March 17, 1904


March 17, 1904


The Davison Lumber Company have had a successful winter notwithstanding the various discouragements at the outset. They have now at the water’s edge twelve million feet of logs. The average number of persons employed has been only two hundred and fifty men scattered among the seven camps. Should it be late before the ice leaves the lakes they will swell the number much higher as they intend keeping up the business until driving time.

Mr. H. S. Taylor and Miss Lillian Taylor drove to New Ross and Chester recently, visiting friends en route.

Mr. H. C. Corbett, bookkeeper for the Davison Lumber Company at Camp No. 1, has accepted a situation with Alfred Dickie the Lumber King. Mr. Corbett will be manager for that branch of Mr. Dickie’s business situated in Colchester and Pictou counties. His headquarters for the present are at Caledonia. Our best wishes go with him.

A party of young people from this place took advantage of the good sleighing on Monday the 7th. They drove to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wagner, at Falkland Ridge, where they were admirably entertained by their hostess. The party returned in the wee sma’ hours.

Messrs. S. Lennehan and C. P. Wilson made a business trip to New Ross this week.

Messrs. A. Brown and R. Hiltz, of New Ross, were the guests of C. P. Wilson on March 10th.

Messrs. J. H. Charlton, of Springfield, N. Saunders, Round Hill, and R. Hiltz, of New Ross, were guests at the Elm House on March the 5th.

We are sorry to report the serious illness of Mr. H. P. Roop, of Falkland Ridge.

Among those who visited this village recently were A. C. Roop, P. D. and E. W. Starratt, of Falkland Ridge, and H. L. Charlton of Springfield.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jarvis with daughters, Bonnie and Myrtle, of New Ross Road, were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. John McGowan, on Saturday the 5th.

Mr. S. A. Wilson returned home on the 4th, having spent the past month at Lake Pleasant.

Mr. C. E. Gaul has been in Halifax for the past few days. He is preparing for the spring trade.
