June 5th, 1918


June 5, 1918


Mr. David Donnellan passed away May 5th at the advanced age of 82 years. The deceased spent his lifetime in this place. He was an honest, upright citizen and a consistent member of the Roman Catholic Church. He closed his home last autumn and went to live with his neighbor, Mr. L. A. Smith, where he was well cared for. The Rev. Father McCarthy held services at the church and his remains were laid to rest in the cemetery beside those of his parents.

Mr. Ritson Durling and wife, of West Dalhousie, were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. L. A. Smith, recently.

Miss E. G. Messenger and Miss E. W. Wright spent the 24th the guest of C. R. Marshall and family at Falkland Ridge.

Mr. and Mrs. Hennigar Allen, of Springfield, spent Sunday with Mrs. Melinda Oicle.

Pte. Roy Barkhouse is home on farming leave.

H. L. Gaul, Otis Oicle and Robie Taylor have been called to don the khaki.

We are sorry to report Ford Gaul on the sick list.

C. E. Gaul and sons, Bernard and Douglas, spent the 24th at Aylesford.

Dr. Messenger called on Mr. Theophlius Mack, Miss Grace Gaul and Miss Martha Gaul last week.

The Chief Fire Ranger (R. W. Patterson.) for Kings County, made a business trip here May 29th, bringing with him a platoon of soldiers to fight the fire then raging in this vicinity.

Mr. R. Reeves and Mr. Davison, of Bridgewater, are here on a fishing trip.

Mr. Lester Ramey is home from Truro.

The farmers are having a very busy season, between putting in the crop and fighting forest fires.

Miss ….. ? Veinott, of Hastings, spent Sunday with her parents.

Mrs. Louise Lowe is stopping with Mrs. D. Hewett, Hastings.

Miss Gertrude Veinott, of Berwick, is home for a short time.
