January 19th 1898

January 19th 1898




At Mahone Bay, Jan 5th, by the Rev J.W. Crawford, James McIntosh, of Kentville, and Mrs. Sarah E. Joanny, of Mahone Bay.

At the Methodist Parsonage, Berwick, Jan 5th, by the Rev G.W.F. Glendenning, S.T.B., Mr. Christopher M. Saunders, of Harborville and Minnie C. Moynaham of Boston, Mass.

At Greenwich, on New Year's eve, by the Rev Thos Trotter, D.D., Burpee L. Bishop and Jennie, daughter of Mrs. Mary Cobb, of Greenwich.

At Denver, Col., on the 26th ult., by the Rev Mr. Essert, Prof. Fred M. Shaw, B.A., and Edna A., only daughter of the late Capt. Lincoln, of Boston, Mass.

At Philadelphia, on the 23rd ult., by the Rev F. Schroder, C. Percy Heales, D.D.S. and Cornelia F. Pickham, of Philadelphia.


At Boston, Jan 15th, William Reade Mathews, aged 56 years.

At Gaspereau, Jan 2nd Frederick Leslie, aged one year and eleven months. Son of Frederick and Ada Butler.

At Lower Wood's harbor, Shelburne, Dec. 31st, of typhoid pneumonia, Albert B. Huestis, aged 44 years, son of Rev G.O. Huestis, of Morden.


Mrs Granville Reed of Wolfville, is visiting Mr and Mrs W.A. Reed.

Mr J. Edgar Betton, of Kentville, left yesterday on a buisness trip to Boston and New York.

Dr. Borden, Minister of Militia, sailed from Liverpool on Wednesday, for home.

Black Rock:

Mr. James Moody relating the loss of the schooner Orient several years ago, spoke highly in praise of the courage shown by Alonzo White, one of the seamen, in the rescue of the crew. The Orient went ashore at low water at Spicer brook, one mile west of Black Rock light. It was a bitter cold day in midwinter with a strong northwest wind which rendered the rescue all the more difficult. Mr. White, an expert swimmer, attached a rope to his person and swam for the shore; when but part way he signaled to be hauled on board which was done. White told them he could not make show without some stimulants. After draining a brimming glass of "grog" he made the second attempt and succeeded, although thoroughly benumbed by the ice cold water. The rope was made fast and all on board went ashore by the aid of the line with the exception of the lady passenger, Miss Marion Vales, who refused to leave and was washed over board and drowned. Mr. Moody thinks had it not been for the courage and determination of this man the lives of all would have been sacrificed. Mr. White now resides in the eastern part of Cornwallis and no doubt will remember the circumstances.

Conversing lately with our esteemed postmaster, J. H. Rawding Esq. he related several stories bordering closely on the supernatural. One, the truth of which is touched for by himself, touches at least on the marvelous. About eighteen years ago - the narrator said - between 8 and 9 o'clock on a November evening, he with several others saw a bright light a few miles southeast of Isle Au Haute. As the light increased he could plainly distinguish - as he supposed - a large square rigged vessel under full canvase on fire. The flames could be seen running up the shrouds and spreading until the whole ship was in flames. The blaze continued about a half hour when the fire and vessel suddenly disappeared without showing that any part had been consumed or that there were any persons on board. About a year afterward at the same time on a November evening he witnessed again a repetition of the same. Mr. Rawding advances no theory and can offer no solution as to the phenomenon which it certainly was, as no such thing as a vessel burning actually took place near the Island within the memory of the oldest inhabitant.

"Ned" Chute and "Jim" Nichols with their fox hounds, one day last week pursued a wild cat ten miles, but the wily feline proved too wary and escaped capture. Judging from the track and stride the animal was very large of its kind.

Steam Mill Village:

The farmers have been very busy loading potatoes for Dodge & Chase. It will be about the last shipment this winter.

Last Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Crocker gave a dance to a large number of their friends. The guests spent a very pleasant evening.

Misses Hattie and Effie MacInias, who have been visiting friends in Chester, have returned home.

Mr. Simon Vaughn and son, of Halifax, were visiting Mr. Vaughan's brother Mr. George Vaughan last week.

Miss Effie Arnold, of Centreville, is visiting at Mrs. Harry Lydiard's.

Mr. M. Beckwith left last week for a brief visit to the United States.

Miss Lila Woodman, who has been very ill, is slowly recovering.

Miss Grace MacInias, who has been laid up with a sore throat, is able to be out again.

North Kingston:

The officers of the Sundew Division, No 550 S. of T. were recently installed by D. G. W. P., J. Killam as follows:

W. P., Bro C. S. Cooney; W. A., Bro. B. C. Toole; R. S., Mrs. W. R. Armstrong; A. R. S., Bro. W. R. Armstrong; F. S., Bro. Leonard Tupper; Treas., Mrs. S. E. Neily; Chap., Bro. W. W. Saunders; Con., J. M. Jarvis; A. Con., Miss Carrie Carey: I. S., Bro. Harry Neily; O. S., Bro. W. I. Harris; Bro. J. Killam, Supt of Young People's Work.

Mrs. Ezekiel Hudgins has returned home from Boston where she has been visiting her daughter some months.

Mrs. Charlton, of Torbrook, was visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. E. Neily last week.

Mr. Geo. F. Hyland, of Woodlawn, is endeavoring to organize a singing school.

Mr. Isaac Welton, of New York, made a short visit to his brother, J. C. Welton, recently.

Watson Vidito and wife, of Dartmouth, spent New Year's at Mr. J. C. Welton's.


At the last meeting of the Parole Division, No. 650, the following officers were duly installed. W.P., Mrs. K. Graves; W.A., F. McIntyre; R.S., M.A. Roscoe; A.R.S., H.W. Spurr; P.W.P., J.H. McIntyre; Treas., C.M. Neily; T.S., A. Rowe; Con., F.M. Bowlby; A. Con., E. Davison; F.S., M.E. Parker; O.S., H. Patterson; Chap., S. Holland.

Mrs. N.P. Spurr has left for a visit to New York.

Mrs. L.O. Neily left for London in the steamer St John City, which sailed on Thursday. Mr. W. Welton also went by the same steamer.

Mr. J.M. Coleman is dangerously sick.

Mr. and Mrs. Dunk, who have been visiting her father, Mr. Burpee Graves, have returned to Boston.


(Received too late for last issue)

Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Bill recently spent a few days with friends in Middleton.

Mrs. Arthur Porter was "at home" to a few of her friends on New Year's evening. A very enjoyable time was spent by those present.

Miss Hattie Rockwell has returned home after spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs. Fitch, of New Minas.

Mr. John Ross and sister, of Weston, spent a few days recently with their sister, Mrs. A. Porter.

Miss Nellie Lamont, who has been attending Kentville Academy, spent her vacation at home.

"The Hopeful Mission Band" held a public meeting in the church on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 2nd. The programme, which was prepared under the management of Mrs. Freeman, their President, was listened to with much interest.

Mr. Arthur Porter, one of our carpenters, has gone to Windsor to assist in the work of rebuilding.

Lake Division is till prospering. The following officers were installed on Thursday, 6th. WP, Clarence Graves; WA, Miss Minnie Card; RS, Perry Foot; ARS, Flora Bently; FS, Stanley Palmeter; Treas, Hattie Graves; Chap, Bessie Freeman; Con, Fred Sweet; AC, Idella Card; IS, Arthur Graves; OS, Wallace Keiser. Idella Card and Frank Skinner are captains.


Our schools have reopened with increased attendance. Miss Craig, of Cambridge, is our teacher.

The young people of this place made Miss Emma McBride a surprise party on Monday evening, Dec 27th, leaving as a token of good will a very handsome parlor lamp.

Miss Alice Porter, of St John, is spending the winter with Mrs. Capt Charles McBride.

Mrs. F.O. Ayer recently spent two weeks with relatives and friends in Boston.

Capt William Cook is spending a few weeks with friends in Boston.

Mr. W. Connor has returned from Massachusetts. He has been in the employ of Mr. T.H. best.

There are several cases of measles here, Mrs. Melbourne Cook and two children are quite sick with the disease.

Miss Cassie Cahill who has been spending holidays with her father, returned to Kentville where she is attending the Academy.

Mr. James Cahill is spending the winter with his father.

Miss Ethel Hall, who has spent the summer with her sister, Mrs. C.O. Cook, of Waterville, has returned to her home here and is attending school.

Mr. Boyd Parker spent part of his holidays with friends in Port George.

Mrs. McKenzie and family, of Somerset, have moved to Harborville for the winter.


Mrs. Henry VanBuskirk and Mrs. Elijah VanBuskirk were to leave for Boston on Tuesday the 18th.

Miss Alberta Webster has returned from her holidays and her school is in good working condition. The attendance is large.

Mrs. J.D. Starratt has given two tea parties of late, which were very much enjoyed by her guests.

Mrs. Garett VanBuskirk entertained a number of friends last Friday evening.

Mrs. A.A. McNeil is making preparations to move into the house lately vacated by Charles Blackburne.

The snow storm of Saturday night made good sleighing. A number of our citizens were out with their flyers.

We notice McNeil Bros and Lowe's teams were busy last Saturday hauling in flour and feed. The snow will be very beneficial to their work in the woods.

There will be a business meeting in Millville Hall on Monday night to execute business for Baptist church, Aylesford and Morristown Church.

Victoria Harbor:

Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge, of Salem, Mass., are visiting Mrs. Eldridge's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brown. Mrs. Eldridge was formerly a resident of Victoria Harbor. We are glad to see old friends.

Leander Rand and D. Loomer made three sleds complete with wooden and iron parts, in one week recently. Mr. Rand has got his buildings nearly finished and machinery erected.

Mr. Emery Maplebeck visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. McKinley, last week.

Messrs George Ogilvie and Gallard Strong are chopping cordwood for Mr. C.O. Ogilvie, of Aylesford.

Mr. James Parks still remains on the sick list.

Mr. John McKinley is also quite sick.

Mr. Allie Spicer spent New Year's day with his sister, Mrs. Burpee Ray, in Berwick.

Stephen Spicer, Esq., visited Kentville on business, on the 8th.


The public schools have opened again after the Christmas holidays with a very large attendance.

Everybody about Canning has been wishing for snow but the roads have been very good even without snow.

Master Reginald Kinsman entertained a number of young friends at his home, before leaving for his school at Acadia Villa.

The Canning rink is doing a very good business this season. The rink is open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. The Hockey team have practice on the other evenings of the week.

The stores in Canning are closed on Tuesday and Friday evenings at six o'clock, which gives the proprietors and clerks a chance for a little recreation.

Mr. Joseph Harris left Canning, Jan 3rd for Toronto, where he will take a three month course at the military school. Mr. Harris is the only representative of Nova Scotia at that school.


Rumor says that there is to be a wedding in this pace shortly.

Mrs. Caleb Spinney has spent a fortnight with her daughter, Mrs. Mary I. Ward, of Victoria Vale.

Mrs. Edward Newcomb and Mrs. Healy recently spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Redden, of Gaspereau Mountain.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Griffin celebrated the fifty-first anniversary of their marriage on Thursday, Jan 6th. A number of friends gathered at their home and some valuable gifts were presented. Tea was served and a pleasant evening spent.

Canady Creek:

It is very dull at present as so many of our young people are shut in with measles, but all are reported to be doing well.

Miss Nellie Robinson and her brother Scott, are just recovering and we hope soon to see them in our social circles.

Mrs. H. Dickie spent a few days last week at Harborville, with her daughter, who has been serious ill with measles.

Mrs. William Calkin was visiting at Black Rock last week. She was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. C. Rawding.

Dewitt Roscoe was the guest of Mrs. Henry Dickie on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Balsor were visiting at Mr. Robert Hamilton's last week.

Mrs. Forman White entertained quite a number of friends at her home on Monday evening.

Miss Lavinia Rawding has been very ill for the past few days.

Albert Gould has been very ill with measles at the residence of Mr. Hugh Thompson.

Jotham Gould is spending the winter in Parsboro.

Mrs. Charles Rawding and children were visiting Mrs. Henry Dickie's on Saturday.

We are enjoying beautiful winter weather but the fishermen are complaining of the scarcity of ice for storing.

Miss Carrie Dickie spent Sunday with Mrs. Charles Rawding.

Mr. Roscoe spent Friday at Mr. T. Parker's.

Mr. Hanford Rawding is getting fifty cords of wood for the Rockland market, and if the sledding improves business will be booming.


Messrs. Edward DeLancy and David Trainor are cutting wood on the late Wm Fitzgerald's farm.

Mr. Palmeter, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Palmeter, has returned to the United States.

It is rumored that we are to have a singing school at Burlington. Mr. Andrew McBride is to be the teacher. We wish him every success in his undertaking.

Mr. Wm Emino has contracted with Messrs. Congdon Bros. to yard and haul the timber on the lot they recently bought from Mr. C.O. Ogilvie, of Aylesford.

Mr. James Nichols shot a fox near Woodlawn last week.

Mr. Herbert Vantassel left on the 7th for Boston, where his mother and sisters reside,

On Monday, the 10th, while Mr. Eustace McAnley was chopping in the woods he inflicted quite a large wound in his foot. He had to walk a quarter of a mile to his home, leaning on the arm of his brother, who was fortunately with him in the woods at the time. He was quite exhausted when he reached the house.
