editor of the Tribune is a fair sample of the spirit which has been generally shown by Windsorians since the overwhelming disaster of Oct. 17th. Although his loss was total, being unmitigated by even a small amount of insurance, his paper has appeared without the loss of an issue, and it would be difficult to estimate the benefit which Windsor has thereby derived, socially, as well as commercially. We welcome the Tribune in its neat new dress, and heartily wish it many years of prosperity in the newer, greater Windsor which is soon to arise.


Mr. George A. Fancy left Berwick on Friday last for Halifax, where he has a position with the firm of Smith Bros. Mr. Fancy has been for nearly eight years a resident of Berwick, being in the employ of Messrs. L. A. Forrest and Co. He has made many friends, who hear of his removal with deep regret and sincere wishes for his future prosperity.

Dr. X. L. Anthony, has been appointed Medical Officer for the Towns of Geyser, Kibbey and Belt, Montana. The local paper recording the fact says: - "As for Dr. Anthony the people of his jurisdiction can bank their last dollar that he will do his duty and attend to all poor who need medical aid".

Rev. T. McFall arrived on Saturday from his trip to Boston.

Mrs. Corning, daughter of W. V. Brown, Esq. arrived in Berwick on Saturday.

Mr. Jonathan Sanford, of Weston, who has been confined to his bed for nearly five weeks with sciatic rheumatism we are glad to learn is improving.

Rev. F. J. H. Axford, Rector of Cornwallis, spent Monday in Berwick.

Professor Charles G. D. Roberts has retired from the editorial staff of The Illustrated American, New York, and for the next three months he will devote himself to completing the new novel, to be called "A Sister to Evangeline." Which he now has well under way. It will be a romance of Canadian life and several of the characters in the first work will reappear.

Rev. Oskar Gronlund, M. A., of Ritcey's Cove, Lunenburg Co., formerly of Wolfville, has received and accepted an invitation to the pastorate of Exmouth Street Methodist church, St. John, N. B., in succession to his father-in-law, Rev. J. Shenton. This will involve the transfer of Mr. Grorlund from the Nova Scotia to the New Brunswick conference.

Scott's Bay:

Misses Bertha and Lora Sanford, of Grafton, spent part of their holidays visiting friends in this place.

Mr. J. P. Corkum, of Kingsport, was the guest of Mr. Alex Steele on Wednesday last.

Elder Davison, of Hantsport, was the guest of Mr. Rufus Jess last week.

Mr. David Jess is quite ill.

The young people of this place gave Mr. Jasper Steele a surprise party on Friday evening, 14th.

Mr. John North, of Canning, has organized a singing school in this place with about forty-five pupils. We wish them every success.


Miss Nina Griffin, of Boston, has come home to spend the winter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs., Stephen Griffin.

Mrs. Parker and little daughter, with her sister-in-law, Miss Parker, of Torbrook, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Miller last week.

Mrs. Hall, of Lawrencetown, was the guest of Mrs. W. Nichols, here sister, a few days last week.

Tea parties and donations are the order of the day and are being held every evening through the week.

On Wednesday, Jan. 19th, a very pretty wedding took place at Mr. James B. Spinney's, the contracting parties being Mr. Burton Banks and Miss Carrie Fitch, sister of Mrs. Spinney. Rev. H. H. Saunders officiated. A large number of guests were invited, and the bride was the recipient of many beautiful and useful presents.


This place is as quiet as ever it has been since the last rumseller four years ago, was banished. There are even no wintry storms to disturb it. But there are rumors of another rumseller commencing operations. If he does, the Wolf will soon be after him, and he will have to go to jail, for he is unable to pay a fine.

The Rev. G. O. Huestis, like all Methodist preachers, has not got over the fever of removing, but much against the wishes of the whole community, seems resolved to seek in May a home in Lunenburg town. His name may continue not only in memory but in personality. His son is about selling the beautiful cottage on the corner near Mr. Kirk's.

Two little vessels have been brought here for the coasting trade. Something of this kind is needed to save the place from natural decay. It is now evidently on the rise in several particulars, especially as a watering place. The infusion of a little more enterprise among the people is what is needed to advance its prosperity.


A sleighing party from Kentville visited the home of Mrs. McIntosh, Tuesday evening, and fully enjoyed the kind reception given them by their genial hostess.

Mr. Burgess McMahon, is expected home this week from Toronto, where he has been spending the last year.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roach, of Kingston, have been visiting friends in Waterville.

Mr. Howard Bowles, of Wollaston, Mass., arrived home on Saturday to visit his father, Mr. Leonard Bowles, who is seriously ill.

Mr. Boyd Bowles has returned home from Massachusetts, after a pleasant stay.

A few friends met at the manse, Waterville, on Monday evening, Jan. 17th, and gave the Rev. Mr. Hawley and wife a kindly surprise in the old fashioned way.

Mr. J.W. Johnston who has been suffering from an attack of la grippe, is able to be among his friends once more.

Miss bertha King, who has been seriously ill, has been removed to the Victoria General hospital at Halifax, for treatment.

Miss Stevens, who has been visiting friends in Waterville, left recently for Bridgetown, en route for Boston - But hearing of the death of her aunt in California, will remain in Bridgetown for a few weeks.

A parlor sociable will be given by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church, Waterville, at the residence of Mr. F. McIntosh, Monday evening, Feb 7th. Supper and entertainment, 35c. The shed at the Baptist Church has been secured for the accommodation of the horses.


The carnival in the Canning rink last Wednesday evening was a very successful affair. A special train from Kentville brought over a large number of young people from there. Quite a number also drove from Wolfville to attend the carnival. Nearly all the skaters wore fancy costumes, some of which were very nice. Canning is the place to go for a good carnival.

The Canning Hockey team went to Wolfville last Saturday evening to defeat the Wolfville team which they did by a score of two to one.

The canning rink is being enlarged by cutting away part of the standing room in front of the ice and by making the waiting rooms smaller.

Rev Mr. Higgins exchanged pulpits with Rev Mr. Langille, of Lower Horton, last Sunday morning. Mr. Langille preached a missionary sermon. Owing to the very high wind and snow storm on Sabbath evening there was no service in either of the Canning churches.

A New Enterprise.

Editor REGISTER: -

Having been called upon by J.C. Gordon, Esq., of Boston, a co-director of H.M. Whitney of the Boston Coal Mining Co., to commence the organization of a new enterprise for the construction of summer hotels in our province for the accommodation of American tourists, I should be glad if you would add your valuable assistance. It is necessary to obtain the services of a suitable person in each of our principal towns to assist in the work of the organization. Such a person will be liberally dealt with if he communicates with me at once. It is our intention to construct a hotel at Wolfville where the largest number of American tourists alight during the season. It has been calculated that 10,000 tourists visited Wolfville in the summer of 1896. When it has been proved that the hotel at Wolfville is an unqualified success, as it surely will be, it is the intention of the promoters to begin another without delay in some other suitable part of the valley. The enterprise will conduce largely to encourage travel to our Province, as it has been said, the fact of these Hotels being constructed throughout the valley and proving a success will tend to increase the value of all real estate in the various sections. The work of organization must be got in by the end of this month, if we are to construct any buildings during the winter and be ready for the season approaching.

The capital stock of the company has been placed at $50,000 in 2,000 shares of $25 each, the first call after incorporation to be 25 per cent. The names of the provisional directors should be enough to inspire confidence in the undertaking as an honest and straightforward deal. Thanking you for your space and inviting correspondence,

I am Yours Truly,


Lequille, N.S., 24th Jan, '98

Flour & Meal

Now in Stock

1 car corn meal in bbls. & bags.

1 " bran, feed flour

and middlings.

1 car Ontario and high

grade Manitoba flours.







This stock was bought right

And will be sold low for cash.

Call and get our prices.

Yours Sincerely,

C.E. Gaul.



Woman's felt boots, 75c

Sizes 4,6 and 7.

First quality ladies' and gents' rubbers at price general

Dealers charge for seconds.

Ladies' but. Pebble boots,

$1.00, former price $1.35.

Large stock of ladies'

Felt lined skating boots.

Large Discount on Gentlemen's Gloves and Underwear.

All other prices to compete

With bankrupt stocks.

We buy hides and sell

Leather and shoe finding.


Store closed at 6 o'clock Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

Take Notice!

My stock of goods has been selected

From the

Best Markets at

Honest Prices.

Wallpaper: GREAT VARIETY, 5c to 50c per roll.

Window Shades, Carpets,

Curtain Poles & Fixtures.


Crockery & Glassware

In abundance.

Stoves, Kitchen Furniture

Shelf Hardware

Of all kinds.

Paints, Oils, Varnishes,






Agricultural implements.

Glad to Show Goods.

John G. Clark.

An Old Wreck Revealed:

(Boston Post.)

One day not long ago the surf pounding on the sand banks at Tom Nevers' Head, Nantucket, revealed a few shattered timbers which had been hidden by the sand, and before long the hull of a vessel, mastless and forlorn, was exposed, after having disappeared for years.

The islanders shovelled out the cumbering sand and scraped away the accumulated deposits that had obliterated her name. Then they read the words: "J. E. Woodworth, Windsor, N. S."

Between the two lines, faded and worn, but still recognizable, appeared the Masonic emblem of the square and compass.

The old salts recollected the craft then. The useless wreck was a fine brig which sailed on her maiden trip from Windsor, N. S. where she had just been launched, with a cargo of plaster for New York. She weathered the white cape, only to be cast away on Nantucket.

This was thirty years ago on the 26th day of January.

The action of the sand and the water has hardened the brig's cargo of plaster to a solid mass. It has literally petrified it and it closely resembles marble.
