February 2nd 1898

February 2nd 1898




At Grand Pre, 25th ult., to Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Faulkner.


At Aylesford, Jan. 11th, by the Rev J.B. Morgan, Rupert Loomer and Etta Cox, all of Aylesford.

At Wesley, Mass., Jan. 1st, by the Rev Edward H Chandler, Wm. J. Cameron and Jennie A., daughter of Wm. C. Calkin, of Black Rock, Kings Co., N.S.


At Church St., on the 24th ult., Elmira A., wife of Leonard Rockwell, in the 76th year of her age.

At Mount Hope Hospital, Dartmouth, Jan. 18th, of paralysis, Johanna Sheffield, of Canard, aged 68 years.

GENERAL MIDDLETON DEAD - A despatch from London, dated Jan. 25th, announces the death of Lieut. Gen. Sir Frederick Dobson Middleton, keeper of the crown jewels. General Middleton will be remembered as having been commander of the forces in Canada at the time of the rebellion in the North west, and as having conducted the campaign, which resulted in the suppression of the uprising.

General Middleton:

(Mail and Empire.)

By none of his old comrades and followers will the news of General Sir Fred Middleton's death be received with more genuine sorrow than by the Canadians who marched behind him to put down the trouble on the Saskatchewan in the year 1885. To all whom he led on that expedition, officers and men alike, he endeared himself by his soldierly qualities. Though well advanced in years, he did not spare himself, and exposed himself to the same hardships as the men in the ranks. It was a bad time of the year to take the field, especially such a field as that covered by the operations of the troops - a thinly-settled stretch of open country, far removed from a base of operations, with great distances to be marched over through cold and slush, to find the bodies of guerillas and sharpshooters who constituted the enemy. The arduous campaign ruined many a strong constitution, and doubtless shortened the general's days as it did that of not a few who served under him. Before the enemy Sir Fred did not study his own ease more than in the camp or on the march. He was as brave as he was hardy. If he was unsparing of himself, he was not so of his men. He put down the rebellion with the least expenditure of human life. In the hands of a less skilled and considerate commander the work of repression might have cost a great deal of bloodshed on both sides. But Middleton's object was to stamp out the trouble with as little loss of life as possible, he certainly took good care of his men. He remembered that they were not seasoned veterans. For this he deserves the more credit, as he was one himself. Having been soldiering since 1842, he might have made the mistake some other general's have made in expecting raw troops to behave like regulars. An officer who had been through the Mutiny, were he had fought with distinction, might have been expected to be somewhat reckless of human life. But Middleton will be held in affectionate remembrance by his men for his caution on their behalf. Nor will he be forgotten by the country as a whole, to which he rendered a great service. He was every inch a soldier.


Arthur Coldwell returned from Truro last week and is attending school in Berwick.

Wilf. E. Harris, for many years station agent and telegraph operator at Aylesford, left on Thursday last for Kirksville, Missouri, where he will take a course at the American School of Osteopathy. Mr. Harris severs his connection with the D. A. Railway and enters upon a new sphere of life, mainly, we believe, on account of his health. All his acquaintance will hope to see him in due time return to his native land in full health and vigor and ready to take that prominent part in public life for which he is naturally so well qualified. Miss Harris, his sister, who has been in Boston for a time, joined Wilfred in Montreal, and will travel to Kirksville with him.

Harry A. Woodworth, of Parrsboro, who some weeks ago went to New York, has secured a position as head of the advertising and designing department of a large news agency.

Change Of Sailing:

Commencing Thursday, the 3rd of February, the Dominion Atlantic Railway's Steamer "Prince Edward" will leave Yarmouth for Boston every Monday and Thursday and the "Prince Rupert" will leave St. John for Digby on Monday, Thursday and Saturday, returning leave Digby for St. John on same days.

The "Flying Bluenose Express" running between Yarmouth and Halifax on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday will be withdrawn for the present.


Mr. B.G. Bishop gave a graphophone entertainment here a short time ago. Although it was a disagreeable evening there was a good house, and the music was much enjoyed. Mrs. Bishop won the hearts of all her hearers, by the very beautiful way in which she delivered her readings.

Miss Mabel Coldwell, who was visiting friends in Berwick, has returned home.

Mr. Bains has returned from the U.S. where he spent the summer.

An invitation has been sent to "Evangeline" Division to visit the Division here on Feb. 12th, it being our twenty fifth anniversary. A few weeks ago the subject "What has the greatest influence on the human race, fear of punishment, or the hope of reward?" was debated in Division. Mr. B.A. Coldwell opened the debate and made an able speech in favor of reward, but in the end it was decided by quite a large majority, that the fear of punishment had the greater influence.

We have a few

Robes Which we will sell at cost

also a few Ulsters

We don't want to carry these goods over till next

fall and put the prices down to cost.

J.M. Patterson.

Victoria Harbor:

On Monday of last week, during the violent gale that prevailed, the barn belonging to James Hicks, of Salem, Mass., was blown to the ground.

During the absence of the lumbermen, their camp was invaded by some light fingered parties who releived them of logging chains and other lumbering implements.


In the way of amusement very little has happened since Christmas. A cantata was held on New Year's evening, which was well attended and much enjoyed. The small folks acted their parts extremely well and their singing was all that could be desired.

The Lodge of Good Templars has been revived with a substantial membership.

The W.C.T.U. is flourishing again this winter, though it's average attendance is small.

Our Browning Club is very interesting and light giving to those who have been vainly searching for the meaning to many of the poet's poems.

Miss Annie MacLean will lecture in Churchill's Hall on Tuesday evening, Feb. 1st, Subject, "The Acadians." A treat is expected, as Miss MacLean has devoted much attention to this subject.

Dr Trotter spent a few days with us, working in the interests of the Forward movement. We are afraid that not much financial aid was given him but we know that much spiritual aid was received by us.

Mr. J.B. North and his family have gone to Florida to spend the remainder of the winter and spring.

One of our High School pupils, Miss Borden, went to Truro last week to attend normal school.

Two lumber contracts have been given by the wharf contractors; one to Captain L.A. Masters, of this place, and the other to someone in Avondale.

Mrs. Wm. Whitman still continues very ill.

Mr. white, foreman of Churchill's yard, says that preparations are being made for a good summer's work. Three vessels are now ready on the other side to come here for repairs. This with the building of the wharf ought to give our men considerable employment.

Sheffield Mills:

Our citizens engaged in hauling cordwood, logs & have been quite busy since the arrival of snow.

The Literacy Club met last Wednesday evening at Mr. W. W. Harris's. The attractive and instructive programme of each evening causes a large attendance.

Mr. Will Borden, who returned from British Columbia last Autumn, intends going to the Klondike next week. He will make one of a party of five who will start from Halifax.

We, with many others, are sorry to hear that Mr. Wesley Forsythe will leave for United States on Saturday.

Miss May Hume, of Chester, who has been attending the Normal School at Truro, visited her brother at the Mills recently.

We are pleased to see Mr. Arthur Eaton around after his recent illness.

A singing class under the turition of the former teacher, Professor Spinney, meets on Saturday and Monday evenings.

Canady Creek:

The many friends of Mrs. Annie Robinson will be pleased to learn that she has passed through a severe crisis of measles and is in a fair way to recover. Two of the family have recovered and four are still on the sick list but are as comfortable as the nature of the disease will permit. No other cases are reported as yet.

Mr. Thorpe, of Hall's Harbor, is spending a few days at Canady Creek.

Mrs. Dickie has been spending a few days at the light house, with her friend, Mrs. Robinson, who has been very ill.

The recent severe storm and the panic of the measles have somewhat broken up the common routine of affairs here; the school has been closed for a few days but we hope to see business brighten up soon.

Mr. L. Bowles was the guest of Mrs. Dickie on Saturday.


The recent snow is much appreciated by all, particularly the lumbermen, who are now busily engaged in hauling logs to Victoria Harbor, where the mill will be situated. Ever and anon a flashy sleigh, drawn by fleet horses, dashes quickly over the snowy surface, either bound on pleasure or business. Merry voices and rosy cheeks remind us of our own youthful days, when tobogganing was the rage. Now and then a fleet skater comes to view engaged in his favorite pastime. Few seem to regret the departure of our beautiful summer, but many are enjoying the pleasures which nothing but winter can bring.

Mrs. Eudica Rawding desires to express her sincere thanks to the friends who kindly surprised her with a "pound party" on New Year's evening.

Mr. Chas. Dorey, of Morden, has purchased a quantity of logs from Mr. Wallace Faulkingham, of this place, cut from his lot at Woodlawn, and is busily engaged in hauling them to Morden to be utilized in his mill.

The friends of Miss Lizzie Cashman; of Fairview, gathered at her home on the evening of the 15th, bidding her farewell and a happy voyage to her future home in Saco, Maine.

Mrs. Ethel Neaves, who has been living near Kentville for the past six months, we are pleased to note is with us again but we regret to say in ill health.

Mrs. William McAuley of Burlington, desires to express through the medium of THE REGISTER, her heart felt thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Thad Harvey and other friends at Chipman Corner, for their kindness to her daughter, Ethel Neaves, during her illness brought on by over work and anxiety.

Baxter Harbor:

We are having our share of the heavy snow storms and bad roads.

Mr. Morton Bennett, who has been confined to the house for some time with a cut foot, is able to get out again.

Mr. Francis Lyons has bee suffering from an attack of rheumatism.

Mr. Watson Brewster has moved his family to Cape Blomidon for the winter.

Mr. A Ells is spending the winter with relatives at Sheffield Mills.

Mr. J.A. Baxter of Sheffield Mills, is here with a number of men getting out a frame for a large barn.

Ice was seen in the bay, on Jan 24th, for the first time this winter.

The Yarmouth Daily News has been purchased by Mr. P. St. C. Hamilton, who has been the editor of the Yarmouth Times since its establishment sixteen years ago. Mr. Hamilton is a writer of considerable ability and is very popular. There is no doubt that under his control the News has a successful future before it.

The Storm of Tuesday caused considerable delay in the arrival of the trains. The express from Halifax did not arrive until 3.15 p.m., while the western express has not arrived at the present writing, the delay being caused by a freight train off the track near Bloomfield. The express for Yarmouth remained at Digby all night.

Rare - A January thunderstorm is a rare occurrence, but on Sunday 23rd, several places in the western part of the province were thus visited. The house of Capt. N.C. Trefry, near Yarmouth, was struck, and considerably damaged. His little daughter's leg was so badly injured by the lightning that amputation was necessary.

To the KLONDYKE - A party of five, one of whom is Ralph Crichton, of Woodville, purpose leaving Halifax to-day for Edmonton, en route to the Yukon district. The trip will be made by C.P.R. to Edmonton, thence by horses and sleighs, five hundred miles, and thence mainly by water with short stages by land to the head of the Yukon River, where they intend to remain till some new find is announced, when they hope to be among the first on the ground.


Owing to the severe weather on Sabbath last the attendance at the Presbyterian church was small.

A sleighing party from Grafton passed through here on Monday en-route to Greenwich.

Harry Sawyer arrived home from Boston on Monday.

Those who anticipate attending the parlor social may expect a good time.

A bicycle repair shop has been opened here by W. H. Thompson, which has been much needed by those who ride the "silent steed."

Mrs. Stronach, of Kingston, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W. O. Graves, has returned home.

The town pump has of late refused to do its duty, owing to the cold weather.

Our school, under the skillful management of our principal, Mr. Tuttle, is rapidly improving.

Ross M. Shaw spent Saturday and Sunday in Canaan, with his aunt, Mrs. Donald McDonald.

Several sleighing parties are anticipated for the near future.

We judge from the number of teams around Mr. Fulmer's that a brisk business is being carried on.

Miss Maude Best arrived home from Boston on Monday, where she has been visiting her sister.

Mr. John Croply and Vernon Stronach of Kingston were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. W. O. Graves, last week.

Mr. S. Kerr Fisher's fine span of horses makes a fine appearance on our streets.

Mr. C. O. Nichols is putting a large quantity of logs into his mill yard to meet the steady demands of the people.

Mr. Genge preached in Bowles' Hall on Sabbath last.

Mr. Le Roy Young is out after a week's confinement to his bed.

Allan Brown intends going out West next spring. Mr. Brown spent several years there.

H. R. Nelson has opened a paint shop over W. Best's carpenter shop.

Several of our young men are going to the Klondike in the spring to seek their fortune.

A concert will be given by the "Waterville merry makers" in Bowles' Hall, Wednesday Feb. 9th. A treat will be in store as it will be something new in the concert line. They also propose visiting Kingston on the 10th. Come early and get a good seat. Admission only 15 cents.

"No Surrender Lodge" held its meeting in Bowles' Hall on Monday evening, Jan. 31st, advertised for the purpose of reviving the Lodge. A number were present and the outlook is encouraging.

Notwithstanding the day was cold and frosty, a number of the young people from Grafton and Waterville made a merry sleighing party to New Minas on Monday last. Most important were the horns that heralded their arrival.

Mr. W. H. Ryan of Massachusetts, formerly of Woodville was in the village last week the guest of Mr. Thomas Durling.

Miss Margaret Hawley is on the sick list.

We are pleased to see Mr. L. V. Bowles in town.

Mr. H. D. Bowles has returned to his home at Wollaston, Mass.

The Christian Endeavor Society intend holding a missionary service in the Presbyterian church Sunday evening Feb. 13th. A silver collection will be taken at the door.

Mrs. J. Edgar Betton returned to Kentville last week accompanied by her sister, Miss Jessie Skinner.

Every effort is being made to ensure the success of the Parlor Sociable to be held at Mr. F. McIntosh's, Feb. 7th. An attractive feature will be the "Art Gallery" which will be open from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Miss Beatrice Goucher, from Lawrencetown, is visiting at Theo. Northrup's.

Terrors of the Sea:

It is the popular belief that the average traveler is safer on sea than on land. This may be true of former years, but not of 1897. The loss of life on the deep during the year just closed is a black page in the history of maritime pursuits. Thousands of lives have been sacrificed and millions of dollars destroyed. The list of craft that went away, strong and well found in the majority, of instances, and turned into the great unknown is appalling in itself. Their names appear on the government books, either here or abroad, as "missing," and that is all that is known as to their fate and the gallant fellows who sounded the proverbial thousand fathoms with them.

There is something about a missing ship which the ordinary wreck does not produce. No news is good news in almost every case, except where the fate of an overdue craft is concerned. Roughly summed up, nearly seven-tenths of the causalities at sea during 1897 was due to foundering. Submerged rocks also caused not a few of the disasters, but the stranding on other than hidden rocks and the destruction by fire were unusually small.
