January 9, 1908


January 9, 1908


Miss M. B. Wright is visiting friends in Lockeport.

Messrs. A Davison, of Bridgewater, and J. Feindel, of New Germany, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gaul this week.

Mr. S. A. Wilson made a business trip to Springfield this week.

Our new mail carrier, Mr. J. Kaulback, made his first trip on Thursday. Mr. R. Stoddart has served the people in this place in that capacity for twelve long years through storms and sunshine faithfully, and we shall miss him very much.

Coun. Gaul has taken a contract to cut and saw logs for a party in Conquerall, and has already begun operations.

The illness of Mrs. Francis Oikle still continues.

Among those who spent Christmas with friends in this village were Mr. A. A. Hume, of Halifax; Miss H. M. Hardy, of Regina, Sask., and MR. P. D. Starratt, of Falkland Ridge.

Miss Ethel Gaul spent Christmas with her parents.

Our school teachers have been enjoying their Christmas holidays at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and children spent Christmas in West Dalhousie.

Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Taylor are spending a few days with Mrs. Taylor’s brother, Mr. Abner Brown, of New Ross.

Mr. John Wilson, of Tremont, is the guest of Mr. C. P. Wilson.

Mrs. Melissa Freeman, of Braintree, Mass., is visiting relatives in this village.

Mrs. Hattie Covert, of Paradise, is spending the winter at Mr. W. O. Wright’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Hendry and Mrs. Lucy Hendry, of North Brookfield, spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Wright.

Miss Ella Wilson, of Paradise, spent a week with relatives in this village recently.


January 9, 1908


On December 19th school section No. 8 enjoyed its first Christmas tree. An excellent programme was well rendered in the new and up to-date schoolhouse. The presents to the teacher showed the estimation in which she is held in this section. Twenty-five pupils were present and each had a part to perform and all did well. The enthusiasm of the children spread to the elders and thus the affair was made a complete success.

William Veinotte recently caught a very fine mink.

Our teacher has been spending her vacation with her parents in Hants County.

Maggie Matthews, lately employed in the office of the Davison Lumber Company at Crossburn, is now at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matthews.

Mr. John E. Barkhouse recently killed a pig just a year old which weighed 500 pounds.
