December 16th, 1914

The Register

December 16, 1914

Maritime Provinces.

The Annual Report of the Bank of Montreal, submitted at the meeting of stockholders held last week, contains the following:

Though the Maritime Provinces are not enjoying the same measure of prosperity as a year ago, economic conditions may be summed up as being fairly healthy, and surprisingly good as compared with those the world over. This, perhaps, may be attributed to the fact that previously there has been an absence of inflation and fictitious prosperity, and consequently no severe reaction.

The farmers are more than usually prosperous. The apple crop has been large and of excellent quality, but this unfortunately is offset by the low prices prevailing.

Much money has been invested in the black fox industry, but this business has proved hazardous, and the possible result of a marked decline in prices must not be overlooked.

The demand and prices for lumber declined during the early part of the year, but the foreign trade is improving with a resultant upward tendency in prices.

The fishing industry has been less satisfactory. The catch shows a reduction and lower prices prevail.

There has been a diminution of upwards of 250,000 tons in the coal mined in Nova Scotia as compared with last year, largely accounted for by the partial closing down of steel plants and other allied industries. This unfavorable feature of the situation is reflected in the manufacturing town.



DECEMBER 16, 1914

Will Invade Canada.

Warning was received by the Board of Control at Ottawa, on Nov. 26th, of a threatened German invasion of Canada as soon as the Detroit River freezes over sufficiently to allow the invaders to cross on the ice. The Board decided to refer the "Warning" to the Militia Department. The writer of the communication to the Board signed himself T. F. Greenhow, and his letter was dated from Delray, Mich. It read as follows:

"This is not the first time that I call the attention of Canada to the danger by which it is threatened on account of the activity of the Germans all along the border. I am in receipt of reliable information that from here to Port Huron everything is prepared for an invasion. As soon as the Detroit River is frozen up a raid of thoroughly equipped reservists, whose depots are in farms along the river will take place. Why are there always secret meetings and roll calls in Delray? I think that, as an Englishman, it is my duty to warn you, as the American authorities seem to be blind. I am, therefore, sending a copy of this letter to the English Embassy in Washington."
