October 27th, 1904


OCTOBER 27, 1904


The Davison Lumber Company are doing a booming business. They have four hundred men employed, have built three new camps, an office and storeroom at No. 1, making in all nine camps. They have six teams hauling supplies from Cherryfield and distributing among the various camps. It is estimated that five tons of provisions are shipped from No. 1 warehouse every day. Everything seems to be progressing under Mr. J. W. Cross’s superintendency. Of the ten miles of railroad that it was proposed should be built at once some rails are laid; four and a half miles are graded, and three miles more cleared and well under way. Mr. Surette, who has charge of the clearing and grading, is a hustler. We are expecting to hear the whistle before long.

Mr. Thomas Meister, of New Ross, is in this village taking orders for fur coats and robes.

Mrs. Mary Wilson and son Victor spent a week with relatives in Albany.

Master Robie Saunders had his face badly cut below the eye by an axe. Dr. Feindel dressed the wound.

Messrs. George and Harris Brechin, of Cornwallis, are spending a week at J. Hiltz’s, shooting.

Mr. W. H. Kilpatrick left on the 21st for a few days vacation with his family at St. Margaret’s Bay.
